
How do you get alone with people who is on lower enlightenment stage?

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You can see their ego, you can feel their problem, and maybe you know how to solve similar things when it happened to you. 

But what about them, the people you care?

1. When they try to educate you something what they stuck in it, what you gonna do?

2. Will you feel lonely that everyone grows up slower than you with enlightenment, and you have no one to share?

3. They think you are talking about bullshit, but on the same time, they share with you about their personal problems?

4. What if they cannot accept you is because they had been enlightenment, but you are naive?

5.Will you "be yourself"? or pretend like a "group normal people"? For getting rich or have a better relationship?


I think you have a better way to merge into collective but keep your own happiness, right?

Please Tell me how you think, Thank you. 

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22 minutes ago, yangmilun said:

You can see their ego, you can feel their problem, and maybe you know how to solve similar things when it happened to you. 

No “their”, no “you”, no “thing to solve” .

But what about them, the people you care?

No “them”, no “people”.

1. When they try to educate you something what they stuck in it, what you gonna do? Listen. 

2. Will you feel lonely that everyone grows up slower than you with enlightenment, and you have no one to share? No “one” to feel lonely.

3. They think you are talking about bullshit, but on the same time, they share with you about their personal problems? Listen, if anything help them express and articulate feeling. 

4. What if they cannot accept you is because they had been enlightenment, but you are naive? That is always the case. There is no “you” for “them” to accept - only The Self. 

5.Will you "be yourself"? or pretend like a "group normal people"? For getting rich or have a better relationship? Is there another option? You are you, regardless of wether or not you believe thoughts, no?


I think you have a better way to merge into collective but keep your own happiness, right? No “collective”, no “merge”. 
No self, no problem”

Please Tell me how you think, Thank you. 




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This is what Spiral Dynamics is all about. Becoming a Spiral Wizard means that you can understand other people's perspectives without being judgmental or bitter, and you can help them in solving their problems such that you don't patronize them. I recommend taking notes on all Spiral Dynamics videos of Leo and contemplating on them.

A truly Enlightened person would never think of others as 'less enlightened than him'. That is the ego creating a story about how self-actualized you are. 

No one in the Universe is doing anything 'wrong'. Everyone is exactly where they ought to be, at their level of development.

Trying to communicate these ideas can be a challenge. But your desire to tell everyone about this is also heavily egoic. I fall into this trap as well, so I'm talking from personal experience. When they are ready for the Truth, they will automatically be drawn towards Self-realization work.

Certain degree of loneliness/isolation is inevitable. But you can always attend events, retreats, workshops etc. where you can meet like minded people. 

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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I talk to one of my friends about enlightenment work because he has some conceptual framework to understand the work I'm trying to do.  To my other friends, we just talk about what's going on in our lives, play games, go out to eat etc.  They have no clue that I spend a good chunk of the day doing enlightenment work, and that's perfectly fine with me.


I'm lucky enough to have supportive friends, if they weren't supportive though, I'd never text them and ignore their invitations to go anywhere.  This has happened a few times where I felt like I had to pull a few weeds for some flowers to grow. I also just dont really try to fix peoples lives in my day to day, which ironically has led to people confessing their issues to me more.  Like they just had to get it off their chest and I'm not trying to shove advice down their throat, which their ego likes, so they can get through a lot of their own issues without me having to say shit.  I prefer this.  I go out to lunch with a local business leader who I would consider a friend and I just sip on soda and listen to his problems for a decent portion of the lunch. It's very therapeutic to him, and I get lunch and stories.

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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I try hard to remember that if I notice something, am bothered by it and judge someone for something, then it has to be present in myself. When I was chasing material success I was most bothered by people who were doing the same. I thought I was bothered by the fact that they were more blatant about it than I was or did it in a less honest way but that wasn't it at all. The real problem was that I was trying to find happiness in the wrong place.

Whenever I see myself wishing someone else was different I try to always bring the focus back to myself. I ask myself what there is in me that is mirrored in that person that I need to address. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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