
question about LSD

6 posts in this topic

Hello friends ❤️

Can anyone relate to a loss of short-term memory while in the peak of the trip? I would also describe it as a blackout. Took a fairly high dose at 300ug.

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Yes, LSD can compromise short term memory leading to thought loops and blackouts at high doses.

If it is bothersome to you, I would reduce the dose below your blackout threshold. 

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Sure, happens to me regularly :D 
There is often a time frame of ~ 5-20min during the peak of which I have no memory whatsoever. 
Funny thing is, that "blackout" doesn't equal physical collapse, in one trip I was hiking through a forest while it happened. Came out the other end perfectly fine.

It all works without you trying to control it, IT JUST HAPPENS, perfect harmony xD

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Cheers, guys. ✌️ Trip wasn't as intended, went a far way off. Good lesson. Pity that i can't remember at least 5hours off it. Very short glimpses just. ?

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Okay a 5 hour blackout is heavy, you should definitely lower the dose :P
With some experience and meditative practice 100 µg are enough I think :) 

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