
Trip report: Atlantis Truffles - 15g

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Yesterday, I went on a magical trip, using Atlantis truffles. Here is my trip report.


One trip sitter. One of my best friends and me took the truffles together. 
We were in a house when we started.
The lights were dimmed, we were sitting on the couch in the living room.

The trip:

Right when I felt it kicking in, I asked my friend to cuddle together. When we were cuddling, I could feel that the effects were starting to come.
I just made my mind blank, and let it all come to me.

It started with my hand.
I looked at my hand, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like my hand was actually living, breathing almost.
My veins looked huge, I could see my blood stream. It was almost as if my hands became transparent.
I could see everything.

Then, a big bulge started to form on my hand, and my friend could see exactly the same.
Suddenly, my hand started deforming, and it was as if my thumb was being separated from my hand.
Again, my friend witnessed the same thing as I was seeing, which I found strange, and made me a bit scared.

To stop my fear from building up, I went to the trip sitter and asked her what was the difference between my two hands.
She said she didn't see anything really. I looked back at my hands, and they were indeed back to normal.

I went back to the couch, and now watched my friends hands.
It was totally different from mine, and there was a green light coming from beneath her skin. She was seeing the same things I was.
It was a kind of warm green neon-ish light.

When I kept staring, suddenly numbers appeared. But there were not static. The numbers were just 'running' on her hand, from right to left.
Then human faces started to appear, beneath the numbers.
Like a portrait of different people next to each other, but only the faces. Like a school picture, but each picture of each person separated from each other. 
Kind of like a post card full of faces.
My friend didn't see that though, she only saw the green light.

Then, I started looking up to the ceiling, and it was amazing. It was as if the ceiling was living. All kinds of forms were created in a beautiful harmonious way.
I just looked at it in silence for what seemed hours. Enjoying the show.

I didn't want to really talk about what I was seeing yet, because I wanted to keep the show going like it was without it being interrupted.

Then, stupid of me, but I grabbed my phone, to share the experience with other people. But then I realized it was kind of stupid so after a few mins of contemplating I just went back to the couch.

Walk outside

My friend wanted to take a walk outside, and first I advised against it, only if we would bring the trip sitter. Which eventually happened.

We went outside to walk, and it was a walk that seemed to take forever. I lost all sense of orientation and it was as if we were walking for hours.
The trees looked enormous, and all I could feel was sincere love and compassion.
I told my friend I was sorry multiple times, for being stupid sometimes, not really referring to anything in specific. Just a general "sorry", for whenever I ever made her feel bad in the lifetime of our friendship.

Then I started kind of meeting my shadow. Things I kind of suppressed for a few years. Things that have held me back and things that stopped me from achieving my full potential.
I could see everything that kind of "traumatized" me, face on, and I felt like I could finally say goodbye to it.
I talked with my friend about it and it was a good talk.

My thoughts were rushing everywhere though. I was then thinking about the people in my life, the people I love and howmuch I appreciate them, even though I forget sometimes.

But I never felt sad during this time. Even when meeting my inner "demons". It was more like a "goodbye" to them, more so than reminiscing about the past. It was like I was meeting an old friend.

Back inside

Back inside, I grabbed my friends' hands, and it was so weird, the touch, the feeling.
It was as if we were intertwined. Like we were kind of in a knot with each other.
After enjoying this little moment, we went back to the couch, and my friend was laughing hysterically.
She said as if she lost sense of gravity, like she was a spaghetti.
And I could also hear it in her voice.
She said it was like she was getting things out of herself, by laughing hysterically. With her hands swinging in the air.

Then she stood up and started crying. She told me about things she has been having difficulties with (she had a troubled childhood).
And it was all coming out at once. After that, she was good again, and she felt relieved.

My thoughts kept jumping everywhere. We would try to start singing together, some christmas songs, but we always stopped after the first sentence and seemed like we went our own way again. Pretty weird, and I couldn't sing in tune, how hard I tried. (Even though I know how to sing)

Then our trip sitter asked us to draw something. But all I could do was draw circles.
The paper was so weird, I saw colors and figures everywhere, and I couldn't distinguish between the circle I drew and the hallucinations on the paper.
It was as if there was nothing coming out of the pen anyways.

My friend suddenly got a bit depressed, saying she could feel the effects wear off, and she felt sad that she wouldn't feel the amazing feeling she had.
It took her 10 minutes to get over it, and to accept that it was a temporary trip.
I let her get over herself, while I was still tripping, and still enjoying.

After the trip
After the trip, we talked for a good hour about everything we had seen and felt, and to try to make sense out of it.
We were talking about mutual friends, and it was funny to see the ego coming back. But it was as if we were catching the ego off-guard.
The ego trying to get you back in its grip, and it was actually scary to see how sneaky the ego actually is.

Then, I suddenly got 2 texts from two old friends. Very weird coincidence. But one of the friends I met 3 years ago, and she was very much into spirituality. And she messaged me right after my trip ended (last time I heard from hear was like 2 years ago).
Another friend also texted me who had a very bad time, went to psychiatry, almost took her own life. I stumbled upon her once with big knifes in her room, drunk in bed and cuts in her arm while crying hysterically.
She asked me if I was out, to which I responded no and where I asked her about how she was now.
And she told me she is doing much much better and doing a lot of sports and back on the good track.

I don't know, but I thought this was really strange, that these two people would text me right in this trip, when I didn't hear from both of them for ages.


That's about it, not sure if you guys are interested in it, but there you go.


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@Tistepiste Thanks for sharing! That sounds like a wonderful experience, I quite enjoyed reading it!

About those two friends texting... We are all connected. You letting go of your past traumas triggered something in them. They wouldn't be able to explain it to you, it's like an intuition. This is very real stuff, stuff I've personally experienced. I hope this experience will allow you to be more conscious of how connected you are to everyone else... This is an extremely powerful tool you can use once you study and understand it better.

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Cool :)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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