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The attachment to, and identification with, the anxiety will cease.

Impulses may still arise in the mind-body - yet there isn't identification with it. The idea "I am anxious" won't make sense because there is no self to be anxious.

For example, pain may still arise in the mind-body - yet the suffering of a self that identifies with the pain is gone.

Activities I found helpful to reduce my anxiety included: running, music, yoga, meditation, journaling, psychotherapy and discussions with others.

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Yeah, I know some of the spiritual practices can reduce it significantly. Possibly even cure


Leo's mindfulness with labeling, and dealing with strong negative emotions will definitely reduce the strength of your anxiety significantly 

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Enlightenment cures everything because you end up realizing there is nothing to cure to begin with. You are perfect as you are but what you buy into becomes you and your reality which is ultimately an illusory play, a maze you have created for yourself in order to find yourself through not knowing yourself. Ultimately, you are in complete control of what you buy into and how you define things to be for you in your reality because by default the universe is neutral/meaningless. We give it meaning, we give it life(In a sense).

So Enlightenment is like Waking Up from the dream you have subscribed to in which you believed was real but ultimately it was just an 8 hour nap and now when you think back? Was there anything to cure to begin with?

The Majestic Magnificence of life <3



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It probably better to solve the problem permanently rather than looking for a quick fix.

"Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit"

With only some discipline we can solve only some problems. With total discipline we can solve all problems.” scott m peck (5 truths about fear)

something i think that may help with overcoming anxiety is to face the fear directly and fully feel the emotion over and over again until you no longer afraid anymore.


Edited by BjarkeT

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