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Big insight from my yesterday Meditation session

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Yesterday I realized there is nothing wrong with the Ego. A lot of people who start the path of being more and more aware, tend to hate on the ego for its setbacks, and usually the negative stuff that happens in their life. I also used to have this view, but It never make 100% sense so I always was suspicious about hating always on the ego.

Now what happen yesterday, is that I become so dettached with my thoughts, that I realised that there is nothing wrong with ego, with your personality. Since it is a machine, its designed to do what it does best, so basically getting angry with your ego would be like getting angry with a computer. The biggest instant insight afterwards was that I shouldn´t be so obssesive with controlling, hating, or critizising my ego, but that I should be aware of the true self, the one who is being aware of the perception of the ego itself. That´s the one that should be attention towards it, since it is the "one" who is attaching to the ego and therefore suffering its "bugs" and errors".


I still don´t know how, detacching from your ego, makes the ego itself repair itself, since the ego can´t be consciouss but only consciousness can. But I guess time and a lot of work will resolve that mistery too.

Edited by Javfly33

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14 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


I still don´t know how, detacching from your ego, makes the ego itself repair itself, since the ego can´t be consciouss but only consciousness can. But I guess time and a lot of work will resolve that mistery too.

Instead of trying to remove the ego, try to remove the remover, and see where that leads you. 

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This is very good, but please be aware of ego's trick as this might be yet another! Stay grounded

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On 24/10/2018 at 2:19 PM, Victor Mgazi said:

Instead of trying to remove the ego, try to remove the remover, and see where that leads you. 

I know bro, but it is so difficult.

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This is a really good insight. 

Hating on the ego is actually just another layer of self identity; our goal is to transcend and discover the nature of ego, not become egotisitical about hating on the ego.

Ego hate is actually a very counter intuitive egoci trap people can easily fall into imo - great insight d00d :) 

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