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Learning from others

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Should I listen to enlightened gurus and masters? Everything what they say? I feel their cosciousness is infinitely higher than mine, but I find myself listening to them almost blindly in every subject. Is that a problem? (other than that the guru or master might be a fake)

I think that they are a good source of information and can advice us in all the fields, since they arent affectedso much by business and catching eye balls. (unlike certain people selling health products, books etc...) Almost all other kinds of people seem myopic and affected by some sort of ideology. 

Given that, I cant see any issues in listening to these people.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I am aware of the fact that I have to then enbody their teachings and be very objective about it.

Edited by bejapuskas

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@Nahm I mean it more like when they say something, for example: you shouldnt eat any meat, I will then not eat meat. I know that there are different kinds of people, some are promoting meat eating, some are not, I personally dont like eating meat, since its hard to digest, but there might be something about it... I am not an expert. Its just that then I have some difficulties trusting people who are saying something different.... 

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6 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

@Nahm I mean it more like when they say something, for example: you shouldnt eat any meat, I will then not eat meat. I know that there are different kinds of people, some are promoting meat eating, some are not, I personally dont like eating meat, since its hard to digest, but there might be something about it... I am not an expert. Its just that then I have some difficulties trusting people who are saying something different.... 

This is the process of learning until you stop worrying about what you do :) 

Horton’s post is very clear and true also! :) 

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I am actually taking responsibility for my life. I think that you misunderstand what I am trying to tell you. I am listening and also learning, its not like mental masturbation. (maybe I am wrong here, I still dont understand what are you trying to tell me, probably I am just asking a poor question)

I listen to enlightened gurus, (but also to other kinds of people) because they have more experience, have higher consciousness and greater knowledge, I am not here to reinvent the wheel when someone has invented it for me hundreds of years ago. I want to know from you, if you have either positive or negative experience with this approach. 

I am listening to them, because they have such a high level of awareness, that if they tell me for example to follow the pranic way of eating, try seeing things from this and that perspective, try developing a greatfulness habit etc... I assume that they know what they are talking about, its beyond my consciousness, I cannot fully understand it, but again, I dont want to try to reinvent it, when I can get amost instant benefits.(not in all fields obviously)

I also only take advice from the people I would probably swap lives with. (in the topic they are advising me in) I would not listen to my grandmother, who is deeply stuck stage blue thinker, giving me advice in my spiritual life or finances. 

There are many perspectives, some say we should follow to pranic way of eating, some recommend vegan, vegetarian, fruitarian, keto, paleo etc... The same goes with every other thing, I am just putting diet as an easy example. I am quite scared to try to come up with my own type of diet, when there are people more knowledgable in that field already that I can listen to. I just feel like listening to for example Sadhguru is wiser, than listening to some American businessman/professor/physician, who is selling his or her supplements and books and only talking from 1 perspective, only giving me scientific proofs when there is inner side of things as well. Thats the main thing I am asking for, can this cause me any trouble?

I understand this cannot be applied to self-inquiry and contemplation type of stuff, I am doing that myself whenever I can.

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You have to be smarter than the gurus so as not be confused by them.  And this is not intellectual smartness.  This is you knowing who you are and trusting your own self-observation.  Then you can take it or leave it with the gurus.  Gurus get you wrapped up in their own 'ritual of terms' or talk.  You need to develop your own ritual of terms that comes from focusing inward.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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