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Does anybody feel tension on your face?

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Does anyone else feel tension on your face as you meditate?

Just curious.

I know how to remove it, but I'm interested if there are cases like that at all here.



Let me clarify a bit. 

From doing self-enquiry (mooji style) some energy tension happens on my face but if I push my self-enquiry very hard, that energy goes to the forehead where it supposed to be. And it feels great. But then it goes back again.

It caused big trouble when I would go to sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lying on my back.

Now I fixed this issue after 2years of struggling and I wonder if there are any other like that.

Edited by Salvijus

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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yes, it is normal, let the energy course

I have sessions where I rock back and forth like a madman, still meditating, but I circle my back around, let my leg bounce up and down like an electron, my hands open and close, grasp, shoulders move,, man its a free for all

though it does calm down to non-movement too sometimes, it follows its natural course


its funny to realize every meditation will have its own unique physicality, infinite amounts of postures!

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Let me clarify a bit. 

From doing self-enquiry (mooji style) some energy tension happens on my face but if I push my self-enquiry very hard, that energy goes to the forehead where it supposed to be. And it feels great. But then it goes back again.

It caused big trouble when I would go to sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lying on my back.

Now I fixed this issue after 2years of struggling and I wonder if there are any other like that.


Edited by Salvijus

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Salvijus Ya. I do wave relaxation head to toe, relaxing eye sockets, cheek muscles, etc. What do you do? 

Well it's basicly a problem of allignment between physical body, mental body and energy body. If all of them are in allignment then tension goes away and all the energy goes into agna, or the third eye in other words.

Edited by Salvijus

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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@Salvijus I don’t know if I’d call it ‘tension’. If I can feel it, i can relax it more deeply, is kinda where I’m coming from. 

41 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Let me clarify a bit. 

From doing self-enquiry (mooji style) some energy tension happens on my face but if I push my self-enquiry very hard, that energy goes to the forehead where it supposed to be. And it feels great. But then it goes back again.

It caused big trouble when I would go to sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lying on my back.

Now I fixed this issue after 2years of struggling and I wonder if there are any other like that.


I can’t seem to sleep on my back, I’d like to. Any specific actionable you did that worked for this? Thanks! 



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8 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Salvijus I don’t know if I’d call it ‘tension’. If I can feel it, i can relax it more deeply, is kinda where I’m coming from. 

Relaxing kinda works to some extent but it's not a perfect solution.

8 hours ago, Nahm said:


I can’t seem to sleep on my back, I’d like to. Any specific actionable you did that worked for this? Thanks! 

I guess there's more then one practice that can solve this. As I said the key is allignment of the whole system. If you want to know witch specific practice I did to acquire this allignment it was shambhavi mahamudra. This allignment relaxes everything in the body and makes the energy flow freely. There're many benefits that follow from that, like, sleeping quality and ease in everything that you do, less anxiety etc.


Edited by Salvijus

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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@Salvijus Your tension may come from having an abundance of creative energy flowing through your head. Tension in the face happens when we are in our lower self state. We aren’t surrendering to this moment, or embodying the wisdom in your heart that everything is absolute perfect, and I am this perfection itself.

What do you feel the third eye will give you? How do you think it will enlighten you? The third eye is an energy center in your body, that cannot function without the flow of love from your heart that travels up your throat, up into your crown chakra, then down all other chakras. The heart is the source of who you are. 

Third eye based teachings will generally lead you into more separation from love, which I have experienced as well. Heart centered teachings are becoming more and more appealing as people give up making the spiritual path complex, and surrender into the most simple and basic aspect of their reality; the breathe, the up and down movement of their chest, the expansion and contraction of the lungs.

As Matt Kahn said, many people will turn away from love and so something else, thinking that love is too simple to reach enlightenment. But as he said, they will create me back, ready to embrace the simple, and have something that is so effective that you feel the love immediately and start to ball your eyes out with joy!

Matt Kahn also said focusing on love is a silent contemplation? I find that fitting for this time.




Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace to be clear, I'm not trying to open my third eye :D simple through long hours of self-enquiry some energy became strong on my forehead and face unintentionally. Then it became annoying. Then I fixed it through a certain kriya practice that focuses on allignment.

I thought maybe someone is struggling with the same thing. :)

Edited by Salvijus

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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I discovered that a lot of thoughts and past experiences gets stuck on muscle fibers everywhere. If a muscle fiber is flex, the thought is present. It can be any muscle fibers but the most unexpected ones that i discovered are:
* Face muscles

* Neck muscles

* Base of the skull

* Top of the skull (like you let go of eyebrows that reliefs your skulp)


Also there're more than one breathe zone in the body that I discovered those are:

* You can breathe into the scapula on your back like imagine if you blow some balloon attached to center of scapula

* You can breathe into your balls (I guess pelvic if you are woman, not sure since this is personal experience)



Edited by non_nothing

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