
Ideas Are Stolen Because Everything Is One

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Do you ever experience those kinds of coincidences where you've had some amazing idea, and then you find later in life that someone has the same idea and is now successful because of it ? That may be because if everything is one there are no boandries and everything is connected 

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750 billion people and rising, I'm sure there's a good chance a couple of folks will have the same idea.
Nothing new under the sun.

And yeah, I've had his happen a few times. Next time you have a great idea,patent that shit before the other guy. Then sue him if he steals it.
Winning :D

Edited by Big Guru Balls

If your name is on the guest list, No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got... great balls of fire!

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How can you steal from yourself? Perhaps the title should be "ideas are shared because everything is One" 



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a collective creature venture in a shared mass-reality built upon and for each indivual and private plane of beingness

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Yeah this is certainly the case. But what I've found is that if you put your own heart and character into the idea, then it will be unique and set apart from the others. I'm the bass player in a band. Our songwriter basically just rips off Nirvana, Iggy and the Stooges, Black Sabbath, and a myriad of other bands. But people still tell us we sound so original and unique. It's because we put our own touch into it. I play bass on a synthesiser. Tommy is a freak on stage. We just fuck around and people love it. 

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