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Much of the spiritual philosophy is coming to an end gradually this is the last week. Some more and the conceptual spiritual framework will be complete. 

Cosmic character tarot cards will be used for guidance 

Crafting elements are very important. 

I'll be learning daoism. 

My focus gets distracted by a lot of different things. I need to cut down on them 

I need to focus on my health rigorously. 

I have to make a bunch of tarot cards to keep a good focus. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Crafting elements 

? Time or moment... Every cell every moment. The love spell 

? Physical body 

? Mind or mental/emotional /psychological /spiritual state 

? External condition 

? Filling the Vase/cup

? Ma'at and Sheene and gwael 

? Awareness and reflection 

? 5 cosmic characters and their tarot



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So now the final part of my spiritual framework building was focused on the concept of evil. I learned a lot. 

I no longer see evil as people. Although I do believe that anyone person showing evil tendencies need to be kept away. I might appear self contradictory at times but that helps to come to a clearer view. I have to sift through the maze and finally coming to something more specific and purposeful. 

So yes I have sympathized with evil people before saying how their dysfunctional childhoods might be a causative factor in the process however after some careful contemplation and especially after the concept of distinct communities of good and evil people I have come to the realization that it's not very easy to rehabilitate evil people. It won't happen. Maybe some change. Such a process is already arduous. On top of that the outcome is not guaranteed. So best if such people are just avoided. Nothing much can be done to either save or change them. They will continue causing harm even when given love and support and encouragement to do good, it seems they will betray and go back to their cunning wicked behavior. 

So on the subject of evil my perspectives are rapidly changing. I kept the best for the last. I had to focus deeply on the subject of evil and it wasn't easy. I had to keep fine tuning. 

So this is what I think about evil. That evil can be used as a tool and it can also be an intent. 

When used as a tool it is neutral and cannot be judged because as a tool it can be used for both good and bad. Like self defense or invasion and defeat of the enemy or defeat of the bad ones. It can be used for bad like abusing an innocent person out of jealousy 

However much of the evil is used to target destroy the other person 

So really it's the intent of the person when they do certain actions. 

If the intent is bad, the actions are also going to be hurtful and damaging. 

Now coming to people with bad intentions. These are obviously evil people. Intent is really the source. One needs to examine evil as an intention rather than as a tool. The motive is important. When we realize that the intent is evil we know it's a bad person. If it's a bad person or evil person the best thing to do is to keep that person away and not let that person ruin anything. Evil as a tool can be however used for both good and bad. Therefore as a tool it need not be judged. But as an intent is what makes all the difference. As an intent an evil person will always use evil as a tool only for evil purposes. And so such people cannot be reasoned with if they think they are better than others. Therefore such people need to be kept away and completely avoided. 

Once the problem of evil has been understood and dealt with what's the next thing. Spirituality really comes to an end. 

From a spiritual perspective nothing is really evil. It is either destructive or non destructive. 

From a spiritual perspective it is only a lack or deprivation of empathy. 

People with empathy will not do evil. Impossible. People without empathy will be either indifferent or try to purposely harm for pleasure. This lack of empathy is sociopathy and narcissism. An inherent feeling of control and domination and superiority combined with the sadistic delight in seeing another suffer and making a gain by outsmarting the victim what we call duping delight. Such people have a bent of mind and easily see people as targets rather than seekers of help. 

What can we do. Empathy training. 

Essentially and spiritually speaking the more I dive into the subject of evil, I don't see a big Satan sitting there commanding his troops to terrorize people and make them miserable. I see sociopathic thugs with an extreme uncouth need for control and power. 

So the question arises, is evil only a reflection of a different facet of our mind or shadow that most people won't dive into. But some people travel that side and feel comfortable and elated with it. It signals their dopamine and gives them feelings of happiness. 

I am feeling now that evil is a reaction or a manifestation even if it is projected as an intent. That all things are manifestations of either health or disease. If something is good in its primordial state and follows Ma'at then it manifests as good. If something is defective in the primordial state then it obviously comes out as defective. Even the intentions of such a defective source will also be defective. Such a source cannot suddenly become good and healthy. 

So it narrows down to this. Evil is really a phenomenon a manifestation an after effect as a symptom of an underlying disease in the source. And this source belongs to the person and the society in which the person is born. This source is diseased. It is not healthy. It is against Ma'at. It may be smart enough to be surviving but it is still parasitic. It is not spiritual. But hollow. It cannot heal. It can only conquer acquire and get selfish and prudent in acquisitions but not prudent enough to see the big picture. 

A society that doesn't train people to be empathetic gives rise to evil sociopaths. It really is a failing or failure of the society. And evil is a symtom of this failure. The individuals who express this symptom are a pawn or a symbol of this symptom. They thrive and grow in conditions of lack of empathy and they learn to survive and essentially are programmed right at the beginning that bad behavior is normal as long as it benefits personal goals. 

So evil is really a disease of a failing society that doesn't have enough empathy. People as a collective pass down their energies to each other and to their children or next generations. Thus they pass the seed. This seed develops in conditions where it ripens because of lack of responsibility discipline empathy and understanding and gets replaced with craftiness and crude selfishness and cheap greed and this then manifests as evil over time. 

Also it suggests that evil could be basal. Which means it could be a reptilian part of human nature and in its unevolved uncivilized state is free from remorse. This means that maybe upon training of these tendencies and civilizing the person this tendency can be controlled. 

This is where humanity gets separated from the animal. 

This is easily logical. Societies that have lower levels of education show higher levels of sociopathy. Society with higher levels of morality, religious control and education tend to exhibit lower levels of sociopathy. This means that with higher consciousness the tendency to be evil will progressively decline and the tendency to be nurturing and empathetic will progressively increase. However there are always exceptions. And exceptions should never be used to defeat logic unless there is reason to believe that these exceptions are way higher in numbers enough to change and warrant a revaluation of the system. Like I did with the family concept. 




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Otherwise it's just that. So a few catholic priests defaming the church with their actions should not bring a bad name to a religion which may be otherwise helpful in establishing morality. Of course morality can always precede religion. But it's not always like that. Lot of the morality is preserved due to religious indoctrination and the fear of God unless the person is deeply empathetic or spiritual. But if not then they need a baton a religious one. Most get controlled but some don't. They need jail. But sometimes even that doesn't work. The vile nature is not scared of anything. 


Now I understand why religion needed to invent a system where God is a creator a power and a judge and punisher. 


Evil looks powerful because generally it runs side by side with narcissism. Narcissism is its handle. Without the handle you can't lower the teapot to pour since it would be too hot to touch. This means that narcissism acts as a safety handle for evil. Without it evil can easily collapse under the weight of fear, shame, guilt, uncertainty and lack of defense. Narcissism is like alcohol, it gives false courage to evil

So the person not only feels justified in what he does, he can easily see people as dimwits for being kind and innocent and see himself as superior and thus reject their judgement or concerns and also neglect his own conscience. Narcissists never believe others and believe that only they know the answers to everything. They believe that only they can be better than everyone. They are massively deluded in their beliefs. Some narcissists can go as far as thinking that they will eventually win and will not get caught for their destruction and also wiggle their way out and manipulate people and never get in trouble. I  have called it the Charles Manson syndrome as mentioned many times before in which a person is deluded enough to reject reality and believe they got special powers and no harm would come to them and nothing can ever go wrong with their plan, they don't have an iota of self doubt even if reality says otherwise they don't bother to pay heed. 


A narcissist won't believe even if shown actual proof of disagreement. 

But this quality is a wonderful container to ship evil. It has all the trappings of a trait that completely inhibits a person's capacity to feel empathy, guilt, fear, self doubt or rationale. 



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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Thus evil needs false courage as a handle. 

Evil also needs selfishness, greed, duping delight and sadistic pleasure for its dopamine network 

Thus narcissism, delight, sadistic pleasure selfishness, greed all make a perfect combo for evil to reside and grow and not only find a justification but also a healthy outlet for its discharge. 

Evil really comes from predatory instincts. 

Evil is the succubus. Because in order to thrive it takes in components of social desirability to make itself validated. 

Thus evil people are more inclined to inherit power and get power and control and become socially more desirable in order to gain more power and control. Their sense of power is based on false narratives of social acceptance and validation. 

That's why a lot of powerful people are evil and also use wealth and power to flaunt their desirability to look even better and more successful than masses. They would even go far to achieve physical desirability in order to gain appeal and favor. This is also a part of their narcissistic hunger to justify their evil shadow in their minds. It's a part of their guilt complex. They justify their purpose to live and exploit on the basis of their desirability. They imagine themselves as necessary for social growth and see others as rejects. They think they are coveted for their skills and looks and status and therefore whatever shadows they have can be easily let go or forgiven in lieu of their attractive package. They are a symbol of success in their own eyes, failure has no room, lack of desirability is fatal. They can't imagine not having success because that would mean no longer deserving to live especially with their evil nature. They want to feel deserving and accepted and coddled. They rely on fake love. 

However a good person sees every reason to live. Because deep down no matter how unsuccessful they are they always know that whatever they do will be for a good reason hence they inherently view themselves as a reflection of God's nature on earth and their lives as a reward and a debt to society and also as a service to society. Hence they are always trying to prove their worth through their actions since they don't think that worth comes from looks or success as they feel the adulation is fake. They are always in search of real unconditional love. Evil people don't need it that's why don't seek it. Good people might even abdicate social status being tired of the fake love. 



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It is rightly said that in order for evil to succeed good people shouldn't do anything at all. 

So what is exactly evil and how should it be perceived. 

Evil is a shadow of the conscience. A betrayal. A thought. A belief. An intent. It emerges in the primordial state and takes root in the absence of morality and lack of empathy and survives with the help of enabling traits. It's a disease. A disease of fakeness. Of delusions and material success. Of sadistic pleasure. 

Evil is not immune to punishment. It's a false belief that evil believes in its narcissistic container. It believes it is safe as long as it has this handle. 

Once someone told me that evil collapses under its own weight. When the pot of evil is full it begins to overflow. 

Evil has an addictive  nature because of the dopamine effect it triggers in sociopaths. Thus by the rules of Ma'at evil is already given alll the nicest accompaniments that will soon cause its own demise. 

Sooner or later evil becomes fatal to itself. It then carves a path towards self destruction and chaos and disintegrates in its own private hell. 

But where does evil come from. And is evil really a disease. 

Evil is a collective reflection of a defunct society. A healthy society doesn't breed evil. Evil is not just a person's responsibility but also a reflection of social failure. Where there is empathy evil cannot exist. Evil becomes a survival mechanism in a system riddled with lack of love and deprivation and lack of faith. This is where it takes root. It's an alternative survival mechanism like a crutch. It helps to live where living generously is impossible.. So in the absence of healthy environment unhealthy habits crop up. It's very much like a disease. When you take out the healthy conditions of living, unhealthy Manifestations or diseases crop up. 

For example if a teenager had healthy ways to cope with things and dispense their time and use their mind and potential they would be less likely to engage in unhealthy habits. Whereas in an environment of lack of guidance and assistance and love, most teenagers would resort to unhealthy foods and unhealthy forms of love and relationships and unhealthy habits of recreation simply because they haven't been taught the healthier alternative. In essence they have been marginalized and deprived. 

The human nature finds unhealthy ways where healthy doesn't exist. 

If there are no healthy ways to reflect pain and stress then a person resorts to comfort eating to get comfort. Thus it's easy to see that human nature is inclined to pick anything that suits its needs even the unhealthy things especially in the absence of healthy alternatives. 

Thus evil is a matter of choice. Over time it gets ingrained and validated and justified in the shadow of accompanying traits. 

Thus evil is born 


But in the company of the good, evil cannot take form or birth. 

Thus evil is not a dragon that we need to kill. It's only a symptom of a lack. It's not a pest or it would have already consumed the world. 

For evil to perish or not take root, there should be more good. 

The more good people, the less evil. 










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Satan is not an actual birther of evil just a symbolic representation of evil intent and actions. 

Evil really is the absence of good, God that is Godlessness. Thus evil is not a presence of some special entity that good needs to fight in the battle of Armageddon. 

What's the opposite of health. Disease. What's the outcome of disease. Decay. Evil is the opposite of health and therefore its outcome is decay and chaos. 

However not everyone succumbs to evil. This is where strength of character comes into picture. People who are righteous and courageous do not succumb to evil shadows even in the absence of good. They remain strong and unperturbed. They can be directly in the presence of evil and still do good. Their conscience is healthy and strong   it affords them immunity from disease. 

However those of a weaker will and a weaker conscience easily fall susceptible to the disease of evil. Thus courage and righteousness and strength of both mind emotion and spirit fortify the mind against evil. 

People who remain true to their principles cannot be broken. They can't be changed. They can't be made evil. They show great resistance. 

So not only do you need good company and good healthy environment to emerge as good in the primordial but you need a long shot of fortification to keep the good running strong and untempted. 

The primordial is where the key to good and evil lies. How is your basic thinking structure shaped. This is the primordial. This is where Ideas and conditions take birth. Under the right conditions the right thing is born. It's no coincidence but a matter of carefully picked conditions. When all conditions are met, you have an ideal birth, and the primordial then gives birth to something wonderful and fantastically brilliant and strong. In the absence of those conditions it gives birth to damaged frogs. I use frog as a metaphor to describe a defunct person who is unhealthy and evil and is born in a dirty pond. The pond representing the primordial birthing place. A dirty pond gives birth to a frog. However a beautiful pond is a beautiful place. It gives birth to a . Thus the Satan was born as a frog. Metaphorically. And the good was born in a clean beautiful pond as a Wigeon duck that grew into a Swan whereas the frog grew into a vulture. 



This means being good is a lot of hard work and being evil is much easier. 

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Two tarots 


The Primordial frog and Primordial Wigeon


Also when the primordial conditions we can still have a black sheep represented by the primordial newt. And vice versa. We can have a great heroic person with integrity born in bad circumstances that still don't drive him to evil despite temptations. That being represented by the primordial Great Blue Heron. 




Along with these is the new cosmic character which combines the powers of all of them both good and bad. It can bring paradise or annihilation. Its called the hoome. It's the overseer of everything in the universe. Nothing ever escapes it. Although it leans to God and would never do what God doesn't want, it is a super God that manages perfect order even amidst chaos. Hoome is well aware of everything. It's wise strong but neutral not necessarily empathetic. It's like a judge. It's the hand of fate. Represented by the pheasant bird. 

Now 12 cosmic characters and 1 super cosmic character. 


And there  is droot. Droot is the worker of hoome. It symbolizes love for you, extreme loyalty, self love, self healing. Auto suggestion. This is the caterer or server or services you. 

Another form of the caregiver is symbolized by the dragon as the twin flame guardian. Called dragon. This is a bit different than droot. It's more of a savior role. Rescues you from any kind of harm. Like a true guardian keeps a watch on you and cares for you immensely. 






Great heron.png

Newt .png

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9 cosmic characters 

A total of 15 



Vulture .png



Raven .png

Swan .png

Gnome .png




Newt .png

Great heron.png



Dragon .png

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Turning over of the cards 


1 Turn the Card of the Swan 

When this card is turned, it tells you the good things and intentions you can have and the good things you can do. It motivates you to do positive things. It's about calming yourself, taking care and nourishing yourself. 


2 Turn the Card of the Snake 


It tells you to learn Mastery and protect and defend yourself from toxic things. It evaluates the harmful or toxic aspects of your life 


3 Turn the Card of the Vulture 

This tells you to be strategic and careful and learn when to snap at the opportunity and grab it. It says it's ok if you tried to do things for your benefit as long as it doesn't hurt others. It also says to place your concerns first and be selfish and use the weapon where needed. That is it's ok to be manipulative to the unkind and fuck them if they have been mean and harmful. It's ok to be disrespectful and cunning and harsh and unkind and wicked to the one that is no good to you. It's ok to betray them 

Be openly defiant 



4 Turn the Card of the Owl 

This tells you to consider Sheene . To be wise and not give in but think a lot before doing anything. To use the heart as well as the head. To be smart and see what's wise and avoid what's not. To always be on the safer side. 

5 Turn the Card of the Eagle 

This tells you to be fully aware of what's going on in the moment. 

Awareness and observation



6 Turn the Card of the Raven

Reflection and contemplation and focus 

This tells you to reflect on the past and present and future and see what you did wrong and you must be doing wrong now and to focus on what's essential and what needs to be done. 


7 Turn the Card of the Gnome 


This tells you to not be stupid and foolish and stay away from fools 


8 Turn the Card of the Bear 

This tells you to stay away from all the toxic bears who are better off far away 

9.  Turn the card of the Wigeon 

This tells you the importance of healthy choices and conditions. Importance of health and healthy environment. 


10. Turn the card of the frog 


This tells you to never be in a bad environment. Never make an unhealthy choice. 

11. Turn the card of the newt 

This tells you to stay away from people who are the black sheep. People who are two faced. People who betray the flock. 

12   Turn the card of the great blue heron 

This tells you to stay determined in your muddy pond and how you can make it great and healthy even through bad circumstances through sheer determination strength and effort. Nothing beats the mighty. 

Since 13 is an unlucky number its skipped. 

14. Turn the card of  the Hoome

Represented by a pheasant bird 

This tells you to be all powerful and believe in the all powerful forces of the universe powerful than God. These forces make the hand of fate. Say and it will be given. This combines the traits and powers of all of the above cosmic characters.. It's a super cosmic character and the last.

15 turn the card of the Droot 

This tells you to engage in self love and self healing and represented by a doberman it represents loyalty and tells you that it always cares for you and is at your service always. It's also about autonomy self control and discipline. It's the worker of hoome. 

16 turn the card of the dragon 

This is powerful warrior of the hoome. The fighter. He is your twin flame guardian. He protects you from any harm and he is your savior in times of distress. He always watches over you. Know that he cares. 



Tarots and paguets 

A paguet is a text written on the basis of the tarots and its similar to sequence tickets but has spiritual significance. 

It's based on guidance from the tarot. 

A paguet gives a definite time based framework on how to structure and organize everything 

Paguets can be in three colors. Blue for morning. Yellow for afternoon. And orange for evening and purple for night. That way there are 4 Paguets for each session or portion of the daily cycle 

Paguets can be in the shape of tarot cards. 


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I'm so sick and tired of life. 

I have been dealing with so much loneliness and the break up has been harsh on me. 


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I want to seriously focus on my health 



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Cosmic principles 

The armory has 

3 qualities for the artist 

Ma'at and sheene and calas 

Calas is without Ma'at and or without sheene. It could also be with Ma'at but without sheene, that is good intentions but toxic actions. In all ways it's destructive. 

4  skills 

Dves..... The skill of doing good.  

Vajes....... Attack/defend/protect 

Beques..... Strategy 



And lastly gwael - a superior skill that combines all skills of Dves, Vajes, beques, and uses them very wisely and appropriately. 

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Crafting elements 

? Time or moment... Every cell every moment. The love spell 

? Physical body 

? Mind or mental/emotional /psychological /spiritual state 

? External condition 

? Filling the Vase/cup

? Ma'at and Sheene and gwael and cosmic principles 

? Awareness and reflection 

? 15 cosmic characters and their tarots and paguets. 

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Cosmic qualities 

Ma'at, Sheene and Tao, karma and Synchronicity/resonance, Balance or opposing forces. 


The armory has 

3 qualities for the artist 

Ma'at and sheene and calas 

Calas is without Ma'at and or without sheene. It could also be with Ma'at but without sheene, that is good intentions but toxic actions. In all ways it's destructive. 

4  skills 

Dves..... The skill of doing good.  

Vajes....... Attack/defend/protect 

Beques..... Strategy 



And lastly gwael - a superior skill that combines all skills of Dves, Vajes, beques, and uses them very wisely and appropriately. 

The next cosmic principle is of karma of justice and action reaction cause and effect. 

The last cosmic principle is Tao. It is found in everything. It is the sequence, an inherent sequence that is natural and untamed and continues as it has to. 

Ma'at Sheene and dao. 

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Dao means the sequence or spontaneity present in everything. It's the natural order of the universe. It is instinctive and its Chi or energy keeps flowing. 

Wu wei means to be in harmony with Dao. It is a process of harmonizing. It's like blending in. You will have to become like water. You should do with h wu wei. You should not do anything opposing the Dao present in the moment or thing. If you did that, you are not using wu wei. 


Pu.. The goal of wu wei is to attain the primordial state. Here primordial means unadulterated pure original uncorrupted. When you feel constantly use wu wei you will eventually become one with the Dao. That way you become the purer self, the self which should have always existed. The self which the universe wants you to be. This is your most natural self. Devoid of all social constructs and perceptions. 

Te or de means the degree to which you are internalizing or acquiring the Dao. How much you are able to align to the dao. The more you are successful in bringing the dao in you the more is your de. It's the level of expertise. 


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Cosmic principles 

  1. Law of Ma'at 

There is divine goodness in everything

2 law of Oneness 

Everything is related and interconnected. Nothing happens in one without influencing the other

3 law of karma

Everything is correlated. Cause and effect. What goes around comes around. As you sow so you reap. Good leads to good. Bad leads to bad




4  Law of sheene

A divine intelligence weaves everything together. Without this wisdom true goodness is not possible


5. Law of Primordial

Everything came from a primordial origin. It was an idea at first. 


6 law of Tao.

There is sequence inherently present in things in the universe. A natural way or order. 

7 law of Synchronicity 

The universe conspires to achieve and manifest the primordial 


8 Law of Constitution and Attributes

Whatever is within is reflected without 


9 Law of Opposites and Balance

Everything has an opposite. They balance each other. This is how ultimate balance is achieved. 

10 Law of harmony 

Everything reshapes and designs to return to the original harmony or order. 


11 Law of Yin and Yang

There are masculine and feminine forces



12 Law of the Cup

There is to be something for something to come about. Anything cannot be created out of nothing.



13 Law of Hoome 

Everything is governed by hoome


14 Law of Energy and Eternity.

Energy is eternal

15 law of resonance 

Everything that is in resonance continues and that which is opposite self destructs. 


16 law of attraction

You attract whatever you create 


17 law of the next 

What happens now affects the next 

18 Law of action and rhythm.. Planned action. 

Action should be decided by conditions. An action without condition machine without fuel. Every action should the condition for which it is meant. Guided action 

19 law of consequence 

Every consequence is the result of an action or condition.. 

20. Law of fulfillment /law of truth 

Everything good or bad eventually fulfills its prescribed mission. The ultimate is achieved unless halted. Whatever is meant to happen will happen 

21 law of transformation and healing. 

Everything can be transformed and accommodated and healed at any point. 

22 law of Arrest and reversal.

Everything bad needs to be arrested before it proceeds and replaced by everything good to be released. One process has to end and the other must begin for attaining balance. 


23 law of randomness

From randomness comes order. 

Randomness crystallizes into order. 

An idea forms out of rubble. 



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Action model... Organization of action. 


The tasks 

Chunks - broken down or disintegrated tasks. Cluster tasks 

Tickets - tasks lists 

Categories - categorization of tasks 

Priorities - priorities of tasks 

Spaces - the amount of time available at Hand currently or later. Which amount of time during the week or next week would be suitable for taking up the task. Task allotment for larger chunks of time or calendar dates. 

Templates - specific in-advance templates and manuals. 

Patterns - formation of patterns 

Fillers - bridge tasks 

Conditions and situations - 

Accompanying conditions and situations and their suitability 


Time spaces or slots - slots of the current time or day that need to be filled in with appropriate tasks 

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5 types of tasks 


Flow tasks - those that are routine and go with the flow 

Situation appropriate - those tasks  that need to be done for that specific situation 

Bridge tasks - Fillers that can be inserted into time breaks and gaps 

Context tasks - relevant to a context. Relevant to time. Like a bigger reason. For example the context can be health or an agenda for that particular month or 6 months. For a particular bigger goal say weight loss a particular project 

Urgent tasks - to be done on a highest priority basis. 


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Sacred places 


The Hoome resides in sacred open spaces 

In dolmens, cromlechs and menhirs. 



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images - 2019-07-17T002619.733.jpeg


images - 2019-07-17T003004.431.jpeg

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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