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Interesting Coincidences Diary

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It took me about 2 years of searching to find my life purpose (Leo's life purpose course helped a lot).  Anyway, a few weeks after I finally discovered it something out of the blue happened...

My current employer (I worked in business development for a venture capital firm) emailed me saying something went wrong with funds and that I might be laid off within the next 3 months so I put in my notice and went job hunting.

I landed a job as a marketing director for an app company.  8 business days later everyone in the office was told they would be laid off because they are moving their marketing to another state which blew my mind.

I was devastated both times and this second time it took me a couple weeks to get back up and also had me contemplating the lesson.

Out of the blue, I get offered a position as an executive assistant at a new healthcare company and I was so excited.  They hired me after meeting me for a few minutes because of "my vibe".  I accept the position because this coincidence intrigued me..see...I was just studying (for fun) the relationship between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and the Chakras and this new company's mission was to marry eastern and western medicine which was very exciting to me because it was finally related to my life purpose.  Anyway, Today (1 month into the job) everyone is called into the office and told we are on suspension due to the possibility of insurance not coming through (that apparently owes a lot of money blah blah) Again nothing to do with me...and so they will let us know within the next few days.

So....this all happened within the last 4 months and I can't help but be intrigued by the coincidences.  Getting laid off 3 times due to the same reason within 4 months...And it's not like it just happened to happened to all employees each time.  I'm finding myself reading about coincidences and 9_9 well I guess I need to contemplate what the message is from the Universe but I'm suspecting it has something to do with my Life Purpose but not sure.

Feel free to leave input, just wanted to share.

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That's very interesting, I'm not sure what to make of it, however I do ask that for the love of god... please don't get a job where I work!

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There are only synchronicities. Follow them and you will thrive!


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Welp, they called me today to say they need me and can afford me part-time and probably will be able to afford me full-time in a month or so.  Decided I'll spend the extra time focused on my life purpose project ^_^

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