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Techniques for Body Relaxation/Posture

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What techniques are there for relaxing the body and fixing posture at the same time? I heard that yogis have their body completely relax after attaining realization. Does that man that their posture gets instantly fixed? 

I am willing to step outside and try visualizations but I would rather stay with meditation. 

I feel like yoga is the best thing but I don't know.

I want to release my blocked energy. I don't know if this is a mind problem even.

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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@Phrae If you've seen pictures of Ramana Maharshi, I wouldn't say he has excellent posture :D Yet if you can call anyone realized it is him. So, quite certainly body relaxation is a separate, relative thing. Sure, there are emotional causes for tension but also purely physical ones. You might be very interested in checking out Peter Ralston's "Zen Body-Being".

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Just relax your eyebrows. That's an excellent place to start your "relaxation" practice. Keep them relaxed no matter what is going on around you. As they are right around you eyes, in your face, so to speak, your mind will be sure to follow.


I am willing to step outside and try visualizations but I would rather stay with meditation. 

True meditation is not really a matter of visualization or just sitting. Practices such as these are temporary expedients whose aspects of reformative application is entry-level— yet not to be missed. Meditation in action as popularized by Chogyam Trungpa, was the re-introduction in the West, of the dynamic practice expressed in the public sphere— not in private. Nevertheless, such practice is an "open secret; nobody knows. Mindfulness 24/7 without temporal borders is true meditation characteristic of adepts, warriors and enlightening beings.

By the way, enlightenment doesn't change anything. Nothing at all is instantly conferred upon sudden realization of one's inconceivable nature. Enlightenment is just seeing who you already are (it's not the person). The person is left behind and isn't invited to that party~ hahaha!!

Activating the mind without dwelling on its contents is reality; is seeing reality. Enlightenment is no different. It's mind. That it's your mind right now means that subtle response is not derived of one's own power. Presence is spiritual; nothing special. It's non-psychological awareness as one's innate mind.

Ultimately, there are no instant fixes in terms of sudden realization or having done so oneself outside of time and creation.

Nevertheless, miracles do happen— don't bet on it though.

Just roll up your sleeves, sweat it out and DO THE WORK.

As for, "I want to release my blocked energy. I don't know if this is a mind problem even." The key words here are: I want to release my blocked energy. The main blockage is me, my, I want.

I'm not criticizing your choice of words!! I'm just using them to make the point, Phrae❤︎

In the same way as you would be aware of your eyebrows at all times, be aware of "blocked energy" at all times. What is this "blocked energy" (belonging to me). Just see the energy as it is. Who is the one who is needing to "release" this "blocked" energy?

The post below suggesting another method of "doing", is precisely what I am hoping to avoid because anything you "do" re-inforces the identity-properties of the doer, that is, the false self relative to me, my, I want, I know, etc. Real practice is a very subtle endeavor— it is actually entry into the inconceivable.

That's mind.

Energy is potential. That there is blockage isn't energy. Psychological patterns themselves are "blockage". Energy, per se, is impersonal. Blockage set up by self-reifying psychological habit is an issue of mental hygiene that is addressed by long and gradual self-refinement instilled by subtle observation of mind by mind.

When I say "psychological", that is inclusive of any and all aspects of the psychological (self-reifying) apparatus of the being that is going to die. As such, that includes everything thought, known, felt, intuited, acted out or suppressed, dreamed or even forgotten.

Use "blocked" energy (as a point of distinction) to focus subtle observation. Clarify mind by observing mind without judgement. There has never been any other "self-refinement".

Self-refinement is refining the human mentality until it *poofs*. Under a constant subtle scrutiny fueled by an unbendable intent, ego-consciousness invariably (eventually) craps out, even if it takes lifetimes. The interruption of conditioned consciousness by non-psychological observation is the world-honored event whereby you see your nature, see essence, forget the skin-bag, experience sudden illumination, drop-off the bottom of the bucket, etc.

In the aftermath of the sudden, there is further self-refinement resulting in dropping off dropping off. Until this occurs, one is still not "liberated". Enlightenment, per se, is not the ultimate— it is merely planting the seed of buddhahood in the homeland of nothing whatsoever. Taoism calls this emptying out openness.


I don't know if this is a mind problem even

Oh? I'll be really sassy here… no mind, no problem. No-mind is who you really are right now. Use no-mind to observe mental activity.

Can you do "eyebrow yoga"~ while putting your liner on? heehee❤︎!!



ed note: typo in 3rd; add last line in 4th; added a bunch in the middle; typo 11th paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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@Phrae Relax in waves head to toe, keeping spine striaght. Your body will make adjustments on it’s own. Allow them to just happen vs overdoing keeping still.



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Highly recommend bioenergetics for releasing your blocked energy. I never realized how much blocked up I was until I strted doing it. Check out the post I made:


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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Squat and listen to the blow out of the breath/nirvana. Relax on that feeling, slowly blowing out the air until you empty the lungs and let the body inhale by desperation, not using conscious breathing in inhale, only exhale.

This is the so called letting go technique.

In my experience i breathe 2-4 breaths a minute (this is me after 2 years of practice, we are all different, it is only a tip) while relaxed and meditating in squat/lotus/sitting/standing. 




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