
How do we escape the paradigm of observation?

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Escap-ing relativity? is this the goal of enlightenment or is this so hard to grasp that we cant be "alive" to grasp it?


Edited by moon777light

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What do you mean?

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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i finished the QM episode from today and my head hurts alot from complicated concepts. Dont really know how to put questions into formation, but i guess the episode said about how everything reacts to being observed and how observation distorts the result of certain experiments. We observe everything, like the elephant example, and see an elephant. How do we stop seeing the elephant as an elephant? is this was enlightenment does? we see the infinity in everything?

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I think Rupert Spira has a lot of good content about this on YouTube. It's all about being aware, but not of any thing or object in particular. Objectless awarneess  

For me, I often notice a weird shift when I ask myself "am I aware" (one of Rupert's teachings), and check whether or not in that moment I am aware. It's especially useful after moving my awareness around a bit and getting a feel for the "muscles" involved in doing so.  I do something like the following: 

I ask myself am I aware of X (X could be anything... my thoughts, sounds, feeling in body, visual field etc). And I sort of scan through everything so...

am I aware of the sounds around me? *actively check if I am* (important part). Yes, I'm aware of the sounds.  

am I aware of myself thinking this sentence? *actively check* yes I am

am I aware of the feeling in my chest *actively check* yes I am

now... "am I aware". *actively check*... yes I am. And in that moment when you actively check if you're aware, awareness becomes aware of itself. Not of an elephant or a measurement or the state of a system or any qualities whatsoever other than pure awareness. 

It will remain a challenge to see elephants and everything else as infinity, but exercises like that can give you a glimpse. 



As for "we affect things by observing them", that's really a consolation to human intuition. It's not ultimately the case that this is true. Really us observing the thing is itself an observation. We're not collapsing the wave function, the wave function is itself collapsing into a reality where such an observation is being made by a subject "you". It's like, okay the scientist collapsed the wave function of the particle by observing it, but who collapsed the wave function of the scientistist making the measurement by observing him/her? And who/what collapsed that wave function? Ultimately there's just this universal wave function describing states that the universe could be in. It's not that the scientist caused the particle's wave function to collapse, it's that the universal wave function collapsed into a scientist making the measurement.

And it's anyone's guess as to why a wave function collapses into a particular reality. Quantum mechanics offers no explanation as to why the wave function collapses the way it does (i.e. why the particle ends up here when we measure it rather than over there). It's pure magick. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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5 hours ago, moon777light said:

How do we stop seeing the elephant as an elephant? is this was enlightenment does? we see the infinity in everything?

Yes, all enlightenment or spiritual practices ultimately lead there.

  • Self-inquiry
  • Contemplation
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Psychedelics
  • Etc.

You don't really stop seeing the elephant. You rise to a new level of consciousness where you realize that the elephant was always also a non-elephant. The non-elephant exists in exactly the same place as the elephant! An elephant is a non-elephant.

Get it?

No. Mind cannot go there. Some form of meditation is required.

If you eat  some mushrooms, you'll see it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The word ‘observation’ can have more than one meaning.  The way ‘observation’ is used in one context might differ dramatically from another context.  So, we need to be clear about what we are using words to mean.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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