Sahil Pandit

Next Mushroom Trip Plans

11 posts in this topic

My first trip ever, happened over a month ago, with two trip sitters. We went to the forrest, and it was eye opening experience. Over a month later, I am still yet to unravel the mysteries that have been happening in my dreams as a result. Lots of room to grow in consciousness.

My next trip - I am setting an ambitious goal for myself, and that is, "After 30 days of 1 hour straight of meditation, I will do a Solo Retreat in the forrest." 

Do you think this is a good goal for a 2nd time tripper? I am 20, and I have a deep need for growth!!! *Muscle Emoji*B|

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How big of a dose are you going to take? Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, I would have a sitter if your're going to do it out in the woods.

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As a novice I did light trips solo in nature and loved it. I’ve also entered the forest in the afterglow of a heavy trip. Nature is one of the best settings to go nondual.

For higher doses with peaks into insanity/ego death, I’d say my house is the easiest setting, then nature, then social settings.

Paradixically, the hardest thing I’ve had to get through solo in nature is panic of being trapped.

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@Sahil Pandit 1 gram? That's not bad, you'll most likely be good. I would just let someone know beforehand where you're going. That's a small dose but you never know with shrooms. 

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@Sahil Pandit

I think it’s better to err in the low side. There have been trips in which I felt underwhelmed and regret for not taking more. Yet, a subtle shift in perspective can tranform into a nondual wonder zone. 

For me, higher shroom doses can feel possessive. The lower to medium doses can enhance and open a door. Self-centered and habitual thinking is reduced, but not destroyed like with higher doses. I still need to let go, just in another way.

What I like about low-medium doses is that generally I can still pull my shit together and appear normal if I needed to or I can go into a different state of consciousness.

The insights I’ve had on light to moderate trips are much easier to integrate into regular life.

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Out in the woods might be beautifull but   To do headwork i would say take it at home, late evening when you KNOW noone will knock, turn of the light, lay on the couch and let your mind go. Small doses can go a long way in such settings. Last two i had was 1,5g on empty stomach in tea with orangejuice to follow. Theese are wild liberty caps tough, so if your holding cubensis that would be like abit above 2g. Very easy to control while getting good results.

happy journey :)

edit: just saw you are 20. I would recommend you to wait with pscychedelis for 5 years. Might be counterproductive at your age. Investigate it and make up your own mind and remember you have many years in front of you, no need to rush..

Edited by Berjohansen

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