
Follow Your Motha F*ckin Bliss!

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For anyone who has taken the life purpose course I'm assuming that maybe you had some trouble finding the right medium to work in. I'm experiencing this right now and I have a lot of resistance to actually going out and doing the thing I love to do the most. My greatest fear comes up as well as a lot of other excuses and rationalizations about how I have other priorities. Time and time again I've heard Follow Your Bliss and I know that's exactly what I need to do. Buuuuut, I'm scared in all honesty so I'd like to hear from you guys about some resistance or fear you experienced when wanting to follow your bliss. 

How were your fears related to following your bliss?

Did you have any fears around your bliss or was it effortless?

Did you ever reach a point where you just said fuck it and did it anyways?

What happened and what did you realize after following your bliss?

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Look into the future. With this knowledge you now have it is either:

  1. Do what you want to do. Get a feeling of satisfaction and a knowing that you did what you had to do.
  2. Do not do that. Remain in a constant battle in your mind of why I should do it but why I cant and waist your fucking life living a life that is not worth living.... you will die.

My fears where being a weirdo who makes weird video's. Thinking that he is somebody while he's not. ETC........

What happened, I said fuck it I did it and all I heard was the chirping of crickets... Then you will realize that you just started and need your 10,000 hours because what you make at the moment is shit. You realize that to make your dreams reality is not just getting of the hump but facing the fact that you can't make the thing you want to make yet because you don't have the skill.

So it's a constant fight always for me.

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Haven't heard the term bliss used related to life purpose before

but i haven't been fearful  to do what i wanted to do related to "life purpose" but i also think it might be because i might see passion as something else

i see it as you need to get really good at something before you become passionate about it(craftman mindset vs the passion mindset by cal newport) and pratice to become better at what you do have never been something i have experienced as something to fear but it is something that is difficult to do(maybe only if i had to perform for other people as what i want to do is related to composing music)


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Hi @Slade , I'm also in the process of doing the course right now.

As it is mentioned there also, if there is an act out of the comfort zone, fear is there too to inform you about that.

But in these cases fear is a good sign because that means you are opening your psyche to grow. Any path which doesn't give you this freaky feeling clearly won't bring any growth, it'll just re-arrange your surroundings, but 'you' will remain the same, so, "no growth=dying" but ironically though when you go toward such paths it feels like 'dying':) we'll all die anyways but dying without touching the real growth opportunities is the major regret that we all somehow try to find our ways out of.

Fear can be related to the big picture of the goal, which makes us see ourselves so small, so immature for it. It's ego related though: "if won't be the world class in that goal that's a terrible shame that I can not bear"; that's generally one of the the most paralyzing thought processes. This is not a wrong approach about any big picture projects, but it's just outside world part of the path, that's the half of it. The other half is your inside world and inside gains. This part, when you focus on it, allows us to move little more comfortably. Because real regrets are never about what happens at the appearances but mostly about inner sensations and about having the courage to attempt something. Lastly out side world part is pretty simple and analytic if you put the emotions out: go do it over and over again, practice, act upon it, (ex: to find the right medium: call it your next big project on the way to your dream and so on) and surely it creates the results.

But, don't be fooled by any outcome that you gonna get from outside world, your regrets or deep joy in your death bed will gonna be related to your inner experiences about it. 

Also, we shouldn't get confused about mixing these two things: fear vs deep saddening frustrations we face on the way, they are also different than each other. Sometimes you attempt to make a move and it doesn't go the way you expect, it's a different story. It is as hard as fear to take but sometimes it's just big frustrations; but you know what, as long as you are taking your journey, that's okay.. fuck it and create a different strategy, a different approach and just continue.

Edited by Sevi

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By the way, this line:

16 hours ago, K VIL said:

how many more november 7, 2017s  will i experience?

sounded so poetic to me ❤ 

It's still November 7, 2017 where I live..?

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