
What Is Detachment?

7 posts in this topic

You are detached to the fate of the bag you used to carry food last time. You dont care and it's fine either way. You are not dependent on any result. 

If you for instance only have one friend you generally become very attached to them. If you live in abundance you don't. You may still want to keep said friend, but you are not fuck if you lose him/her.

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If detachment is seen as being the opposite of attachment, then it is wrong. But if detachment is freedom from attachment, then it is right. 

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Detachment is freeing your mind from the ego. From "I want this, I want that", "I'm underserving" etc etc. Calmness of the soul.

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@Why? less seperate perspctive, more One/No perspective. Leo's video re: meaning comes to mind, as in, detach, then construct meaning on your way back. Repeat daily.  Attaching is done to a self that doesn't exist, so, there's no loss in detachment, only an aligning or allowing of all that is. And all that is, is Love. 

Edited by Nahm



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@Why? Detachment is to-

Manifest Plainness

Embrace Simplicity

Reduce Selfishness

Have few Desires  -Lao Tzu

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