How to be wise

What Are The Benefits Of Enlightenment

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A year ago, I was convinced that enlightenment will solve all my neurosis, and Leo said that the only way to cure your neurosis is through enlightenment. But now, in the 'practical guide to enlightenment' forum, it says that enlightenment is not emotional mastery. 

So how will enlightenment help me gain emotional mastery? 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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That depend what you mean by emotional mastery.

If you think at some point you'll be able to choose to feel an emotion or not, that's not possible.

If you think at some point you'll be able to feel the emotion fully, not act on what it wants you to, and let it fade away quickly, then that's what you'll get.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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17 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

So how will enlightenment help me gain emotional mastery? 

You will let go of your incessant need to live from a place of getting, gaining, taking.

Those pursuits will no longer interest you and you will look back at these kind of thoughts and get a good ab workout from the laughter.

We will all be on a beach somewhere, clinking our beers, remembering the good ol' days when we were still children running around in disneyland, wanting to go on every ride.

Instead you will be focused on giving, creating and loving. It will be great fun. People will come up to you and ask you why dogs and children die. You will remind them that without rain, we all die. But rain comes from clouds. And clouds come from the sea. Humans (like dogs) are mostly water. What is water? Where does water come from? We all come from the same place and we are all going home.

Life is a phase of death and death (eg. of all your sperm brothers before you big banged your way out of some strangers vagina) means life for someone else. Life and death. Look at the sky. Look at the stars. The sun. It's a dying star giving life to apes like us who want to go to mars.

In that sense enlightenment, entrepreneurship and being an artist is exactly the same thing.

It's not about money or happiness or getting awards.

It's about what you can create today with whatever you got or visualize a new bridge that can help/turn/empower selfish people like me into a perfect manifestation of beauty and connect other fuckups to breed and do the gardening required to sustain our species on this planet in the middle of nowhere.

Help others gain, get, take. Take advantage of their lovelessness, their selfishness. The worse off they are, the more you can give. Think about what someone who is enlightened could do for you right now. Switch roles. Voila!

Look around my friend. Befriend your fears and enemies and get to know them. You know who i'm talking about: silence, darkness, death, solitude. Those are the places where monsters go to die.

Enjoy the show :)


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2 hours ago, How to be wise said:

So how will enlightenment help me gain emotional mastery? 

Enlightenment is not to be ignorant of your own truth. Part of that truth is your emotions, in terms of how they arise and why.

In a nutshell, emotions are either love-based or fear-based. They can range from very subtle to intolerable.

Mastery is to know the truth which fuels the emotion. By knowing this, one will also know that the fear-based ones are conditional and unreal, and the love-based ones are unconditional and real. In either case, while you are true, there is nothing to do. For the unreal is illusionary and pointless to be involved with. The real is what it is without any need or want of anything.


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@How to be wise focus on your breath and notice your thoughts go away. at that moment, you're neither good nor evil; you have no past and no future; you have no personality, no friends and no enemies. at that moment, it doesn't matter what you are because in fact there's nothing to be.

be eternally free. live in meditation and you'll know the benefits of enlightenment. you'll know because you'll experience it, not because some dude told you on the internetz.

unborn Truth

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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