
All Of Life In One Sentence

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So you may not completely resonate with the terminology that I use here but I think you will get the idea.

Basically, the purpose / reason for LITERALLY ANY human action in life is:


And I'm not just talking about awareness like Leo does. I mean that literally every human being on Earth has this very same purpose whether they know it or not.

So what do I mean when I say TO MAXIMIZE THE QUALITY OF ONE'S CONSCIOUSNESS? Well, when you are hungry why do you go and eat? Because you want to satisfy your hunger. Simple enough. But what is hunger? It's basically a feeling. This is what I mean when I refer to the quality of your consciousness.

Life is just one giant stream of momentary consciousness -- this moment is consciousness, the moment after that also, etc. etc.

So when I say "the quality of your life" that's the same thing as saying  "the quality of your consciousness." But the quality of your consciousness is not determined by how much money you have, or how skilled you are at something, or how famous you are. It is ONLY determined by the FEELINGS / EMOTIONS / EXPERIENCES you have e.g. your happiness, fulfillment, the passion you experience on a regular basis, the wonder, beauty, and magnificence you are able to see in the world. Even benevolence is done for the same reason -- the joy it will bring when you help the world. Even pursuers of Truth do this for the same reason. They want to KNOW, and to them, satisfying their thirst for Truth is a worthwhile way of maximizing the quality of their consciousness. Plus all of the bliss that might come from that.

But this is also why people are protective or even agressive. Because they want to protect something (their body, their property, somethings that's "theirs") which in one way or another contributes to the maximizing of the quality of their consciousness. It's also why they might seek power or fame. Because power lets them manipulate reality easier and fame basically creates the illusion that their worth has increased and because they see themselves as a separate entity in the world, they think that this entity has somehow become more powerful and can therfore influence reality easier and can therefore (in one way or another) maximize the qual. of their consc. The same can be said for almost ant low-consciousness behavior. You just have to analyze it deeply.

The only thing that I struggle to fit in this model is SURVIVAL and MAXIMIZING THE LENGHT OF ONE'S LIFE / CONSCIOUSNESS. I mean is that still a way of optimizing one's consciousness -- life (consciousness) is better than death (no consciousness)?

This is a long post, I know. But even with a post as long as this one, I couldn't really fully explain all of this theory / model which I honestly believe explains alot! I want to write this on a 5×5 card to read every day -- like a mission statement:

My purpose in life is to:


I think it would be a great idea. What do you think?

Do you think this theory is sound?

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@PetarKa That's well and good, but if you're talking about life purpose, it must reach beyond merely yourself. Obviously everyone's purpose is to raise their own consciousness. But what is your purpose with respect to your contribution to the world? What are you gonna do once your consciousness has been raised to the point where you cease to exist?

If my purpose was to only raise my own consciousness, I would tell ya'll to fuck off and I'd go live in a cabin in the woods.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@PetarKa I recently got back into this. It was lost and forgotten for a while and, when it is remembered, it sets a better track.

In the end, Leo makes a point that raising your own consciousness is a means to another end - to contribution - and maybe also not. Because if you are enough of a vessel, God should be doing its thing whether or not you are hustling for a contribution.

It can be seen that what is happening now is perfectly beautiful as it is. The project is taking off the blindfold.

I contribute angrily all the time. "I'm such a giver grumble grumble grumble." Take out the grumbles and I'm contributing. Boom.

@Leo Gura You mention caves and cabins in the woods. I've lived relatively isolated in the woods for a couple of years. I did a lot better this way and, once reintroduced to society, fell back into depression and anxiety quickly. Is there a further benefit to a cave or is this for literary effect? 

nothing is anything

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@PetarKa That's well and good, but if you're talking about life purpose, it must reach beyond merely yourself. Obviously everyone's purpose is to raise their own consciousness. But what is your purpose with respect to your contribution to the world?

This is something I struggled to fit into this model -- namely contribution. But when you think about it, why do we want to contribute in the first place? Because it will make us happy. So in a way, that is still maximizing our consciousness, but in a selfless sort of way.

I will say it again in order to avoid confusion: I struggled to find appropriate words to describe my model. In the end I ended up using a variation of Leo's model. If anyone can think of a better sentence, please share. ?

Edited by PetarKa

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I agree with @PetarKa and its something I've said to myself before. The life purpose thing is a fair point but i do feel that the better your consciousness the more clear your life purpose will be, if you are relatively unconscious your life purpose will be skewed and may not be a true reflection of you. So a certain level of consciousness is needed to even have a life purpose. Ultimately though once your consciousness is at a high level you will shift from the idea that 'you' need to become conscious and you will just be focused on contribution, but i think all this will unfold as its supposed to so all you can really focus on is maximising your consciousness 


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