
The Greatest Karma

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[The One Sin, Ignorance] In my post about karma, I described karma much as dominos and why if someone did an action, that it may not catch up to them as another action they had done cancelled it out. This is not a good cancelling out bad, It is not so black and white. This is say intelligence covering up your murder, inexperience crushing your dreams, and most of all ignorance, blinding you from seeing the karmic economy.

Yes it is impossible to track every little decision we create but it is possible to strategically plan the vital decisions. The only question is, Do we know what are the arteries of the world that we truly wish to happen? From this question, we tend to think "If only I knew where and what to focus on." This implies one thing, knowledge, wisdom and therefore intelligence. The greatest artery of life is already found.

Then what exactly is intelligence? Is it endless memorization of words and facts? That would actually be ignorance as you are root word- ignoring why, what, when, and how those words and facts are. A librarian could arguably hoard knowledge but what does it say about his intelligence. Then if the hoarding of knowledge is not intelligence, what is?

Well for this we will need to discern some knowledge. If you take a look at "knowledge", What is associated with it? memorization, quantity of knowing, and hoarding. What comes to mind when you think of "wisdom"? discernment, understanding, action and the most insightful world- insight. Sight is written in the word insight! It may possibly imply "seeing in" as the "in" in "insight" probably does not mean "not." Seeing is considered intelligence, It could also be called/seen as(Irony!!) discerning, to understand, to cut through. If none of you noticed yet, While I was talking about this subject, I have also literally done what I spoke of in this paragraph.

So if intelligence is seeing, What is seeing? Is it the image? If not then it must be the consciousness of the image itself! Quite frankly I had no intention that this would be the direction of this article, It was originally intended to point out how intelligence of the karmic marketplace would allow yourself to essentially manipulate it to your whim such as using intelligence to counterbalance your crimes, charisma to cover your lies, generousity to counter your mistakes or money to counter your unrealistic dreams. Yet here we are, discerning what exactly is the greatest karma of all, on the materialistic level to the absolute level.



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@Progress Wisdom means knowing what's worthwhile to pursue. Intelligence is how good you are at using the knowledge that you have. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Nice read. How do we call the insight that you are at home everywhere? 


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@Dodo Thank you, I'm not fully sure what you're implying but my guess would be self awareness.

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@Nahm Can't tell if you mean this in a bad way or not. Its more realization as I go then making it up.

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@Progress I mean, in the most respectful & literal way possible, that you are creating the WHOLE thing man. Not you, but You, the great big infinite love that you are!!! That I am!!!! Got to watch Leo's Infinite video's. 



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The key is not to philosophize about these in the abstract per se (although it could be conceptually illuminating) but to find ways to apply these ideas at the right place and time in your life to optimize your being, thinking, and actions in a specific, concrete moment.  (You wanna be working on your personal philosophy story too, so don't take this rigidly as never conceptualize, everything said in language comes off as too rigid so keep that in mind, it's the nature of making discrete statements.)

Instead of being stuck in the mind-matrix, get out of it and realize that ideas are not necessities but options in a moment.  You're managing a distributed-system (You) that is trying to optimize its being, thinking, and acting in the moment.  Thoughts are tools and considerations that may or may not become relevant depending on what you're trying to do in a particular moment.  You should be trying to accomplish tasks (including building up your conceptual thought-stories) that converge on your life-purpose goals.  Keep the end in mind.

One thing about conceptual analysis is we privilege it too much without knowing why it is useful or for what purpose we are doing it.  The way out of this trap is to always have a purpose in mind.  Always know what it is that you should be doing at all times, and then everything you do will serve that end.  And this will right the relation of cart and horse between your life and conceptual analysis.  

We are stuck in the paradigm that comes from Mathematics where we are looking for a conceptual principle that we can then go out and solve a bunch of pragmatic problems with.  But Reality ain't Mathematics.  True Dynamic-Balance, the Tao,  laughs at the simple-mindedness of Mathematics.  A lot of people are stuck in this trap.  It's how Science operates too.  We look for a conceptual principle that we can then use to solve a bunch of practical problems with.  Personal Development, because it includes all of Reality, cannot work this way.  Reality includes everything and doesn't subsume itself under any map.  Reality is by necessary the territory, not any map, although many maps may be more or less useful depending on the actual, concrete task-at-hand in the present moment.  So, you gotta change your perspective about how conceptual analysis should be used in your life.  This takes some investigation, open-mindedness, and experience.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I did not plan to philosophize about a good portion of the article. Also when I was concepting this, I was doing exactly what I was talking about. It was a bit of a mindfuck. I was doing just as much as I was thinking and that is what was so special about this article.

This wasn't some rigid formula conceptualizing, It all came naturally and everything was discovered on the spot. I would say it was art if not for the fact most of it was just discovering rather than creating. Also I'm not sure why you're mentioning how much conceptualization was as half the article was about how hording knowledge(Hence librarians could arguably be the wisest if that were true) is useless and intelligence is the discernment of it. The purging, To cut through, To see through(Hence the cheese cutting photo). 

I made a deliberate point to say intelligence is not concepts but the power to see through it.(Direct Experience). Much of the article was also bashing the idea of conceptualization as intelligence rather then the use/discernment of such concepts aka insights. 

Yes, it is foolish to confuse the map with the earth but it is a great tool to use. Insights are the realization of where spots on the map are in reality or spots in reality are in the map. Insights are the discerned concepts on the map, They revise it to a more accurate point. When did this article imply falling into the mind matrix? It was about breaking through it. Also this was not an analysis of some learned thing, It was a contemplation in its own right abeit accidently.

Wherevers you speak of using the conceptual marketplace to realize personal development. I was simply pointing out that the knowledge of how the overall karmic marketplace(Both doing and thinking) works would allow one to manipulate it to ones whim with due considerations for the rules of counterbalancing. Examples include political connections counter heinus crimes, Experience covering up crime, Humility allowing to never trip over oneself(in any project) etc. 

You read this post in the complete opposite way it was intended too and make a bit too much assumptions because of or therefore from so. I actually agree with much of your points. 

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