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Whats It Like To Be Enlightened?

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Do you still get angry? Mad? Fustrated? 

Do you still judge and criticise people? 

Do you still want sex? 

Do all pleasures of the flesh become not good enough compared to reality or being? 

What about entertainment? Do you still indulge in video games, movies, television, reading, etc.

Anything else that might be counter intuitve please mention it. I am very new to this thing so please understand where i'm coming from. 

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Unconditional happiness and a huge weight taken off the shoulders.  From what I can tell so far.  I'm still in the beginning stages.  All your neuroses go away.  All the obstacles to pursue your path go away.  Life becomes incredibly easy and productive.  And I need much less sleep.  I've been getting much less sleep the last week since I've been making a lot of enlightenment shifts, yet I am not as fatigued as I used to be with this amount of sleep.  But I'm still in the early stages of enlightenment, so others might be helpful if they are brave enough to elude to the fact that they might be enlightened.  People don't want to say they are enlightened, it's kind of taboo.  A false modesty around here especially.  

Other than that, I'm still the same, except I don't identify as me anymore.  I am way more opened up, but a little more detached socially.  Like I am slightly autistic or something now.  And I have zero fear.  I also have no shame in doing what I want to do, since I know that that's what's advancing my ball most directly right now.  Following the intuition.  Same as I always have in that sense.  I've always had great intuition and have followed it which has led to a lot of personal development growth for me.  God speaks to you -- you just gotta have ears to hear Him.  That's intuition.  As long as you follow true intuition, you can make all the mistakes in the world, yet still end up in the exact right place.  That's one thing I'm realizing now.  I have no sense of regret over the past anymore.   But I'm just watching all of this happen because there is no me.  This is just a story.  "I" just observed "myself" tell it.  Freaky!

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Thanks for reply! When you mean "God speaks" do you mean god in heaven and/or another being in a different dimension or something governing us or something? I don't think thats what you meant. 

That sounds amazing what you described. 

If it is Taboo to say you're enlightened in western culture. But i thought that you would not care about what other people think of you? 

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@Sagatarius All language is thought-story when you talk about enlightement.  Enlightenment just is being.  Thoughts happen inside being and are subordinate to it.

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@Heart of Space Maybe it is, maybe it's not.  Who are you to judge my experience that way?  Think about it.  You don't know me.  All you know is you.  I just answered this because I think it deserves an answer and because a lot of other people on here likely wouldn't have the gall to be as open about it on here as I am.  Like I said, there's a false modesty that people have about claiming they are enlightened, and it's rare to get people to really spill the beans and talk about it like I did.  This is an experiment on my end too.  But I do not claim to be enlightened, just that I have had the above-described experiences.  That's all.  Let someone else describe their experience with enlightenment for a contrast to mine.  That would be useful.  I just let loose and let the fingers hit the keyboard.  Stream of consciousness.  That's all I did.  And it doesn't have to be right or wrong, that would miss the point.  It's just a crude description in symbols (words) of somebody else's experience with enlightenment.  That's all it can ever be.    


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Heart of Space Maybe it is, maybe it's not.  Who are you to judge my experience that way?  Think about it.  You don't know me.  All you know is you.

I was only making a dumb joke, homie.  It wasn't directed at you and I definitely wasn't trying to discredit you in any way.  Just ignore me. :P

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Depends on which stage of Enlightenment you are at. There are 4 or so stages or so in the physical.


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