
Evolution Of Collective Consciousness - Let's Help Leo!

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@Leo Gura Yea, that is most likely true.

"The way to hell is paved with good intentions."

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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Language is literally everything.  Perfecting the interactions with others is the only way to see this actualized.

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On 7/13/2017 at 1:33 AM, Leo Gura said:

@Vladimir It's a nice idea, but it will not work. The way you're proposing is what causes the corruption of all spiritual teachings and created all sorts of religions and cults.

Consciousness CANNOT be mainstreamed or done collectively. This is a huge ego distraction in disguise. Consciousness must be pursued individually. Please don't start groups about this. Just muster the wisdom so work quietly on yourself. When you deeply awaken, then you can start teaching, if you really desire that. Notice that all the time to spend organizing, is all the time you don't work on yourself. This is not an accident. The ego craves this distraction. It wants to mobilize others without to avoid working on itself.

I could easily have turned Actualized into a religion/cult/group/organization long ago. Could have earned more money that way. It was deliberately not done.

Teaching consciousness is a very dangerous thing. Without great care, it is guaranteed to turn disastrous, and actually spread unconsciousness. As history shows us. Much of the evil in the world was created in just this way, with people who wanted to spread consciousness, with good intentions, but lack of understanding of the traps involved.

But @Leo Gura

What if I get together with someone to talk about self development and we both come out of the meeting with insights that we haven't been able to come to on our own? This is a very small example of how we can work together, are you saying we shouldn't be interacting with other like-minded people to get a better understanding of reality and how to navigate it, why should we be pursuing consciousness on our own? I do understand, the real inner-work is done on our own by meditating and gaining the understanding of reality, nobody will do this for us, but connecting with others to gain insights, seeing people as teachers and experiences as lessons would greatly amplify our growth and test if we are really embodying all the good things that we're trying to cultivate within ourselves. 

I guess my original post was misleading. I think a misunderstanding comes from not making a distinction between "let's get together and spread the messages of consciousness" vs "let's share information with each other and elevate our own consciousness" so that we can then make better decisions on whichever way can help the world. Did I get that right?

On 7/12/2017 at 11:40 AM, Truth said:

@Vladimir I didnt intend for it to come off as harsh, I'm just saying its easy to create an amazing 20-30-40 year vision and talk and be self righteous towards anyone who disagrees with it  or even has something to say about it. Its another thing to be doing the things necisary and facing the harsh realities to actually manifest it. I want that vision too. But the reality is there's a lot of inner work I gotta do to manifest something like that, and that alone will probably take me 10-15 years. If you just expect people to be on board you're in for a very rude awakening to the complex systems at work that will prevent you from getting there. A systems thinker would recognize that aserting your vision to everyone and telling them to get on board is just not gonna work. 

@Truth Thanks brother, I think I understand now. I agree that we need to work on ourselves first, so that we can then make better decisions on how we can help the world and that jumping into this by trying to organize people from a place of ego is going to lead to another disaster.

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Sean Johnson

Yes! Seeing religions as metaphors from Joseph Campbell's perspective, I love the "Second Coming":

"The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations."

The sharp sword being the most powerful weapon that we have as humans - language. Armies of heaven and Him are the enlightened people - us :) who will communicate messages to enlighten others.

Of course language does have it's limits, it's very inefficient when it comes to learning and especially memorizing things. We think in pictures which is why I'm currently studying symbols, metaphors and concepts from a books called Unlimited Memory and Systems Thinking. I think re-building the system for our own learning, understanding and thinking is the most important work one can do on this journey when starting out. We haven't really been taught to learn how to learn and think efficiently, and with so much to learn and understand about reality and ourselves, building that foundation for optimized learning is going to help us tremendously. I'll describe what I've been working on in more detail in another post, this is fascinating stuff.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Vladimir True communication doesn't come from what you learn in books or from what you learn from others.  True wisdom and communication comes from a place of surrender.

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I couldn't resist...

Additional Dialogue.

Borg Queen: Do you always talk this much? 
Lieutenant Commander Data: Not always, but often. 
Borg Queen: Why do you insist on utilizing this primitive linguistic communication? Your android brain is capable of so much more. 
Lieutenant Commander Data: Have you forgotten? I'm endeavoring to become more human. 
Borg Queen: Human! We used to be exactly like them. Flawed. Weak. Organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours. 
Lieutenant Commander Data: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind. 
Borg Queen: Small words from a small being, trying to attack what it doesn't understand. 


I do wonder if there are any good books on perhaps making the unconscious more conscious. Whether there are pro and cons to a potential of higher consciousness and how to even get there. So much information out there. Anyone read any books on Wim Hof? fishing for the best up to date concentrated information, found a book called "The Lucifer Principle" looking to fillet the best information of books on the unconscious mind, through experts or general publicists.

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@Sean Johnson That's very vague, could you elaborate? What type of communication are you referring to and what is "true" communication? You have learned to write your words from books and other people, is what you're communicating to me false? What do you mean surrender? Do I just surrender myself to my laziness and gain all the wisdom in the world?

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Vladimir It is extremely vague because there is no way to communicate this to you.  This is something you must understand in your own direct experience.  You have to see language and communication as something that just happens and you have no control over.  You have to Truly not know what words are and all of existence.

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@Sean Johnson More vagueness, "I must", "I have to", "I have to". If there is no way to communicate it to me, then why are you even attempting to communicate this to me? When you throw words around like "must" and "have to", you don't inspire much credibility and reeking of dogma. Anyway, we're off topic now.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Vladimir It is extremely vague because there is no way to communicate this to you.  This is something that is understood in your own direct experience.  Language is something that just happens and there is no control over it.  Truly not knowing what words are and all of existence brings this understanding.  Thank you for showing me this because I'm stilling learning the best way to communicate with people. 

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