
Everybody Just Can't Grasp It

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Even before the recent video of Leo's "Why people seem crazy", I had wondered why all the people I've had conversations with don't seem to grasp many of the simple spiritual concepts, or maybe they do, but they just acknowledge and forget about them in the next 5 minutes. 

Well, I don't really think that it's a matter of logically understanding, but the different scale of importance people place the information on. So I think it's just that all these concepts and their execution wouldn't give them what they want, or at least that's how they see them, and that's the information they trust the most since it's their own conclusion.

I think one of the most important components in this field to get started is curiosity and openness. I had always been curious of anything that was different, unusual or even supernatural. So I spent most of my life trying out all kinds of stuff that was of some radical end. People saw me as some deluded boy with wild imagination, but if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be doing all of this (meditation, self-actualizing in general). So if that component is lacking in a person and he is presented with this kind of information, it's much less likely for him to try out some of these things for an extended period of time.

Even high IQ won't do much. My father has incredibly high IQ and is REALLY successful in his field (Architecture). Despite being ridiculously intelligent, it seems absurd how helpless he is in recognizing his own toxic behavior and its effects and how it could be fixed. I was once talking with him about meditation and I just suggested to him to try it out, and he went on full defense mode claiming all sorts of stuff "That thing is only good for people who have problems..." followed by another bold claim "I don't have any problems... I'm always happy, I'm never negative." and of course a lot of programming about meditation throughout one's life affects their views radically. But claiming a position of knowing everything about something you have little to no knowledge over (and that which you have, might be just flat out wrong and superficial). And then making extremely bold unrealistic claims about oneself that you deep down know aren't true at all. Doesn't really seem like the talk of a very intelligent person doesn't it.

Anyways, there would be many cases that could be thrown here as examples, but the general idea I'm trying to construct here into words is the person's suitability for different fields and why we might see them as complete idiots when it comes to the field where we are more successful at due to our characteristics and information we've been exposed to and how we have interpreted them. There might be some flaws in my thinking make sure to point them out and please share your own perspective so we can create a better constructed idea.

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@Jani I agree. EQ (emotional intelligence) is as or even more important than IQ.

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Leo's recent video was interesting. Spirituality is one of the hardest things to communicate to others, esp to the ones closest to us. Maybe perhaps they're not interested or they're not "wired" to be interested. 

Watching Ralph's clip also helped. He just says things in a different way. 

I'm just hoping that if I make it through my life purpose which will include non-duality / spirituality, at least the people closest to me will notice. Sometimes you cannot tell ppl; you have to show them (indirectly).

Edited by Key Elements

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27 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Leo's recent video was interesting. Spirituality is one of the hardest things to communicate to others, esp to the ones closest to us. Maybe perhaps they're not interested or they're not "wired" to be interested. 

Watching Ralph's clip also helped. He just says things in a different way. 

I'm just hoping that if I make it through my life purpose which will include non-duality / spirituality, at least the people closest to me will notice. Sometimes you cannot tell ppl; you have to show them (indirectly).

True. It would be irresponsible to act as a some kind of guru to people when we're in the middle of struggling ourselves. Let's focus on our own development and be the example and impact people as a side-process. Thanks for the video!

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People understand very well what spirituality implies . Though, in their denying, they do get a glimpse of its truth. Yet most won't even ponder more than a second on the implication. That is, the realization, or even the idea, that we are totally responsible for our own thoughts and actions seems too much to handle. That is what Truth will reveal to us. It means we can no longer blame any person, place, thing or situation for our circumstance.

Most people are too afraid to grasp such a truth. It's too hot to handle.

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right you no longer blame anyone or anything, because your perception is now corrected and you see your not a person but consciousness using the body as a way to experience, and that although different in appearance they are the same as you. so treat everyone as you would your self because they are you as your playing 7.5b+ forms at one time to try and remind your self who you are and come back to harmony. 

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@Jani I used to tell people about meditation benefits (my dad included). I don't anymore, outside of this forum. It's a real cart before the horse dilemma. People say "you're successful" or "you're happy" because you have money, didn't have a traumatizing childhood, were born smart, had better opportunities, etc, etc, etc. They are caught up in the momentum of their thinking, which is the very thing meditation would free them from, but they are also caught up in their connotations of meditation so they don't try it. People do love to talk about it as if they've tried it though. The dog has a certain level of consciousness. Buddha had a certain level too. Most of us are somewhere inbetween. 



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7 hours ago, Visitor said:

People understand very well what spirituality implies . Though, in their denying, they do get a glimpse of its truth. Yet most won't even ponder more than a second on the implication. That is, the realization, or even the idea, that we are totally responsible for our own thoughts and actions seems too much to handle. That is what Truth will reveal to us. It means we can no longer blame any person, place, thing or situation for our circumstance.

Most people are too afraid to grasp such a truth. It's too hot to handle.

Are we responsible for our own thoughts and actions? Who? In my first hand experience, I do not create my own thoughts, emotions and actions. Everything is just happening and is being observed. Back to the question of Who, if I can't find a doer of all this, who is responsible for the thoughts and actions? 

"It means we can no longer blame any person, place, thing or situation for our circumstance." - This is true only when there is the recognition that there is no doer. How can you blame a happening when there is no doer to pin it on? Hehe! I blame the Earthquake! Such an asshole.

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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45 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Are we responsible for our own thoughts and actions? Who? In my first hand experience, I do not create my own thoughts, emotions and actions. Everything is just happening and is being observed. Back to the question of Who, if I can't find a doer of all this, who is responsible for the thoughts and actions? 

"It means we can no longer blame any person, place, thing or situation for our circumstance." - This is true only when there is the recognition that there is no doer. How can you blame a happening when there is no doer to pin it on? Hehe! I blame the Earthquake! Such an asshole.

Your world and life is totally based on your perception. Those perceptions give rise to your own thoughts about what you perceive. Those thoughts give rise to your own emotions and actions based on your thoughts.

Our thoughts are censored and filtered according to our fabricated ego and agreed belief system. There is no magical outside manipulation of our own thoughts, emotions, and actions. We are responsible for how we interpret, feel, and act towards our perceptions (observations).

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10 hours ago, Visitor said:

People understand very well what spirituality implies . Though, in their denying, they do get a glimpse of its truth. Yet most won't even ponder more than a second on the implication. That is, the realization, or even the idea, that we are totally responsible for our own thoughts and actions seems too much to handle. That is what Truth will reveal to us. It means we can no longer blame any person, place, thing or situation for our circumstance.

Most people are too afraid to grasp such a truth. It's too hot to handle.

Yes, victim mentality goes out of the window as one grows spiritually. No one to blame, not even oneself.

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