Hero in progress

Meditation While Blindfolded!! Do It!!!

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I won't go into too much detail. But if you guys are looking to really take your meditation to the next level, doing it while blindfolded is a good idea. I recommend you try it at least once. I just tryed it for the first time. I got the idea from looking at a dark room retreat. And thought why not see what its like to sit with pitch blackness. So I got a black top I have, tied it round my head completely covering the eyes. Pitch black! Worked pretty well. 

From this it was much easier to isolate the sense of self that is experienced in the mind. And see like aha! That's what the self is taken to be! There's the distinction of self. All thought. And I watch it. Let it do what ever it wants knowing that's not what I am. It comes & goes and when the images/voice/feelings that create the sense of self are not, I still Am. They need me to exist but I don't need them to exist because I Am regardless. This is the type of way to see it. 

You will also notice the "Self" then perceives the body sensations and claims ownership of them. That's my feet, that's my shoulders ect. But that's all illusory as well, so look past that and just "be" the body instead of the self perceiving the body then claiming ownership. After a while you will start to feel a sense of openness & expansion and go from there really.  Have a enlightenment experience, its really not hard, you already are what you seek so....  Chop chop, I double dare ya! :)




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2 hours ago, Hero in progress said:

I won't go into too much detail. But if you guys are looking to really take your meditation to the next level, doing it while blindfolded is a good idea. I recommend you try it at least once. I just tryed it for the first time. I got the idea from looking at a dark room retreat. And thought why not see what its like to sit with pitch blackness. So I got a black top I have, tied it round my head completely covering the eyes. Pitch black! Worked pretty well. 

From this it was much easier to isolate the sense of self that is experienced in the mind. And see like aha! That's what the self is taken to be! There's the distinction of self. All thought. And I watch it. Let it do what ever it wants knowing that's not what I am. It comes & goes and when the images/voice/feelings that create the sense of self are not, I still Am. They need me to exist but I don't need them to exist because I Am regardless. This is the type of way to see it. 

You will also notice the "Self" then perceives the body sensations and claims ownership of them. That's my feet, that's my shoulders ect. But that's all illusory as well, so look past that and just "be" the body instead of the self perceiving the body then claiming ownership. After a while you will start to feel a sense of openness & expansion and go from there really.  Have a enlightenment experience, its really not hard, you already are what you seek so....  Chop chop, I double dare ya! :)




I call and I raise you earplugs!

PS: The way you explained this *stuff is super clear and amazing tnx

Edited by Dodoster


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In Darkness we truly see,

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@Dodoster Haha its funny you said that because I did have headphones in my ears when I did it for the second time as well. Its a great meditation. Try it out! :)


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12 minutes ago, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster Haha its funny you said that because I did have headphones in my ears when I did it for the second time as well. Its a great meditation. Try it out! :)


Already did yesterday, I found myself twitching at one point, it was like my mind was rebelling as to what was going on :D


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@Dodoster Haha That's what yourself will do, it doesn't want to die and when you have a deep experience of the void it will be a kind of death for the self, but thats okay. You can't die. Because we don't exist as a thing and only things die. I laid on my bed with the blindfold yesterday for about two hours. The whole time over and over again trying to relax the body more & more. You can always relax the body more. And if you try it the body will unconsciously tense up again and again. You will notice this. The more relaxed and still your body is the more expandedness you will feel. A sense of openness. Don't worry about sitting in a meditation position all the time, sometimes its good just to lay down and be extremely comfortable & relaxed. This can yield great results and its enjoyable. :)


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Just now, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster Haha That's what yourself will do, it doesn't want to die and when you have a deep experience of the void it will be a kind of death for the self, but thats okay. You can't die. Because we don't exist as a thing and only things die. I laid on my bed with the blindfold yesterday for about two hours. The whole time over and over again trying to relax the body more & more. You can always relax the body more. And if you try it the body will unconsciously tense up again and again. You will notice this. The more relaxed and still your body is the more expandedness you will feel. A sense of openness. Don't worry about sitting in a meditation position all the time, sometimes its good just to lay down and be extremely comfortable & relaxed. This can yield great results and its enjoyable. :)


To be honest this is how I started meditating before I was so deep into the subject - I used to put on a guided meditation from M. Sealey (Youtube) and just felt free of all the worries of the day, falling asleep to it. I was very stressed and anxious because of work and uncertainty and this was the only way I was meditating - laying down.

I told my friend who was into Buddhism and with whom we were having countless  arguments of theism vs atheism ( I was on side of atheism) and free will vs no free will ( I was on the side of no free will ) and he told me that this is not meditation :D I bet if I meet him now I'll be completely new person to him. It was just a year and a half ago...


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@Dodoster How long have you been meditating for now? Do you have a set routine for it or do it more spontaneously? Another tip I heard from osho is meditate when you first wake up because you are closest to your center when you first wake up, and also it will help you bring your meditative state into your day ( if your still stressed out during work?)  Another great thing to do when your laying down to meditate pretend your dead, and really try and make it as authentic as possible. Like when ramana Maharashi had his huge enlightenment. I haven't heard of m. Sealey I will have to check them out. :D


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@Hero in progress do you find it helpful to stretch before formal meditation?


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Just now, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster How long have you been meditating for now? Do you have a set routine for it or do it more spontaneously? Another tip I heard from osho is meditate when you first wake up because you are closest to your center when you first wake up, and also it will help you bring your meditative state into your day ( if your still stressed out during work?)  Another great thing to do when your laying down to meditate pretend your dead, and really try and make it as authentic as possible. Like when ramana Maharashi had his huge enlightenment. I haven't heard of m. Sealey I will have to check them out. :D


I've pretended to be dead when I was a kid, I wanted my sister to think I'm dead. We were doing some work, throwing corn in the hangar in my village (which I still dream, the most vivid dreams are there). Come to think of it, everything was so magical back then.

Michael Sealey is a dude with the smoothest voice and does the most calming guided meditations ever.


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@Dodoster I have never thought of that!! (Stretching)Thankyou!! Thats a great idea! I will try that later before meditation. :)


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@Dodoster Yeah I like stretching.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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3 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

I've pretended to be dead when I was a kid, I wanted my sister to think I'm dead. We were doing some work, throwing corn in the hangar in my village (which I still dream, the most vivid dreams are there). Come to think of it, everything was so magical back then.

Michael Sealey is a dude with the smoothest voice and does the most calming guided meditations ever.

How cool... Have you tried standing meditation ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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23 minutes ago, Hero in progress said:

@Dodoster How long have you been meditating for now? Do you have a set routine for it or do it more spontaneously?

Another tip I heard from osho is meditate when you first wake up because you are closest to your center when you first wake up,


I have daily meditation, at least 1 hour with HoloSync and additional spontaneous ones without. Sometimes I just continue after HoloSync ends.

Sometimes I would miss my daily meditation due to taking weed - which makes me hyperactive and makes me want to do stuff, but it's like after smoking weed I feel one with what I'm doing and feel super present, it feels like I become what my expectations of enlightened person are, but just for a while of course. In such moments you can see me spamming the forum with my "insights" which just come and feel like core and ultimate truths at the time. 

When I've smoked weed, I feel so much more free, I do things that I wouldn't when sober - I am able to go out and talk to random strangers on the street and engage them in deep conversations and laugh around with them. Not girls, girls would always think you're trying to pick them up and run. I usually talk to black guys, because there's a lot of them here in London and they seem more open to random conversations on the street than white guys. :D 

About the second bit: Today when I was waking up I noticed this, I was moving into identification with my form identity, but there was a gap, which I was able to notice, which was free of it!! I was like, what is this :D - then I felt my body intensely and felt the need to move my head a bit, because it was stiff. It felt like magic that I am suddenly a human.


Edited by Dodoster


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@Dodoster Oh you live in London do ya? I m pretty close to you I live in east Sussex area. Its funny that weed makes you do that, its funny how it effects so many people differently. It differently has helped.raise my consciousness, have insights, and help still the mind permanently. Some people have the total opposite effect. 

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Some spas have sensory deprivation tanks where you float and experience a state without sight, sound, smell, gravity, etc...Hallucinations however appear pretty fast, if the mind isn't stimulated it starts to make stuff on its own...

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