Truth Addict

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Posts posted by Truth Addict

  1. 1 hour ago, Vipassana said:

    build awareness. Everything is beliefs if taken to that degree however maintaining mindfulness moment to moment and becoming conscious of the fact that the only thing thats true for you in your direct experience is your bodily sensations. If you rationalize concepts using concepts all you're doing is running away from truth.

    I agree, but what I'm saying is that beliefs are not totally bad. We need beliefs to communicate, build, exercise, etc.. You just can't be here if you don't have any beliefs.

    I understand, I'm the consciousness that's conscious of this very moment, given the fact that on psychedelics my consciousness will change, which means nothing really exists. Does that mean also that I need to experience change in my consciousness to understand? Because I understand everything theoretically but I honestly don't feel anything special about it.

  2. 8 hours ago, Nahm said:

    There is Truth. So all beliefs are false. Tricky though, cause if you are it, you could never be addicted to it. 

    So this is the meal that's not on the menu? Still, beliefs are not false necessarily, I prefer treating them as irrelevant from Truth. Otherwise you shouldn't be here using your PC or whatever to tell me about it. You're here because you believe in something (it might be about me or about you or anyone else). ?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Shin said:

    lol no, when I say see it for yourself I mean you got to try now.

    It actually makes perfect sense to me. Like when you play video games, what's loading on the screen plus the sounds (what's loaded on the RAM) are what's -you could say- real in the game.

    But I don't feel any different, life is magical, it always felt that way to me. Nevertheless, I'm glad to see the true nature of existence.

  4. 4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    I think that is called meta belief belief about the beliefs they are also super tricky,its best to drop them for now...(in the end)

    Why dropping all beliefs? Are they all bad?

    4 hours ago, Shin said:

    Whatever you didn't experienced in your life is just a thought.

    So if you didn't see, for example, Paris, then it doesn't exist for you.

    You can even go deeper, everything you don't experience RIGHT NOW, is a thought, therefore not real.

    I get your point, but again isn't that a belief too? Or just me doing mental masturbation?

    2 hours ago, eputkonen said:

    If the belief was wouldn't know, because it is just a belief.  With knowledge/understanding...belief is not needed, because you know.

    It would be better to just stick with what you know and do not know...and not bother believing.  The world is seen through the blinders and colored lenses of our beliefs.  So if you don't believe something that is in fact true, you may not see the truth of it because you deny it to hold onto your belief.  Everything you do see (through the filters/blinders) is substantiating your belief...belief blindness you could call it, blindness to any information contrary to the belief.

    The world is most clearly seen as it truly is when we hold no beliefs.

    This is what makes the world a meaningless place. It is what it is, utterly meaningless. It's cool btw, confusing too.

    @Joseph Maynor Thanks for the pic and the vids, I'll watch them later.

  5. 22 hours ago, Quanty said:

    Straight Answer:

    You feel that you die, Literally. You start saying goodbye even if is not with words. And you make peace with yourself.


    I encountered many "sleep paralysis" attacks throughout my life. Last time I had one, I completely surrendered and said 'I can do nothing about it, so why fight it, accept it.'

    Fortunately, I never had them anymore since then.

    My question is; was that ego death?

  6. 42 minutes ago, DrMobius said:

    @egoless You are stuck because you are trying to apply local reasoning to reality as a whole. Although that's an easy trap to fall into, it is fallacious to assume that, just because the contents of reality behave according to causes and effects, reality itself also obeys the same rule. There is nothing at all that suggests that, it takes a bit of intellectual honesty to understand.

    By the way, even from a scientific standpoint, according to the Big Bang theory, causality wasn't even a thing at T=0. Space, time, physical laws, matter, energy, etc. everything was literally one (and infinite) at the original singularity, causality came a little bit later. So you can't use logic to try to grab the whole. Questions like "where" and "why" simply don't make sense. This is frustrating for that curious mind of yours, I know. But hey, that's also the whole magic of it.

    How do you know that reality is the whole? What if there's someone aka God not ruled by the laws of reality, not needing to be inside of it and Who also created this reality.

    Why are you treating God like other material things?

    After all, God is, by definition, beyond mind, science, logic, experience, etc.. If He can't be then He isn't God.

    God is infinitely infinite, nor the mind neither "direct experience" can grasp the absolute infinity.

  7. 1 hour ago, Monkey-man said:

    @Truth Addict I don't understand why religions, polytheistic, monotheistic and non-theistic (including Buddhism) dismiss this material life as something unimportant and place for mere test and challenge.

    Main themes of all religions is escapism: salvation, liberation, redemption. 

    And you might be right to say that its a metaphorical tool to make people follow 'goodness' so they can stop attachment to their finite things and live this material life in the NOW with joy and truth and oneness instead of being absorbed with problems, separated and suffering. Escape pain of this realm, not the realm itself. And then as a reward maybe have 'goodies' after this realm.

    That can be very appealing and reasonable explanation. But thats only one side of the coin coz its just way too easy to say that religions only advocated that, and used metaphorical way. I think religions (by that I mean actual historical saints, prophets, spiritual scientists of the past) are just as metaphorical as they are literal. They might have been very much serious about actual escape from this 'unnecessary' and 'dirty' existence. Its not just metaphors.

    I can't just buy that their main purpose is about transforming your bad troublesome material separated egoic body life realm into good spiritual oneness truth absolute etc etc  body life realm. I think if Abrahamics said that main purpose is whats beyond this 'useless' body life then they actually meant that. If Buddha and Hindus said that main purpose is to leave any life at all, then they actually meant that. 

    But question is if God created everything, then he created this life too then why dismiss it?

    Maybe the main reason I can't understand that is because the whole evolution process seem to be sooo, well, intelligent and done with such care to details, and its progressing without end. Sorta like: God cared so much to create all that stupid flowers, molecules, cells and stupid human bodies and spend billions years for that. So in the end it is really controversial to say that all of these are unimportant illusions, stupid and useless material life and we only came here to learn and escape from here asap. Saints didn't seem to imply importance of neither spiritual nor material evolution of humanity.

    ALSO, Buddha and Hindus talked about escape from samsara including escape from any kind of heavens, but Abrahamic religions (not mysticism) didn't.  Instead they advocated for going to better realms of existence.  If Abrahamics actually meant escape from samsara of all kinds, don't you think they could just simply said that? Buddha simply said that: I'm teaching enlightenment which is escape from any realms. Why Abrahamic religions didn't? Given that they were born later than Buddhism and Hinduism. I think their message was beyond that.

    While Buddha was clear he didn't care about living anymore and anywhere as its all stupid suffering. He was enlightened but he still said: escape your suffering and leave this useless place asap.

    Can't simply dismiss and can't simply accept that. Something missing here. I dunno perhaps cosmology should be taken more seriously

    Sorry I'm not arguing for religion here.

    I was just asking some authentic questions.

  8. Actually there's another possibility that I don't know if we can verify, which is that God can't be accessed or experienced by any means. This means that everything in reality including "Consciousness" is a creature created by God, and God is someone else that we can't reach.

    What if this reality was the devil? And non-duality was in fact a way to connect with the devil deceiving us that he's God?

    The fact that we can't know anything for sure suggests strongly that we need a guidance. Which will be definitely some prophet sent by God Himself.

    What if there are no other teachings that we can trust?

    What if physical death is the only way to reach God?

    Where was your consciousness before it habits your body? What if it will keep its memories after you die?

    What if everything is really an exam? What if religion is true?

    Non-duality doesn't answer these metaphysical questions: "How do you know if you're experiencing God or someone else?" "What about before birth and after death?" "Will consciousness stay after we die?"

    Non-duality only cares about the "NOW" which is not the same as religions do.

    I don't know if what I said was related to your post. But these questions always give me insomnia.

    P.S. I don't know if these questions are valid.

  9. @egoless

    I'm by no means more experienced than you are but I think this might help.

    If you ever ask a preacher or a religion man: If God created everything then who created God?

    They will answer you simply that this logic doesn't apply here because it's like asking:

    "Who cooked the cook?"

    I think it's quite normal to question everything, but also we should know the limits of logic. Though the question here is not valid, you should find out for yourself.

    All the best ?

  10. 2 hours ago, Kserkkj said:

    Hitler Shall Make The Mind Into An Tool For Consciousness. He Is One Of A Person Who Made The Ranks Of The Intellectual Man. He Is The Mental Fabric Of God. He Is A Beast. What An interesting Mind Is There to fear But You Must Undertake That Mission To Remember It To Become It To Allow It To Punish To Numb To Anger To Distress To Mitten To Create To Redestroy To Fear It Is The Greatest Thing The Masters Of Land Can Re-deem. Now See That He Is The God Of The Land. Now Obey Him. Or Else. Be A Mental Saying Within The Mental Numbness Of Integrities. If You Comprehend Me, You Fuck The Mind Completely.

    Now, Understand That, He Is... And You Aren't


    Dude, just chill and check your grammar.

    No, I don't comprehend you. Actually I have no clue about what you said.

  11. 23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Truth Addict It doesn't click because the mind is still wandering and conceptualizing too much.

    The whole secret to self-inquiry is 100-hours of laser focus. It can take 100 hours of sitting and doing nothing just to get the mind to calm down. And then the real work begins.

    Scheduling week-long retreats is one of the most effective things you can do if you want enlightenment.

    What I also find very necessary is undermining your entire materialist paradigm of reality. There is so much conceptual baggage there which weighs down your meditation capacity. It's rather pointless to meditate if all the while you sit there holding yourself as a brain inside a physical universe. That illusion of "physicality" needs to be cracked wide open. Of course psychedelics are wonderful for that.

    Yes I think I need to do some long retreat, but it's not possible right now because I have my college and my job and I need money. As for conceptualizing everything, that's the only way I used to look at things through, it might take some time to break this addiction.

    Psychedelics are not an option for me (at least right now), I want this process to happen naturally and I'm not in a rush, though I'm dying to know the Truth. Eventually I will use some of them, but for now I'm not ready yet.

    Thank you Leo ?

    21 hours ago, egoless said:

    @Truth Addict It is as simple as: 

    Are you aware?

    What happened to your attention when you answered this question?

    where did you go?

    Actually it doesn't work on me anymore, it used to work many times before because I was searching for how to become enlightened. Now I use to conceptualize the answer automatically. This situation sucks, but thanks anyways.

    21 hours ago, Ocean said:

    @Truth Addict

    The new buzz word, mindfulness, may be more helpful than meditation.

    Meditation is great for the mind and body but it might takes a while (or never) as what you end up doing is watching the world in a very specific way - not in all it's glory within daily activities while your thoughts and emotions react to it - those are the times we could put inquiry to better use - either in the moment or later. Who am I, not this, not that etc.

    I also recommend using the mind's logic and honesty to discover what the mind itself is blocking so that one can see things clearly. This can't be done in the mind alone and thats why some say write it out int he physcial world. Like a diary of uncovering the blocks, where each new attempt destroys a past truth you held true. Drugs will only give you expereinces, and if you're not careful they will be elevated to something special and do more harm than good in uncovering the false.

    The fact that you say "and also trying to get to enlightenment."  is making it into something that it isn't and therefore easily missed by the luring lights of mayas illusion.

    Do you really want to see the true nature of reality? Even if costs you everything, including all your fun beliefs and emotional reactions to life?

    If it's just another ego notch on the bed post, the energy you spend on it could be better spent elsewhere.

    Okay thanks I'll try mindfulness meditation for a week and see the difference.

    Every time I self-inquire I discover some new obstacles to knowing the Truth, it'll be useful to list them, so yeah I agree.

    Most of my beliefs about reality have collapsed after I watched the "Self-Deception" series for Leo. Still I fall back from time to time, but generally I understand that it's just a deception, it's not real, it's only happening in my mind, which enlightened people say it doesn't even exist, and I can relate to that possibility too because I know there's no proof of the brains either. This series helped me to break many many addictions. It's good to know the Truth.

    So I think it's a matter of time.

    Thanks for your help ?

  12. @Nahm

    I'm not sure when I started meditating, probably nearly two months.

    I don't do any specific technique, I just let go and focus my attention on my sensations (mostly breathing) and when I get the complete no chatter phase I turn my focus on nothing.

    Actually I started to feel more relaxed and rational in my ordinary life. Also I started to have more control over my behaviors and decisions.

    And yes I think that the mind is trying to push it's agenda. But at the same time I'm burning inside to get enlightened. I want to experience the truth that all of you folks talk about.

    I appreciate your opinion.

  13. Alright.

    I've been meditating for a while, and also trying to get to enlightenment.

    My problem is that it doesn't click.

    Conceptually: I understand that I'm not my mind, nor my thoughts. I understand that I have no clue about me, nor about reality. I understand that I'm not the brain, nor the body. I am the observer of the observation aka consciousness.

    So what am I and who am I? I still think of the answer conceptually, it doesn't work.

    And in fact it's quite annoying that oneday I felt like I was about to get hit by the truth, it felt overwhelming, came from every corner, was about to hit me, then all of sudden disappeared and left me wandering.

    What have I missed that day? And what am I missing all the way?

    Please help.