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Posts posted by Octafish

  1. @Girzo 

    Seconding The Witness, an amazing experience that's all about perspective and perception.

    I feel like Baba is You has some tier 2 to it aswell. While it's technically based in strict orange logic, there is a whimsical non materialism to it. At the  very least it's green with strongly integrated orange.

    On 2020-08-02 at 10:38 AM, Girzo said:

    The Witness is a logical puzzle game with a lot of references to mysticism, including Rupert Spira talks.

    I would place it around Yellow.

  2. I feel like Viper the Rapper is a great example of some positive and negative traits of stage red. 

    On the positive side, after he accidentally became a meme from his song "You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack" he just went the "any publicity is good publicity" route and started releasing 300 albums a year with even more ridicolus titles. (Google "Rapper Viper Album Covers" and never look back)

    This gave him a bit of a following of people wanting to work with him and buy his music so he started selling features and albums. Except that it all was a scam and he charged insane prices for both and extremely rarely even sent anything in return for it.

    Here's a great mini documentary of a guy signing up to work with him and what entails


  3. Is activly trying to convince someone of your worldview through words a fruitless activity? Because I've been finding myself very disinterested in that lately.

    Some years ago I had the tendency to always want to respond to things I did not agree with counter arguments, nowadays I rarely feel interested in that and rarely really want to go past more lighthearted conversations where we just listen to eachothers views rather than trying to convince. 

    I guess that part of that comes from having gotten a much less socially acceptable worldview that I can't really base on anything besides "I consumed a lot of spiritual content and combined with meditation and everyday experiences I now trust my intuition more than anything else".

    I guess for me in the end spirituality is more context than content and as a musician I'll be more drawn to making music that more abstractly expresses how I view the world while someone more scientifically/politically inclined might be more about finding the exact words and arguments.

    What kind of experiences do you have with this?

  4. I've actually seeked out a proper commentary channel doing this exact video for years just for the hell of it lol I have no idea why someone else didn't do it first.

    Pretty much what I expected though, basically spirituality = cult and drugs = illegal for ten minutes straight. I mean I don't blame him, first time I heard about enlightenment, unconditonal happiness etc it took me weeks to come to peace with the idea that it could be possible and the implications for my life. I've always been pretty openminded and interested in weird novel ideas at that.

    I feel like what commentary channels do is that they act as a charismatic mouthpiece for a cultural status quo and people sharing those values come to the channel to get thier emotional responses validated. People never really go into these videos expecting to change their minds on anything as much as they just want to feel safe. Meanwhile I feel like the function of Actualized is just challenging your beliefs which would be the exact opposite.

    I get the sense that people attracted to to the commentary format and the kind of selfassuring critisism are people that are anxious and really want some consistensy in life so they maybe even need this to keep functioning properly. 

    (ps, not trying to say that I'm above the commentary style, I feel stuff like Kurtis Conner making fun of cheesy Instagram entrepreneurs or Country boys om tiktok can be hilarious, but I really try to remember not to throw the baby out with the bathwater while watching that stuff.)

  5. I agree a little bit, but I don't think that it's about the videos being different as much as it was about me finding exactly the right videos at exactly the right time back then. I knew so little that there still was so much to learn just by listening to the videos, the most basic thing could be mindblowing.

    However, my life is so much better in every way right now and I like to think that I've gotten at least a little bit wiser so I guess that just comes with not being able to feel as mindblown directly without actually putting in some more work to meditate etc

    Nowadays I feel like Leo's work (old as new) is just one nieche source of information of many to me, which is probably a much healthier way to go about it, but it was pretty sweet being so ignorant and dysfunctional that I could get all of the advice I thought I'd ever need from one channel and get crazy results almost instantly ?

  6. @Hansu I'm not too familiar with the exact details of the organisation myself, some reading into the FAQ on their page can maybe clean some things up. (Sadly my schedule is a bit busy today so I don't have too much time to think alot about this at the moment.) https://rebellion.earth/the-truth/faqs/

    (Also sorry if I came off too abrasive, I'm just a bit allergic to percived lack of humility in myself so I might judge that a bit too harshly in others at times.)

  7. Did the organisation fail? They're getting press for their cause and "Business as usual = death" printed in a newspaper. They are reaching out to more people than before.

    I mean there is always room for improvement but I feel like there's crazy amounts of smugness in this thread. An Extinction Rebellion with sloppy understanding of SD is still probably more productive than no Extinction Rebellion at all.

    I'm not saying "Let's not critizise anything from an SD point of view", these discussion can be useful, I'm just saying that these kinds of critisisms tend to more often than not be to point out how people who challenge our ways of living are naive, while ignoring how we ourselves are naive for being so ok with business as usual. 

  8. In my case I contemplated what a relationship was a whole bunch. I ended up coming to the conclusion that I had a way too binary idea of what it meant to be in love/ in a relationship. If someone doesn't like you it would be super weird to be in a relationship with that person, and the only reason you think you want to is because you made up a version of the person that you're projecting onto them.

    The person you are needy about doesn't exist, if someone is uninterested in you you're uninterested in them, you're just telling yourself otherwise.

    I don't know how to stop getting attached quickly though, I quite enjoy that actually, but I know damn well that I can't tell what a person is like that quick and that all that I know about them is a projection. If they turn out not to be who I wanted them to be it's just to accept that we were not a good match, but that the early crushing still was worth it because of the opportuinities it could have given.

  9. 19 hours ago, Bestyle2209 said:

    And do you have concrete critiques of him (in order to make her aware of them) - why he can be harmful - especially when it comes to his political reasoning - to watch him? The things I found is that he isn't leading to more acceptance and understanding, but more seperation and that he is quite irrational in being against a more "socialistic" democracy. Anything else? Thanks.

    There's a lot of stage green critiques of him on youtube from people like Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Cuck Philosophy and that whole crowd that you maybe could show her. It's kind of easily digestable critisisms but maybe more to the entertainment side, and comes with the limitation that the creators not really having any good grasp on spirituality. Maybe Angie Speaks' video on him was my favorite because she is seems way more open to the spiritual and Jungian stuff than the rest. (Just speaking from memory here and there was a while since I watched any of them, so check for yourself if there's anything of value there.)

    (I'd reccomend avoiding stuff like the Enough Peterson Spam subreddit though because that is just a cesspool of "Self help and Jung is bad, I don't understand why anyone could like either of them")

    Or maybe the more effective way would be to find some better alternatives teaching similar things. Gabor Mate is really enjoyable (even though if I remeber it right he's technically a physician and not a psychologist like @serotoninluv said, but then I don't think he would make that separatiom himself ?)  Maybe reccomend her some early Actualized videos. Alan Watts and JP also seems to have some kind of strange way to attract the same people so maybe find some good video by him that she would resonate with. 

    Just some thoughts from the top of my head, hope something helps! 

  10. I see what you mean, I had a similar experience around two years ago when I found him interesting and fun as a contrast to my regular greenish ways. I think I spent my fair share of youtube time around Actualized, Alan Watts and Terence McKenna back then, so he was a bit different but with a slight overlap.

    I don't know how much I got moved up the spiral though and I got bored with him pretty quickly as I felt there was not much more to learn from him besides a slight gain in appriciation for discipline and just being aware what some people seem to dislike in postmodern neomarxists such as myself.

    I think it's perfectly possible to enjoy a JP video or two at stage green and don't really think she is neccesarely growing nor regressing because of it. (But then, who knows, just my personal experience talking.)

  11. I don't think it's good to get all hung up on the entire "music has to be motivational/contain positive affirmations" thingy. In my experience the relationship is far from that linear.

    For example, last night I listened to the two most recent Mount Eerie albums for the first time. The music is super depressing, with minimal instrumentation and the lyrics deal with his day to day life after his wife died from cancer at 37, leaving him alone with their one year old baby.

    Sounds like some real low vibrational third eye calcifying stuff doesn't it? But on the contrary, my interest in listening to it seemed to pull me to it because there was something to learn there. Something about all the gray bleakness and how attractive it was to me made me realize how much I was forgetting to appriciate the mundane parts of life more, and showed me exatly that mundane feeling which I was avoiding. (Besides just being an amazing emotional journey that made me cry a bit at times.)

    Experinces might differ though, maybe music has terrible effects on some people and amazing effects on others. As been said earlier in the thread I think it's just up to being mindful and see how it affects you.

  12. Me and my girlfriend are both pretty much stage green as far as my understanding of SD goes. We have some mutual friends that are in a polyamorous relationship so we've been discussing our views on that a couple of times. Neither of us seem to think that it's an off the wall idea and that we both probably could see ourselves being polyamorous sometime if the time was right. 

    Granted, as of now we are monogamous. Our "reasoning" is that we both feel romantically satiesfied by eachother in combination with being in our early twenties, and trying to fit in more partners into our weeks crammed with studying stuff we are passionate about, wageslaving at the weekends, socialisation with friends, reading books and some spiritual practises (on my part) would just become such a hassle. (And I do, at least in theory, buy in to the idea of Lifestyle Minimalism™ ?)

    Outside of that we also did theorize a bit about the risk of just starting to use the feeling of having a new partner as a distraction and using it to procrastinate other stuff that mighy be more important. (But that's not neccesarely a thing exclusive to polyamoury and more of a potential trap than an argument against it.)

    So anyways that's my green thinking about why I'm not up to polyamory at the moment, hope you find some value in it!

  13. On 2018-02-18 at 7:00 PM, General 2 said:

    in his Dream Killers video series Leo says, that you're never too old to start something new

    in his other video (How to be patient? I might be wrong), however, he tells that you should begin the earliest possible

    What is the earliest possible point in time you have access to? That is the time to start at.

  14. @Shin I socialize a lot but you're right that it's mostly the same group of people in which I'm not really interested in dating any of the women.

    It's probably always a good idea to just do some of those basic personal development things aswell. Kind of easy to forget about those when you're busy meditating in hopes of encountering alien mantis people or getting kicked out of the library for pulverizing and snorting all of their books in hope of some new insight on how to best move towards your life purpose.

    But yeah tell me about it. I feel like the biggest thing I'd enjoy in a relationship would be the proper disillusionment with the idea that it would make me happy. Because I understand it intellectually but I probably have plenty of gunk in my subconscious that I probably only could clear out with first hand experience.

  15. @Shin It depends. I haven't really had any interest in any particular person in months now. When I last had feelings for someone I felt really excited and elevated being around her and like she was someone really special. Then she ended up getting into a relationship with someone else and I realized nothing was going to happen there so I kind of just lost interest. 

    By then I realized that I kind of dodged a bullet by not ending up with her because her general way of life would not be compatible with mine at all. She's really into partying, video games, unhealthy eating etc which is all things I want to avoid getting all sucked into. 

    I was completely blind to the possible outcomes and I guess that is what started me getting into this train of thought.

    I think it was more than sexual attraction but whatever that means that it was I have no idea. It's hard to remember, I was in an entierly different mindset.

  16. I've been thinking about life purpose and relationships lately. However I do feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle since I've never been in a relationship. It's not as much half baked as it's quarter baked but bear with me.

    What I have thought is that unless you have a clear view of your goals and a schedule that you follow, relationships could potentially serve as massive distraction. Distracting you by how easy I'd assume it would be just focusing on the other person as a crutch for procrastinating your life away. Not only that but also ending up being with a person that would prefer you not to grow because they love the person you were before. 

    Without a clear goal and plan it seems hard to set the proper boundaries to keep your ego in check from spending all your free time on cheap pleasure with a loved one, because I'm sure that sounds like an amazing thing at the moment.

    So, people with more experience that me, what are your takes on this? Is realtionships before you've got your goals in order a bad idea or is it no worse than friendships, the internet, or any other possible distraction? Am I onto something or is this a massive mental blunder? 

  17. I think just getting first hand experience how wrong you are in your assumptions. This last year I have had it happen to me quite a lot but especially in two cases. One was a girl who I first assumed would be arrogant and feel superiour to me because she was pretty. Then she turned out to be a really sweet and fun person and actually is quite selfconscious about her looks.

    Another one was a guy who I thought was way too intelligent and would feel like he was above me because of that. Somehow I made friends with him aswell and it turned out we had a very similar sense of humor when it comes to sarcasm and making bad inside jokes that we run into the ground wayyyy too hard.

    So what has worked for me has just been to not let those assumptioms about people control me too much. I feel like the further I get into personal development the better this will work. I will be moving towards "I'm 100% on my life purpose, I'm exactly what I want to be. If someone doesn't like me we're just not compatible people, nobody is superiour or inferiour, and that's it"

    My reccomendation would be a combination of getting direct experience of how the "superiour people" thing works out in the real world while at the same time working on becoming the best version of yourself.

  18. @Shin That's such a good way to put it. People are so quick to pick up an opinion on a word before they have researched or even understood the meaning of it.

    Then two people with different opinons will hear the word and respond with

    "[word] is bad"

    "no, [word] is good" 

    in different variations, as if their lives depended on their opinion on something they don't even know what they mean by. 

  19. Now I have not watched everything by him, but I tend to find a lot of his delivery not to resonate with me a lot. The background music and general super nice way of talking is not really for me. I like to my information intake a bit harsh, which is maybe why Leo's content resonate with me a lot.

    That being said I'm still subscribed to Koi and watch a video or two at times. As for the actual quality of his content I have no idea since I'm not really at any extreme level of consciousness at the moment. 

  20. In your experience, how true is it that you become the average of the people your surround yourself with? 

    How does this apply to your goals in life? Do you need some sort of criteria for what people you spend a lot of time with? 

    How does this apply to your family? If their personality traits are far from what you need to do what you dream of, is it unavoidable that you pick it up if you're living at home?

    I'd love to hear your experiences with stuff that is even vaguely related to this. I'm trying to get a bit of an overview and google seems to just give me articles that say the same exact things.

  21. I have caught myself doing that at times when I've tried taking mental shortcuts, and then end up repeating concepts word for word. In general I like to not question too much when listening to someone lecture about [any given topic] in order to stay openminded and see how it fits together. Then afterwards I try to see how it holds up in the world. What everyday situations does it apply too, what parts doesn't seem to make to much sense at all, how does it relate to other things that I know etc etc

    I think ideas need some time to be baked in the head, if you just see someone say something cool and get impressed you will sound like an exact copy of the person that said it because you understood it shallowly. At least that is my experience with myself.

  22. tl;dr: is there any techniques/routines for keeping yourself inspired?

    As of now I'm 20, studying some stuff I don't really care about (but I will be done by this summer so I might aswell get through it) while trying to build good habits such as practising music (which is what I really care about), meditation, going to the gym, reading books etc

    My problem is that I tend to forget my motivations behind all of these things and how good and on purpose I feel when it's all structured and in place and I'm actually progressing. 

    Is there some kind of habit I could put in place that would help me remember what I really care about? The awareness alone is curative method has worked a bit for me at least making me realize when I'm doing something effecting me badly in the long run, but it does not get me fired up to go approach something better.

    Or is having something that keeps me fired up just a pipe dream and putting up a schedule I force myself to follow (which I want to be doing anyways) is the only way to do it?

  23. @Faceless Thanks. I wasn't really worried, I enjoy my dreams a lot. I was mostly interested to see if you had some special dream knowledge haha

    But when you mention it I don't think that I've really ever contemplated thought properly. That's a fun self deception trap, getting so impressed by learning that thought is something else than you thought that you just skip the personal investigation entierly. It's like something being so not obvious that it seems obvious that you take it for granted.

  24. @Faceless

    On 2018-01-18 at 4:41 PM, Faceless said:

    Dreams are a continuation of ones state of mind in there daily life. If there is psychological order in ones life dreams are a reflection of that therefore generally quiet, peascful, or from what I experience generally non existent. Yet if there is psychological disorder in ones life dreams are at times chaotic, sorrowful, stressful, frustrating, scary, and so on...

    In my case I tend to have the most chaotic dreams BUT they are also always really pleasant. For example once I had a dream where I found a bloated corpse underwater in a tiny dark room in a rusty ship. Somehow it was still a good dream and I went on solving some puzzle by rotating the corpse and enjoyed myself, not noticing that this was supposed to be a bad thing.

    Does this kind of dreaming say anything about my psychologial state? Would it mean that I'm bad or good at dealing with emotions?