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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. IME when things disappear they tend to re-appear at exactly the same place they where supposed to be. I had to move because of covid. This new place brought to me like 28 different paranormal incidents, some of them were things disappearing. It's been a while since I don't experiment any paranormal activity here. And by a while I mean just a couple of weeks. Do some rituals and claim your stuff back. Arc
  2. Time to end it. It's been a wild ride but I finally I gave up any hope I had on humanity. Bye guys it's been a pleasure. Arc
  3. Thank God! You saved my life! Just like Nahm said: the price of youth...
  4. Why am I not interested in socializing? Because chances are you will be socializing with normies. That's why you rather being alone in front of your computer logged in to like the rest of us. Arc
  5. For like 3 weeks of my life I would depersonalize after my shift at McDonald's. I will get home, smoke weed and depersonalize. I thought it was part of the weed trip but it wasn't. I was depersonalizing. I would see myself do all kinds of stuff. But I wasn't in charge as I said: someone else was in control of my body. It feels like you are a puppet.
  6. I used to stretch a lot at the office. At the beginning it was kinda of embarrassing and I knew everyone will label me a weirdo, but i told myself: -''This is the only body I have.'' I would do all kind of stretches, push ups and even asanas. No one ever said nothing.
  7. It is like electricity: if you connect the light bulb only to the positive terminal of the battery, the light bulb won't emit any light. You need the positive and the negative to be connected to form a circuit. The circuit of existence. Arc
  8. @Dodo How old are you? If you say more than 18, I am gonna kill myself!
  9. Depersonalization is kinda cool. Someone else is driving the car. You just see your hands move in front of you.
  10. Not in my case. It does sound like panic attack ''symptoms''. But again:
  11. Don't worry just keep on living, you'll get plenty of them.
  12. I think our brains are neuroplastic until the day we die. IDK about brain growth. Only if you stop self actualizing. Yeah I poisoned myself too, from 16yo to 32yo. Now that I am almost 9 years sober I can feel the difference and the regeneration.
  13. Congratulations @Don Wei My advice is: have a plan to move out of your brother's house ASAP. That means you must get a job and study at the same time. It is very difficult but very worth it. Arc
  14. Me too. Also someone sent me this video: We chalk it up to luck but we are the chosen ones.
  15. LOL! You are saying it yourself: You are troll aren't you?