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Posts posted by Arcangelo

  1. On 3/25/2023 at 0:54 PM, axiom said:

    Once upon a time in a small village, there was a bustling playground filled with joyful children. Every day, they would gather after school to play games, share stories, and laugh with one another. Among them, a group of kids was particularly fond of a game they had created called "The Counting Challenge."

    The rules of the game were simple: each child would take turns claiming they could count to a higher number than the others, and the winner would be the one who claimed the highest number. Every day, they would boast about how high they could count, trying to out-compete their friends.

    One sunny afternoon, the children gathered to play their favorite game once more. A little boy named Sam proudly declared that he could count up to one hundred, while Sarah, a competitive girl, announced she could count up to two hundred. Not to be outdone, Tom claimed he could count to a thousand.

    Just as the children were arguing and trying to outdo each other, an old man who had been observing them from a bench nearby approached the group. The children fell silent, curious to hear what he had to say.The old man smiled kindly and said, "My dear children, I have watched you play this game for many days, and I see that you all love to compete. But have you ever considered the nature of the universe and the true meaning of numbers?"

    He paused, and a profound silence enveloped the playground. The old man spoke once more, his voice filled with an ancient wisdom that seemed to resonate with the very fabric of the cosmos.

    No-one could hear what he said. They were too busy counting.

    The old man opened his mouth to speak once again, but then decided against it.

    From my POV Leo is Tom.

    Do you think that Leo is the old man?@axiom

  2. On 3/24/2023 at 10:33 AM, Leo Gura said:

    No. Not only from my perspective. Actually.

    I'm serious. Nobody on this planet understands what I am talking about. I don't care how implausible that sounds, it is the case. There is nothing personal or egoic about this. People simply do not understand CONSCIOUSNESS. Enlightenment will not give you an understanding of CONSCIOUSNESS. That's what I realized. In hindsight, of course it won't. Why would it? God is far too tricky for that to work. Nobody understands how tricky God is. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody.

    I don't know any better way to communicate this to you. It sounds crazy, but it is what is. I am just reporting what I discovered. Whether you take it seriously or not is up to you. I'm certainly not going to prove it to you.


    I am worried about you man.

    It's worrisome.

  3. On 3/24/2023 at 0:59 AM, Wilhelm44 said:

    What is the litmus test for the awakening of that somebody ? What can someone possibly write here on the forum that will cause you to see him/her as awake ? ie how will you ever know that someone else here has also awoken ?


    You really disappointed me on this one Leo

    We all know including yourself, that you are arrogant, but this a new high bro.


  4. On 3/25/2023 at 0:20 PM, Hibahere said:

    cheating is okay

    I am at stage orange. Money, cars, women, sports... Super Orange

    Cheating is NOT OK

    On 3/25/2023 at 0:20 PM, Hibahere said:

    "biologically wored in men"

    Even if true. It's a choice at the end, like eating chocolate donuts or exercising.

    On 3/25/2023 at 0:20 PM, Hibahere said:

    Imagine that you have your ideal wife or girlfriend, you both meet each others needs and are fully compatible. Even if you are presented with an opportunity would you still cheat just for "thrill"? Why and if not then also why?




  5. 15 hours ago, illusory said:

    You have to understand that its extremely hard to keep a girl consistently swept off her feet for weeks or months hoping she will be ready to be your girlfriend when she is getting 50 messages a day on dating apps, with some of those guys being really handsome and/or wealthy too.

    Don’t you think most girls would still choose to entertain these guys, (like just for fun / to meet new people) even if she was moderately happy with her current guy? I mean why the hell not right? Guys would do it too.


  6. On 3/16/2023 at 11:08 PM, Romanov said:

    It is not fascism to protect children. Under gender-affirming care, puberty blocking drugs such as Lupron are being prescribed to kids-the same drugs used to chemically castrate pedophiles. Children aren’t fully mentally developed (according to science) to decide whether chopping off their genitals or chemically altering their hormones is right for them.