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Posts posted by Aquarius

  1. I need some advice from some older people of what I should focus on now that I am almost 26 years old.

    I feel my life is really empty because I am unemployed but I cannot get employed because I dont have any experience in any field, and I dont have the education either at least not yet. I havent gone to university because I failed my high school bachelors. I can retake it any summer but all that free time is shit still. Yes I will study, but then again so many free time....

    All I do is read and read and read. I read all kinds of random books I find. I think I should focus more on self help books. I bought Leos book list years ago. Never really used it idk i just forgot, dont be hard on me.. I recently bought some philosophy and politics books, but I dont know how useful will they be long term. I usually read novels for young women like me. You will know the kind.

    I think I deserve more from life then just wake up, eat, read, listen to music, eat again, and sleep. And on repeat. 

    What should I do with all this time on my hands? Should I continue my art and try to become an artist? I am not that passionate about it anymore...

    Also as a side note I dont know if I ever will get employed because I suffer from mental illness and because I take medication I cannot work properly. I do volunteering stuff sometimes. But I dont want to end up like my mother. She is also on handicap money and has a lot of free time and she would rather work but now its too late for her.

  2. I think there is a difference between Einstein level of thinking, or Tesla level of thinking, or Osho level of thinking, or the thinking of a random human say he's not a complete retard but someone that is just an average man or woman. The difference is that the genius develops his mental faculty, but the average man or woman does not care. We can see this in intellectual people, they usually are an avid reader, they like developing their intellect, they study that of which interests them, they contemplate to the level of overthinking and they care about their intellect. Their mind is their greatest weapon or tool. 

    The average or below average low intellect people care about satisfaction of their basic needs and they do not care further.

    A low intellect woman will care about nonsense like celebs, social media, instagram praise, getting a man to care of her and taking care of her family, and all the drama that goes on with the family and between families. Low intellect women will complain that they are fat, while checking their butt in the mirror ten times a day. They will start drama on every little thing without thinking it through by themselves. Their head is empty and their mouth never shut.

    A low intellect man will do drugs as a coping mechanism to his problems, because he is suffering. He will get overweight because he is running to food as his comfort, instead of going to the gym. He will idolize a woman instead of approaching hundreds, and that woman probably friendzoned him at the beginning. 


    An intellectual man or woman will read, do self help, take care of their health because they know that's important. They will focus on education, they will get a degree and make major changes in the field. Later becoming great masters in their field. And their genius will revolutionize the world.

    That's why we don't see Einsteins in our world, because they all have a phone in their hand. Instant gratification has made a zombie nation...

  3. We can measure intelligence by IQ, but even that is a manmade system. Someone living in a country area might have an IQ of 35, and I've known someone like that, but they could have talents, they could have abilities like taking care of cow or the crops, which a philosopher with a diploma cannot do. They could have a talent in art. Or they could be intelligent in religion sense and understand God from their own subjective experience with their God.

    I don't think anyone is dumb, just misguided by society, their friends, their family, their peers. We all have infinite potential, even the mentally severely ill like autists can learn basic things, I mean a retard is dumb? No, he is subject to his own condition. But his body is infinitely intelligent and working properly, taking protein and sugar everywhere it needs and all that. So his mind is dumb but his body has infinite intelligence?

  4. A few questions to ask yourself

    What's the point? What are you trying to achieve?

    Ask yourself if you want to become a philosophist because of someone inspiring you and you wanting to be like them or embody their lifestyle or life choices, such as becoming like Leo and taking his example. There is nothing wrong with that, but ask yourself if you are being deceived into something that is nonsensical. What is your point in becoming a philosophist, and is it because you are part of a forum where people do philosophical thinking? Are you really interested in it or are you just being led into it by the people you watch and media you consume? That's something really serious to consider.

    It happened to me too that I really wanted to be an astrologer and tarot mystic because I saw someone doing mediumship live on camera and it intrigued me so much that I started doing just that. I had my cards and I was making videos just like the person, but I did not have the skills and gifts that she possessed and I constantly felt like I was faking it for the views and that I didn't contribute to the community at large. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy watching videos of tarot mediumship or giving personal advice based on intuition sometimes, but I realised that I wanted to be like that person because she had something that I could not have. Some people are born with a calling for certain positions and sometimes you cannot fake something till you make it or be like them. So based on this, maybe you are doing the same, you watch Leo videos and want to be like him because he is charming and his way of living excites you. And I could be wrong but you still have to consider this. 

    Maybe you genuinely enjoy philisophy, but if you want to become someone who does it for a living you have to do academical training and, or university training to become one. Or write a book and sell it and be a writer or make a podcast or be someone influential. First of all the sad truth is that you still have to make a living. Or you could have a job and do philosophical thinking on the side, as your personal enjoyment. 

    Just know the reasons why you are doing it in the first place. Don't do it just because others are doing it. 

  5. Okay so this thread is getting useless and boring so I assume I should give some info on my methods

    I literally need to start exercising more, right now I only use binaural beats for my body shaping, from frequency wizard and subliminal warlock

    I will add affirmations to my routine

    For those questioning this method it works, your mind can shape your body. I've been doing this for years for other things

    I already do about 10k steps daily, I want to up it to 15k and take it more seriously

    I probably do more steps as I can't have my phone all the time with me

    I will try waist massages daily for 30 minutes

    I was thinking of buying a corset trainer not sure (next month maybe)

    I forgot to mention but my face is now 16.7 cm 

    I will do the following exercises for a week then update:

    75 squats, 50 situps, 30 kneeling pushups, 1 minute whole body stretch, 25 lunges each leg (so 2x, that means 50), 2 minute high knee running in place, 60 long arm rotations (idk the name of this exercise so just note to self), 60 side stretches, 40 wide leg squats, 30 body rotations alternating

    I will add +5 to each exercise every day till next Saturday, or 20 seconds where applicable


    I will play my binaural playlist for 2 hours each day



  6. I am making this journal to keep track of my weight loss progress and my other body modifications that I am working on with workout and other methods.

    I figured it's better if I have people see that I am accountable and this will motivate me. I will try not to overshare my progress, but there are some things that I want to note down like sizes and such. I don't have a weight measuring device right now.

  7. On 5/12/2023 at 10:49 AM, meta_male said:

    @Aquarius Excellent. And how many concerns on that list still remain?

    None because I stopped dating. I needed a break. When you try to date someone you always want to make a good impression and even impress the person and it's just too much work for me in my opinion. I am not in that state of mind to date anymore. Obviously I need to work harder and better on myself before I start dating again. I don't want to date with an emotional baggage disturbing the relationship. 

    I have other priorities right now like getting a job or taking care of my physical and mental health. 

  8. On 5/22/2023 at 3:09 PM, Schizophonia said:

    May develop schizophonierenia 

    I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia before, but it was by a doctor who claimed every patient of hers is schizophrenic. I think she wanted to put me on government money that's why she did it, and she needed an excuse for that. I refused and went to someone else.

    My newest diagnosis is meditative states and obsessive thinking/acting. OCD basically. 

  9. On 5/12/2023 at 11:27 AM, OBEler said:

    @Aquarius it is normal if you dont mention sleep deprivation and other mental conditions. It seems these are the causes

    I don't have that problem anymore since now I sleep and these states decreased. I am still highly imaginative but since I get more than 7-8 hours of sleep at night I am better. I imagine I was just better connected to my intuitive side. I don't see those states as bad or harmful, I just felt like tripping, having high good energy that's all. Maybe went a bit crazy about some imaginations of mine, but nothing bad. I don't have those states anymore even when I try to achieve them. I try to be a down to earth person.

    On 5/12/2023 at 4:30 PM, Yimpa said:

    I trip on weed, even though it’s not high in THC. I am sensitive to weed. 

    I also struggle with relationships. It’s something I’ve been working on seriously for the past few months. It’s totally worth it, despite how difficult it is to face.

    I never smoked weed, so I cannot comment on that part.

    Yes relationships can be difficult and always remember it's 2 of you involved so don't do everything alone, idk if it makes sense the way I express this.

    On 5/12/2023 at 5:19 PM, Swarnim said:

    Are you a tantric or just casual about it?

    Casual. I also stopped working with most of them because I heard you can get bad side effects without proper diksha and guidance with a guru. I might try to get a guru later on in life and see what he has to say about all of this but idk how you get a guru. I heard they find you when needed.


  10. On 2/28/2023 at 1:22 PM, Pudgey said:

    Need more detail - are you saying you can induce psychedelic states without psychedelics? Do you have a history of psychedelics?

    Most who claim they can induce tripping states without psychedelics live in a fantasy. It does appear that you could be highly imaginative, which is a unique trait, but not a psychedelic trip. Anything that you can normally do, psychedelics will 10x it at will. 

    However, if you have taken psychedelics and continue to have similar tripping states, this is also common as I have them. Learning to control your mind is important and have contemplated resurrecting my meditation practice. 

    As far as your sadness, you haven't given any explicit reason why you feel sad. It feels as though you are confused.

    Best of wishes 

    Yes sorry just a quick post and I wanted clarification for myself mainly, and to know if anyone experiences these states of highly imaginative fantasy.

    I do understand psychedelics make a large impact on the mind. I am not gonna claim I have had that big of psychedelic states, but when I don't sleep for 3 days I would see and hear things people normally don't see or hear. I also worked with godesses from the Hindu culture, like Dhumavati, Maheshvari, Chinnamasta, Varahi and others, while meditating, dancing. And I'm constantly meditating and having meditative states, but nowadays I tend to focus more on my creative work and mental health - sometimes I combine both, write articles, draw, sketch, paint. I tend to value my time more nowadays.


    Sadness came because of stress related to relationships. I wrote various posts detailing what happened. 

    I've been hospitalized lately and on the paper it said severe insomnia, anxiety, obsessive compulsive behavior and thinking and meditative states. Even telepathy was mentioned.


    I try to give as much detail possible if you guys need it, but this post was mainly to see if others trip or have highly imaginative states without psychedelics. I tried DMT meditations from youtube, and they're definitely real, just maybe not that strong.

    I am not that confused anymore.

  11. To answer OP's question, I also don't like these kink-related stuff that are kinda dirty and stuff. Sure, they have their beauty too if you are eager to see it. Animalistic, raw, aggressive can be beautiful too, for example if you use it to liberate and uninhibit yourself. For me, the idea of beautiful sex is finding deep connection with someone, strong clear communications between those involved, and also honoring and respecting each other's body and boundaries. I think respect is the most beautiful thing that can be developed in relationships.

    Of course you could argue that beautiful sex is this and that. Maybe engaging all the senses, including hearing, taste and smell. Making it as pleasant and comfortable as possible for both.

  12. On 2022. 12. 09. at 5:51 AM, Proserpina said:

    I've seen sex videos that were actually surprisingly impressive.  There was one in which the woman had a particularly womanly and motherly aura about her.  The man had an aura of authority and detachment that I found attractive.  The woman would pull the man into her, cradling him in her arms as she made soft encouraging sounds.  He would detach his energy from her, hesitating and she would curl into him, softly encouraging him to reengage, which he would, with all of his strength and love.  They would repeat this, over and over again and I found it mesmerizing. 

    Where can I find that video? I'm intrigued.