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Everything posted by tecladocasio

  1. @Gadasaa You don't . Because it's you that's saying spirituality is , in some way , better that competition and desire . Your desire to spirituality is the same desire as the ''competitive'' ones . I guess you want to be effective in the real world , and this has nothing to do with ego . Ego is the imaginary part of you that you think you are , ego is identity . Look at sadhguru , he seems very effective , the most i've ever seen .
  2. @Giulio Bevilacqua You cannot overcome it hahah . You are the source of it . You can say that this feeling is created by you too . Just look and see for what it is . Then , maybe you can ''overcome it'' .
  3. @Giulio Bevilacqua Is a feeling , the ''conviction'' that you exists . What supports your existence as a separate self . It is not you , you are a belief .
  4. @Voladores It's impossible to cause enlightenment . You can't do ANYTHING to get enlightened . So I think this answers your question , due to the fact that you can't walk ''towards enlightenment'' . You will get enlightened the day you don't care about this crap .
  5. @Joker_Theory ''thoughts'' you mean the voice in your head ? And how can you possibly know they are coming from the right side of your brain ?
  6. Every moment is new and fresh for everyone , that's the actuality . I think you are just romantizing some severe mental condition . As you can see , if nobody takes cares of him , I highly doubt he can survive for a week . He lives in the same reality as you , the difference is that you have so much more tools to manipulate it than he do .Also , I don't think mindfulness has anything to do with amnesia or some similar condition .
  7. @Leo Gura Seriously , how can you ''become more'' something that you already are ? You are very confuse about the ego(you) and God .
  8. @Serotoninluv Exactly , sometimes as if is they are talking about some other reality that they can't reach by themselves . But if they are sharing , and if it's authentic , it must come from experience , beyond the theory . Life becomes beautiful when you start experiecing things for yourself hehe .
  9. @Serotoninluv Yes , I agree . He will be very limited . But in a way he needs to associate something to his experience of the matter . Theory in just a representation of experience . If it's not , is just fantasy .
  10. @Serotoninluv It's important to see that most concepts about botany are based on experience , so anyone who learns only the conceptual-theory about something has a very shallow understading of the matter .
  11. @Inliytened1 I think you don't undestand . You cannot understand infinity , you can't understand non-duality . Any understanding you think you have of those two things are not it . Or I don't know what's your definition of understanding .
  12. @Salvijus ahahhahah , of course , maybe there is a conection between nothingness and having a belly .
  13. I think you cannot understand non-duality . You can understand duality .
  14. @SoonHei Their teaching are what enlightenment really is about , but people really can't relate to that . Although , I think is the most straight-foward teaching there is . I like to listen to Jim Newman , you can see how non-serious he is , he is just telling you what you asked for , and egos are not ready for it ( egos wants to listen there own ideas of what is true) , that's why maybe there is some resistance to this kinds of ''simplistic'' teachings .
  15. @Aakash animals have separate selves ? hahah how you know it ?
  16. @Leo Gura God does not exist Leo . And animals are enlightened ... Being enlightened is not being ''egoically deluded'' . And as Neo-advaitas says '' there is no one to become enlightened '' . That's too simplistic , but is true .
  17. you are not infinitly intelligent , reality is .
  18. @noselfnofun You can only be happy without becoming enlightened .
  19. @Swagala Nice . But do you see that this post is for yourself not others ? Thank you , by the way hahah
  20. @Aakash No need for personal growth . If you feel some need , it's yours . And you are not enlightened yet .
  21. The real question is , why did you drink in the first place ? hahah
  22. @onacloudynight Have you considered that maybe you are attached with how this nothing feels ? You can meditate while doing things in the real world . The doing nothing technique is a especific type of meditation . You can use others and see many others possibilties that , perhaps , change your mind .
  23. @onacloudynight Don't confuse meditation with doing nothing .
  24. @Nahm I Think no hahah . But the thinking experience can go very deep . Without any language . I find really helpful and fascinating to contemplate the purpose of the ''voice in the head'' the internal dialogue . It gave me really nice insights .