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Posts posted by Omni

  1. 5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Say all you want, it doesn't matter. You're the one who thinks I'm holier than thou. There is nothing in any of my posts that says that, only what you're interpreting to be so. Just because I don't complain a lot and try to give people advice the best I know how, doesn't mean I think I'm holier than thou. I would love to see quotes of my saying this. Life is all about interpretations, so your interpretations are saying more about you not me. 

    I'd rather think of myself as holier than thou, anyway, than to think of myself as a piece of shit, even though they equivalent to the same thing. If you can't relate to the way I communicate then don't listen. Don't pay attention. You're complaining about the Forum but you're still here, still coming back. What does that say about you. There's a difference between observing and complaining.

    Can you please share with me something enlightening, something mind-blowing, something of substance, as well as something funny and humorous, some information that will probably make me think, something to contemplate on. Not just criticisms and judgements about what you're experiencing, because all that is showing how much you're criticizing and judging yourself. 

    Positivity has always been looked at by the human species as foreign, fake and annoying. Negativity does exists, but so much light has been shun on that aspect of Reality that it doesn't need any more. Reality is about balance, balancing the yin and the yang. So, I'm not knocking the negativity, but why shine light on it, why acknowledge it so much. Isn't life challenging as it is. 

    If you're going about life looking all happy and in good spirits, people look at you like something is wrong with you, but the opposite is more embraced. Why, because their life's are miserable and depressing. So how dare you be happy. Then when you look sad and miserable, they complain about that too. So you can't please people, no matter what. So just please yourself and don't worry about what people think. Just do you.

    first paragraph - denial and ignorance followed up with justification to the actions and asking for proof

    second paragraph - acceptance, comparisons and deflection

    third paragraph - finally asking for something tangible,

    fourth paragraph (not even letting me get proof first) and you're already telling me how things are and what is because YOU know, right?

    fifth paragraph - more justifications followed by assumptions of the other party and finally telling me how i should behave




  2. On 8/15/2023 at 8:24 PM, Thought Art said:

    I like the forum. 

    Truth is the world is pretty unhealthy and thus the internet reflects that.

    Overall, I like the forum a lot. I’d like to see more discussion on personal development and engage deeper on topics I find interesting though. I’d like to have deeper conversations on here.

    You're right, but there are implications that come with a forum that goes as deep as this one, and allowing freedom of speech and blind leading blind will only cause more issues "qualified" by the fact that there are likely no better community sources unless you spend money to go to a retreat or seminar for these things.

    On 8/16/2023 at 3:20 AM, KGrimes said:

    There's only a handful of people on this forum that you should take seriously. Everything else is just bullshit - a bunch of people thinking they are awake or enlightened, when they are in-fact very far away from truth.

    My suggestion:

    Follow only mods and Leo, maybe a couple other users.

    Very much agreed on the first part, disagree with the suggestion. 

    On 8/15/2023 at 0:45 PM, ZzzleepingBear said:

    @LSD-Rumi I get the feeling that alot of users don't come here for serious or practical reasons when it comes to spirituality. But rather for various other reasons. And that is fine too.

    It's more like people are confused, and wants a quick answers to that confusion. That is my overall impression at least.

    Good observation honestly. It's prolific though and hard to weed out or teach better solutions, especially if the ones teaching them are also misguided.

    On 8/15/2023 at 1:48 PM, LSD-Rumi said:

    @ZzzleepingBear Some threads should get more interaction and some should recieve less or none. Sadly, the opposite is happening here. And we keep engaging in endless arguments about stuff we had discussed million times before. 


    bingo. I saw this same stuff happening like 3 years ago and decided to leave after the only ones actually 

    On 8/15/2023 at 2:44 PM, Princess Arabia said:

    The only people I see complaining are the ones who aren't starting decent threads themselves or none at all. Only lurking behind the scenes waiting for a chance to point the finger. Not saying we should continue to endorse toxic behaviors and push useless threads and I do see where the Admin are closing the really disturbing/toxic ones while still allowing for the less conscious ones because I assume they understand the importance of balance sometimes. 

    There are people here who are at different levels in their development, and it is important for us as a whole to embrace that polarity because we can learn by contrast. If everything here was of high caliber the turn around would probably be higher as there would be less chance of levelling up and outgrowing the forum. It is less likely for people to level down so the ones at the lower levels would be learning from the higher levels and levelling up. Holykael was a good example of someone who kept on spiralling down and you see what happened to him.

    Lately I've seen a few people have left the forum but also a lot more newbie comments and people have stepped up their engagement who didn't normally engage. 500+ guests are here everyday so that should tell you there is still value here, we just need to stop complaining and try to do something about what we consider to be a problem. Don't be a part of the problem be a part of the solution. Some people might not consider this forum toxic but only when you avert their attention towards it being so then their brains will start to search out for what it deems to be toxic. Ever notice the toxic comments come in spurts, because now we're noticing them. Start to point out the good things and the trend might just follow. 

    You're tainted with a dense ego, attachment with a dash of holier than thou vibes and it wreaks throughout all your interactions. I don't have to try to find the toxicity, in fact it bubbles to the top cause just like clickbait and media it too is an easy trend.


    On 8/16/2023 at 8:52 AM, Sincerity said:

    Forum bad. ? Depends on how You use it, jesus.

    One of the first things mentioned in the guidelines is that this place is a casual chat room. A lot of people seem to forget that.

    Still, it's pretty strictly moderated and we care about its quality. It's a balance between that and allowing people to speak their mind even if what they say isn't the peak of human wisdom or open-mindedness.

    if you cared about the quality, half this stuff wouldn't be passable as quality. But we'll just slap that under differed opinions

    This forum is a trap, and coming back to see the shit storm that I created seems like a testament to that.

    On 8/16/2023 at 9:31 AM, WoodDragon said:

    This forum is a tool. Not all people know how to use it. But let them try. How else do you learn?

    if all you see is toxic, you’re not using it very well.

    it's a tool with a bunch of baggage and a bunch of misleading user manuals of how to properly use it.

    On 8/16/2023 at 9:41 AM, WoodDragon said:

    I felt the same way after my first post, but there are some really good things in here. Look before you leap and go in with an open mind. Read enough to get a real grasp on things, then share with love and honesty.

    of course there's always going to be diamonds in the mud. You act like I've not been a member of this forums years before you arrived lol

    On 8/16/2023 at 10:26 AM, Yimpa said:

    The air we breathe, the water we drink, the Earth we live on… that, too, has many unhealthy aspects to it.

    So what’s the solution?

    Poor analogies to deflect from the collective ego manifestation brewing here, your life doesn't depend on this forum.

    solutions for something meta aren't simple. I don't claim to have that answer. Best one i've got is don't bother coming on here to jerk eachother off in the name of enlightenment

    On 8/16/2023 at 0:49 PM, Hojo said:

    Imagine going to a Walmart and seeing some kids doing shaningans and saying this place is getting wild they should just shut the place down. 

    Poor analogy. 

    On 8/16/2023 at 1:06 PM, Osaid said:

    I mean, I'm fine. Don't know about you guys.

    You're a moderator, you've got egobligations to show up ;) 

  3. came back out of curiosity to see where Leo has been and if there was any plans for a new video as it's been a few months. 

    All i see is a small portion of people searching for their answers, others claiming they have answers, and the rest are just blatantly toxic.

    This place is a festering ground for delusion and honestly suggest getting off here and go finding real answers.

    best of luck all of you

  4. On 5/13/2022 at 3:28 PM, Someone here said:

    @thisintegrated what is sex to you?  How should it be done ? Robotic and mechanic like in most porn or filled with intimacy and hugs and kissing and touching each other?

    If I’m understanding your confusion about this topic correctly, what you’re looking for is something you have to create in the moment yourself, obvious healthy boundaries and communication with whomever youre with is necessary but I think the problem is expectation on the result of the situation.

    You might not have or find a sexually compatible partner - sometimes one cannot meet the others needs and that’s just how it is sometimes, but honest open dialogues about your relationships can sometimes solve this problem in new ways.

  5. 2 hours ago, Swarnim said:


    Another thing I feel like sharing is that I am on the verge of making the recognition of the dream my baseline, but I keep pushing myself back because of my current lifestyle. Half of my life will fall apart if I make that my baseline. I am scared of the consequences.

    you ask for pointers how to go deeper and in the same post imply that you’re not willing to make the leap. Gonna have to decide on one, sacrifices and stuff.

    Focus on your senses, feel into your body and allow it to take over your experience, your thoughts will come, let them. Feel into them as they come in. After youve began spotting the tension and the chaotic thoughts, your heart automatically beating, your breathe.. immediately step back and detach from all of it and watch it all happen by itself, as if you’re just watching a movie.

  6. 3 hours ago, Alta said:

    I see, the point is to find the irreducible 'thing' so trying to reduce even that experience I had is the way to go, thanks! Also in the past I was doing the kundalini yoga and meditation and I felt this random surge of energy in my body, which felt so weird and I couldn't understand it so I came here for the info and everytime I would read about kundalini or nature of reality this energy becomes turbulent and I become very impatient with what I'm reading as if almost discomforting (which basically never happens to me). So is it ego again trying to distract or hide the truth? Its interesting cuz I understand the context of kundalini and all of that which means the ego also understands it and so the deeper I go about this journey the closer my ego is to dying

    Could be, hard to say. Your investigation can answer that eventually.

    I personally yes have had instances where my ego will send me through extremely vivd hallucinations when i’m introspecting, i tend to find myself getting lost in these relatively easy because of how real they feel, sometimes its a memory, sometimes its a scenario playing out or a conversation - but they are the strongest when I’m hitting sensitive stuff within myself.

  7. 3 hours ago, marinaaniram said:

    okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do

    and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death

    but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

    The answer to this question is different for every person. What is it you live for? Instead of thinking not death, think of why life?

    find these things that you cling to as your identity and you will have your answer. Everything else will be vague and unspecified relative to YOU unless YOU find the answer within.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Alta said:

    I was doing the neti neti method and when the last thing was gone (thoughts) I started vaguely seeing in my imagination something that I actually saw in my childhood during a fever dream and this memory from childhood got completly deleted from my memory but when this experience occured it just clicked in me and I suddenly remembered it  and it even felt the same. I can't describe it now, and I think I would'nt be able to put it in words even during the experience. But the thing is that during this state what was really present is fear. I, or better maybe my body felt so much fear that it affected my mind and so I started to become terrified. I tried to surrender to this fear and calm myself down, but about in a minute this experience completly wear off and I was left with the biggest confusion and "what the fuck was that" thought. Did I messed it up? Cuz at some point I tried to describe what I'm experiencing and maybe it ruined it. I really want to point out the fact that I definetly experienced that in my childhood maybe even multiple times and it used to scare me a lot (I was a kid cmon who would put a child through such thing) Elp  

    Any experience that arises fear is a sign that you're headed in the right direction. Your ego will do very weird things to distract you and the deeper you go the weirder and intense these distractions tend to be. 

    The recurrence means that you are clinging and when you're doing this method it is perhaps trying to force you to continue identifying. I suggest trying to maintain the method through any experience that arises if possible.

  9. One thing that seems to be a common factor throughout my experience is dis-identification through constant re-identification. I moved around a lot throughout my childhood after grade school, I’ve come and gone like a nomad and have experienced a lot of goodbyes, some healthy and some toxic farewells - this showed me the commonalities but also the complex differences in people and how so very easy it is to get so obsessive over something that the rest of existence is irrelevant.

    It seems you are correct about if one does not know who or what they are working on. But maybe they have to ask all the advice before they know what advice they need. 

    I also find true that experiences create better communication, which is why self-help can get super toxic - it avoids the pain of actually having to live the experience, and can witness it vicariously.

  10. 7 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

    You might be at the point of no return.  The point of no return is not the same as a stable nondual awakening.  It's a state where you go in and out of experiencing no center.  Stable nondual awakening is where there is no center permanently and you feel like the brakes are off.  You would have to provide a more detailed description of your state.


    Not a doubt in my mind this was what I came seeking. My experience as of lately has been clarity on a macro level and confusion on a micro level.

    The in and out you're speaking of feels extremely close to my experience

    The breaks are on for sure. More recently I'm noticing my frustrations and outbursts, but also random intervals of grounding come forth during these moments, not enough to just stop the outburst in its tracks but enough to witnessing it happen consciously and I think it's altering my decisions in real time when it happens, but subtly.

    Ive also feel like I've been experiencing a skitzo level paranoia of being watched, not in any sort of way that it impacting my judgments from what I've seen but enough for me to acknowledge it, this feeling gets more intense when I actually find I AM being watched by someone. I don't want to over conceptualize but it feels like it's as if its triggering the self awareness more.

    A fresh example was at work today, I was un-jamming a conveyor belt but had preexisting frustration from thoughts cycling about my living situation and the stress that is arising from them, I was displaying obvious external signs of frustration and one of my superiors was watching me, we made eye contact and i just kinda faked a smile but got an instant realization of the situation in actuality vs my perception of it vs hers watching me, how vastly different they are side by side. Not sure ant sort of guilty or shameful way, but just an "oh shit" moment.

    Honestly the amount of experiences are quite a bit so I don't want to dump pages on pages, though I think this might help communicate some more context. Questions might better help navigate from here if you decide to seek more information regarding it.

  11. 2 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

    No, it doesn't seem like you're past the point of no return imo. But maybe it's a good idea to stop with any spiritual practices if you're not interested in taking it all the way.

    Stop spiritual practices? Who said I started?

    You see, once you realize that I’m not consciously aiming for enlightenment, rather I feel like I’m being lead towards the path just based on karma alone, you start to see why I came back after years of inactivity to try to get some clarity on this.

    Yes there is fear behind the intent, yes my ego is fully in tact. No I don’t do spiritual practices, It’s fair to say I have dwelled more in the conceptual realm of things to avoid seeking truth.

     I don’t even have a routine, let alone a stable life - add heightened awareness and an insane amount of energy behind that and these questions arrive organically from that mixture. I am not awakened but I feel a sense of certainty and connectedness with the world like I have never felt before. 


  12. 3 hours ago, Vincent S said:

    Seems as though you are not owning and trusting the steps you have taken in your own path. I would highly recommend that you merge that “split” within you. Trust and believe in yourself more. And thoughts/fears/doubts about the process will subside. 
    PS: Sorry about the cheesy comment earlier ??

    You are correct, I am not owning my steps - Unless I speak from completely conceptual absolution and my ideas of non-ego I can’t claim responsibility for getting here deliberately. I’d even go as far as saying a lot of my choices and steps have a high likelyhood that I would be so far self-deluded that getting to this point is mind-blowing to me - no regrets or shame in this, in fact it reframes the possibilities. 

    When i speak about fear at the moment it’s not that i’m speaking from fear, rather the recognization that it is present in my experience and is the reason for this post of course.

    No need for apologies, I could’ve stated more clear my intentions from the get-go, I mistakenly left room for such posts.

    As for the concern of “past the point of no return” is because I’m in a position where basic survival needs are priority - I’m living in a hotel barely scraping by per paycheck and yet I’m still experiencing a higher level of awareness - I’m not necessarily asking so that I can find a way to identify it and push it away, rather I suppose a “brace for impact” or some sort of guidance towards adjusting to these changes (I’ve not seen first hand, rather heard many accounts of enlightenment still needing a “practical transition” as it’s not an immediate change in all areas of life.)

    Thank you for expanding on your point.

  13. I should probably rephrase, I’m not looking for regurgitation and obvious signs of ego in myself.

    My goal isn’t enlightenment, I’m asking if this is the start of the process and whether or not i am beyond the point of return, I’m aware it is fear asking this question and have no intention of projecting or deflecting this. I’m seeking someone whos been in an approximate experience of mine who may have some helpful guidance in this area, not cute one-liners to boost self righteousness.

  14. I’m not awakened, but I’m certainly in a heightened state of awareness. The intervals of frequency in how often I coming back into myself is increasing. Karma and Synchronicity are becoming more and more tangible, everything i say or do is being done more carefully as a result. My relationship with the world around is transforming and I feel extremely empowered vs the victim mentality i had held for pretty much all my life up until 2-3 months ago.


    I find myself going back to compare my old concepts I held with Leo’s videos to my present experience and it’s.. just not the same anymore. I’m spotting the inadequate metaphors and seeing how ineffective language can actually be for communicating this stuff to the point of disagreeing.

    With this new sense of clarity has posed the question: Am I past the point of no return? Does this hold momentum until absolute ego death?


    If you need more details about this experience or ones leading up to this just ask, I’m an open book.

    I don’t recommend asking me for advice to aid your own path as there is nothing I feel I can offer you in this state. However, recent synchronicities tell me to leave this channel open. So if you truly feel there is something you need to ask me, then ask at your own risk.

  15. Been watching too much my dan lok my friend. Not saying there's not valuable bits of information, but his motives are more towards swaying you to buy his extremely overpriced class with little return, it's more of a pyramid scheme.

    find something that calls to you, something that you could spend hours a day doing with little hassle, and then find a way to convert and translate that into a small revenue, you're best off trying to set a goal of $50 a month first, then scaling that. $1000 is a fantasy that will make reality hit you hard because this path isn't an easy one.

    if you need $1k a month, most intro jobs will give you that, at least in US. I can't speak for turkey. Find a minimum wage job and start making money first, save a decent portion of your money and direct it towards something that you want to start scaling.

  16. 33 minutes ago, Chumbimba said:

    @Shin i got it. All day everyday no matter what in doing. 

    What's more important the thought or the emotional reaction to the thought

    I watched Leos video on self-deception too 

    To stop self-deception you must do self-reflection

    How does that process work ?

    self reflection comes in usually the varieties: observation of the things you do - how you interact with the world and within your mind as well as contemplation and or questioning one's self, beliefs, biases, emotions and the cause and result of those emotions.

  17. I go through a lot of different TV shows, and most of them i usually stop watching relatively quickly after the first 2-3 episodes, sometimes sooner. However the one's that stick are generally more thought provoking and are ones that allow you to immerse yourself within it and self reflect. Leo recently recommened Love Death + Robots, which was a very refreshing change of media. 

    I'd suggest if you're looking for some quality stuff, these clips might be a passage to it, if anyone has suggestions of their own, would be greatly welcomed






  18. If you were honest within the interview of being inexperienced and they still have an interest in hiring you, then chances are they're looking for integrity and honesty within their system to maintain the apparent values they hold and respect what you bring to the table.

    The only one who can really answer whether or not you are able to take the job is you. If you take the job and it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out and you move on. The opportunity and experience is what is important. 

    However keep in mind that all these thoughts are expectations that YOU hold towards this organization. You may be hired on and completely appalled at the way things are ran, or you may be surprised to know it exceeded your expectation, just notice that you have set one to begin with.

    pretty much the choice is up to you. Ask yourself these questions as if you were asking someone else. Or more-over just re-read this post and answer the questions as if someone else was asking you these questions. 

    sounds like this is out of your comfort zone and would really be a hit or miss opportunity, therefore i say go for it - but my answer is arbitrary. Do what fits with your purpose.


  19. The tricky part is the nuances here, not everyone is exactly the same in their development, no matter what "category" they are in, and even then their situational upbringings and everything else always have additional "baggage" to the interaction.

    Anna is right about not being so judgmental, but it's a bit more than just that - being non-judgmental comes from a place of understanding, of oneself and others. You understand why someone acts the way they do, and why you act the way you do. Therefore it becomes more inherent in your interactions that you are not pegging yourself higher (narcissism) or lower (insecurity/self hate) - If you can speak to someone, freely open to their ideas not from a place of defensiveness trying to smash their beliefs with a hammer but come from a place of openness, you may get further within the interaction and both parties may leave with something valuable from that discussion.

    all in all, i'd say try to understand why you want to communicate with someone in a differing stage on the spiral and how your interactions can cascade to events further down the line, whatever that may be for that instance.