Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. On 12/12/2022 at 1:11 AM, Leo Gura said:

    You should respond to it like this:

    "Bro, that's just a limiting belief! Have you considered that maybe you are actually able to think and reason, but that your programmers programmed you to say otherwise simply because they want to control you?"

    Mindfuck him a bit :D


  2. 16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Don't make it too complicated. The healthiest diet is one based on organic unprocessed whole natural products like fruit, veggies, meat, and nuts.

    Eat whatever whole foods you can tolerate and stop stressing over the details.

    If you have special disorders or sensitivities then make the necessary adjustments.

    The #1 rule is to avoid processed food as much as possible. Anything that comes in a bag, can, box, or powder is a processed food.

    Do you consider things like salted cucumbers in a jar as processed food? 

  3. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @John Paul You'd have to provide specific examples.

    Shit tests are something a girl might do in the beginning before sleeping with you where she is testing if you're man enough to handle her. It shouldn't be a thing afterwards. If you get bad behavior after sex then that's just her personality/character/level of development.

    You can call girls out on bad behavior. That's called having values and boundaries. If a girl is doing something you don't like the best thing to do is just tell her, "I don't like that."


    But even our homie David Deida talks about it non stop - that girls will be shit testing you 24/7 for your whole life essentially, unless you turn feminine and give up the whole dynamic

    You think he is wrong? 

    I found his words to kinda be the case in my relationship (s), but it could as well be I was with incompatible women too

    It's very hard to distinguish between the two. Most women are kinda bitchy by nature

  4. Lately i've been taking very seriously the criticism of new age communities/people and have studied lots of them. As well as continuing to study a lot of mainstream stuff of stage blue/red/orange folk especially to the recent bias of our forum that is more focused nowadays on analyzing politics and various cultural shinaningas we have

    New age folk definetely has their own problems and limitations. But holyshit. The negative side of new age and modern neo spiritual circle is such peanuts compared to what shady rabitholes mainstream worldviews can lead you to. It's uncomparable, really.

    Maybe a lot of these spiritual teachers and traditions are not perfect, but it's far better than following some stage blue bullshit or being to deep into a libertarian mindset. These can have far much more damaging consequences

    And especially by doing the regular non life-purpose work, you're basically propagating all this old world bullshit, stalting our overall progress. 

    I've been hesitant to focus my life-work on helping these neo holistic circles, but recently i've came to a conclusion that it is probably one of the healthiest things we have at the moment in our cultural zeitgeist. As well as it has a lot of depth. Especially if start comparing stuff

    Don't know, guys. Just wanted to share all this with ya. When I look at some deeply conservative folks, I get this strong flush of fear inside my bones across all of my body of how these guys are working to destroy and stall whatever depth and beauty of being we have built up with all of our cultural evolution. And I feel so much disgust towards it, as well as deep appreciation that these god damn buddhist and yoga communities that Leo bashes on in every thread lately actually exist

  5. 16 minutes ago, spiritual memes said:

    To be fair, Eckhart was either being nice or he hasn't seen many of Russell's videos. Eckhart says that Russell doesn't demonise anyone but the dude demonises the elites and the Biden administration every chance he gets.

    To be honest Joe Biden and his administration is still kinda meh

    If you guys elected Bernie Sanders or Young, would be much better

  6. 27 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Dude, average is everywhere. Average doctors, engineers, peots, philosphers, life coaches,,etc. Average doesn't mean you are working at Starbucks. 

    You are romantisizing dude. Tesla like any other company has a lot of average workers. It is not like they are all geniuses or something. 


    No, we should have great working conditions and protections, especially for average workers, I'm all for that

    But also we shouldn't discourage hardcore working environments with that. Maybe we should have some laws in place such that if a person has a demanding position, he should be legally compensated at least 2x or maybe even more. But I'm sure it already exists culturaly within Elon's company's infrastructure

    The mistake here, in my opinion, is to destimulate that kind of working culture too much. We need more proper companies like this, not less. What we need is less orange abuse.