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Everything posted by Highest

  1. I am reality, but your notion that awarness is God is simply false. It's mind-made as it has to be. Awarness itself never claimed to be ''God''. Nor does it idenitify itself with mind-made words or concepts.
  2. One of the meanings of God is indeed that he is the creator. That's just one. You can call the creator for the creator cuz he/it created. However, that does not make the creator God, it's simply the creator. To me God is more complicated. But you say that God is awarness, that's changing the meaning all togheter, which is good. But still, the ultimate is nameless, we are just using mind made concepts here. Awarness just IS, why call it God, where does God come from? Awarness is reality, it exists, but it does not say I am God, all of that comes from is, it's created by us. Awarness simply just are. You see? It's obvious that we created God, not the other way around. It's so deep rooted that it's simply difficult to see that it's an invention of the mind.
  3. Have you ever seen or meet something that claimed itself to be God? Probably not. You can use existence and God interchangeably but then you have change the meaning of God all together. But the current meaning is simply false. In that sense God does not exist. In the apsolute sense, there is only that which IS (existence/consciousness, being itself nameless.
  4. None. Making goals is a sure way to imprison yourself. Goals are in the future, you are here now. That's an insight you can get in deep meditation. Life itself is with no goal or meaning, but with your mind you can create as many as you wish. You will however not know what true freedom and contentment is.
  5. You are mentally unstable when you think you understand reality.
  6. You don't understand what love is. Relationship is a structure, and love is unstructured. Love never becomes a relationship. Either way, relationship is attachment, and as a detached person I tell you that an enlightened being will never have anything to do with some superficial ''relationship''. But you will never understand that, you are not in his shoes.
  7. My heart is right where it belongs. As for meaning, there are no meaning in this life, but you are welcome to create as many as you wish.
  8. The enlightened has lost all interest in the material world. He needs nothing, in that sense he is special. He is detached and dispassionate, how could he engage himself in superficial social interactions? Or sit at home and play some video games? Or have a ''girlfriend''? He is beyond all of that, more evolved consciously.
  9. He's right, one of the meanings of Jihad is to strive against yourself. However, the other meaning is to fight against God's enemies. You should fight and convert every single human being to Islam. It sounds absurd, but I have talked to people who actually knows almost literally everything about Islam, and they agree that this definition is true. Islam does promote terrorism, leo does not know that. But I do. I asked this Iman (highly Islamic teacher) if it is okay to kill non-muslims. He said that it is necessary as the goal of Islam is to take over the world, as he said.
  10. Not really. Killing your self does not necessarily mean that your body dies as well, although you can experience both in the spiritual path. Our sense of self is very powerful, almost impossible to ''kill''. The best thing to do with the ego is to devote it to God, or your higher self, devote it to love, annihilate it with love.
  11. It did for me. Lost all motivation to get a girlfriend and other materialistic stuff. When you realize that you are complete, the only thing you need is food and water. True and great freedom comes when you are empty and desireless. Not even a desire to live anymore, meaning if you die right now that would be fine to you.
  12. Without the ego, what are you? An utter emptiness, nothingness, no-thingness. It is because of this that the ego apparently exists, it is indeed to create order. The ego is needed for self-preservation and self-worth etc, it's a primitive thing but necessary in the process of development. Ultimately the ego just IS, only with the ceasing of thoughts does the ego die. Only a few does that. This is beyond a simple ego-death where the ego always comes back.
  13. We are not humans, we are being. We identify ourselves with the body and all labels that follow, unable to see the difference between the changing and that which does not change, grow, or age. Out of ignorance we don't believe we have soul, but the wise knows very well that which is immortal and eternal, “Without birth or death, eternal, ever-existing is this soul of man”. But who actually experience themselves more than just a human being? Who many knows beyond belief? Not many.
  14. Non-duality means not two. How is it so? Here comes the big secret, basically God is all there is, God is everything, including yourself. There is only the Self (God). On every level, you are everyone, and everyone is you. The Vedanta powerfully states: ''These three: the soul, the world, and the Lord of all, Are nothing else but the one Brahman. It’s Brahman alone who exists as everyone and everything; beyond Brahman, the Self, there is nothing further to know.''
  15. All distinctions are in the mind. The fact that we have distinctions does not mean that the creator must be separate from creation. Separation is another thing in the mind. Either way, just a few truly understands non-duality. We live in a low-conscious world, the only way out is trough spirituality, going within. This has to be experienced to be known, and not many get there because the path is actually hard and requires self destruction. Materialism and religion both sprung forth from low-consciousness, low-conscious people create low-conscious beliefs. The low conscious sees only what he can see, and thus believes that there is nothing other than the natural world. The wise, evolved in consciousness, knows that the natural world is an illusion.
  16. They are not necessarily incompetents, but they don't know themselves. As most deny the existence of the soul, they remain trapped in their ignorance. Schizophrenics are seen as insane, when in fact they have just awaken. That's stuff they can't understand because they deny the spiritual realm altogether, but true growth can only happen spiritually.
  17. The reason why it has such a hold on you is because you identify yourself with it, you give it interest. What is aware of the monkey mind, what observes it. Be the observer, don't identify yourself with what is being observed. Let thoughts come and go, be detached from them if you want freedom from it.
  18. So the question is how can inert matter (the brain) create something like the mind which is the ground for intelligence and reason. Does the mind simply precede matter? Basically those who think so believe that non-reason (matter) cannot produce reason, it's inert and have no rational potentials, aka the principle of proportionate causality. ''If something doesn't a) have the quality, b) is unable to get that quality, or c) unable to make that quality then obviously it can't be said to cause that quality.'' What do you think and why?
  19. Did some contemplation and introspection, and I just got a powerful insight; the fact that I have ALWAYS just been here now. This is beyond the mind, beyond memory. Understand me, I have always just been, there was no point in time where I did not exist. Not before ''my birth'' nor a thousand years ago. I have always just existed, timelessly. I cannot end or disappear, these are made up concepts conceived and imagined in the mind. When we think about ''end'' we think about for example when a movie ends and it becomes dark. But I am not a movie, I am not of this world, I just am! There is no reason for me to end. My nature cannot end, reality/existence is not about that. In a few days I will quit my time here and sell my computer, I cannot waste my time with it any longer.
  20. What is the Self and how do you find it, and how do you know it is the Self when you find it? That's the question. I assume this is beyond the sense of self aka the ego.
  21. I have been trough it, and I shall tell you it is only the beginning my friend. The spiritual path is deep, hard and difficult to comprehend for the earthly mind. Go on, all this will pass away. No one can save you but yourself.
  22. You are alive. You are being with a body and mind. You are conscious and aware, indeed you are existence/awareness itself. What a gift, what a marvelous thing, what a glorious thing! Do you realize the privilege to be a human being? When I look at myself and creation I see perfection, how is it even possible I ask my self? My mind cannot comprehend it. It's a miracle, everything, from a single ant to the great human brain. So much design, so much accuracy, so much complexities. We are all of that! We are death, we are mystery, we are existence, we are truly IT. The ego mind creates a person with suffering and problems, clouds pure reality both internally and externally. Stop identifying with it and you shall be free. The illusion is so well made and strong. The sense of self is creation, that's why it's said that the ego can never truly disappear. But there is no wrong with this sense of self, there is beauty there, there is perfection there. But when one identifies oneself surely as the body, suffering must come. So sacrifice everything for the Truth, whatever that may be. Thank you.
  23. Forget about the material world, the truth is within, the success is within. Realize yourself, there is nothing greater.
  24. Most think they are the ego-body-mind, a few have realized that they are nothing, even fewer have realized what most would see as blasphemous, being God itself. Which goes to show how large existence is, how much it contains. From your own experiences, what do you believe you/we are? I myself are neutral on this, existence is so complex and large that I don't know what I am anymore. I have experienced being nothing and everything, but these are experiences which goes on. I cannot be certain of what I am. So I leave it for itself, I'm fine with just the sense of being.
  25. It's okay, you are not what they think you are. You are not what you yourself think you are.