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Everything posted by Igor82

  1. @John Iverson Hey, don't beat yourself up. From day 30 to day 160, nothing really happened to me. I could push through. The first 30 days are the hardest, and if you completely don't do anything sexually related, it will become much easier after a month. I guess my mistake was giving in to the craving, which made a little snowball effect. I lost touch with the values and goals I set for myself at day 0. I think if I would resist that craving at day 160 and forth, I would not have relapsed. The cravings will come, but they will fade. Benefits will come, be sure of that! Btw, relapsing once at day 160, won't turn you into that version that you were on day 0. Never. All matters what you do every day, not once every year. If you binge on hamburgers one time, even though you always eat healthily, then it will have no physical significance at all (in the long/medium run). And of course, if you even got to day 160, you won't really want to self-destruct, and regress to your old you, like binging porn and all. I consider this relapse as a reason to keep on and try again, much much stronger this time. Although resisting cravings is hard! Btw: Hate to break it to ya... You gotta eliminate the porn first! Porn is what gives you almost all the symptoms. Try to fap without porn for a while. Try to do it as a ritual, like spiritual masturbation. But you have to eliminate porn first or else it's very hard to quit cold turkey. Go for a no-porn journey, you will have good benefits there as well. So that, when you relapse, at least you are not watching porn, because that is dangerous, its like heroin.
  2. I relapsed. 174 days. Man, the urges are creeping up on me. It first started off as a fantasy, then I started touching my dick more and more, I started experimenting, and then I lost control, and surrendered to the unconscious sexual energy. Relapsed, and learn a lesson. Although I relapsed a couple of days later, and then again, one week after that. What is happening? Why did I get a fantasy at day 160? Its like I gave in because of curiosity, and when I feel down, I turn to my dick... and its hard not to do that nowadays. I need to regain control, resist cravings. If I don't, I will start browsing for porn, and that will destroy me. Yet, I have just stroked for pleasure, but man, It feels hard when you feel like you are regressing. Gimmie some motivation
  3. Hey, fapstronauts! I need some advice. I have not relapsed for 6 months now, and so I don't feel any urges. About 3 weeks ago, a little thing started for me, I was meditating, and a serious fantasy came up out of nowhere, displaying my old fetishes and such. I went along with the ride, ending up with blue balls. Now when meditating, im more prone to fantasies, but I never give in... but they always come like thoughts, out of nowhere, sometimes making me hard as well. I sometimes stumble upon some hot photos on the internet, but now it's starting to get intentional. I have no urges to fap, and If I would happen to relapse, it would probably be out of curiosity. Although I can feel the fantasies and my curiosity release the dopamine and making me sluggish. Does this act like a detox, or will this feed into the old bad habits?
  4. I really love seaweed chips, although you can eat them up really fast without getting filled up. The best snack that I found for longevity (taste) is a good old lollipop. If you want the healthiest alternative look into dried fruits. Personally, I love dates and dried bananas, even dried mangoes!
  5. @BjarkeT Transitions: Easy: Junk food = Perfect tasting food = Juicy crispy texture, excellent aroma, salt, fat, and sugar. How to make junk food healthier? Take all of these components, but make them healthy ingredients. No trans fats, no sweeteners, all plant based stuff. You need a combination of all of these to make it work. You could make pulled pork out of jackfruit! Just replace the "pork" with some canned jackfruit... after all, the spices make the taste. Note that jackfruit has no significant calories. Find recipes online and try them out. If your goal is to transit from junk food to healthier junk food, then a shift has to be made. Medium: If you want to change food choices cold turkey, I recommend a 3-day water fast before transiting. It will empty your bowels from all the previous residue, and it will significantly adjust your taste buds for the better (don't worry, you won't die). To do this, you must plan ahead! At least find a way to replace your current eating habits with sustainable better versions of them! Then after that, you learn through trial and error. ~Ideal: I personally dislike adding anything to food. As I'm raw plant-based, mainly eating monomeals, I would never add something to my plate! Sometimes if I have a dinner of raw sweet peas, they will taste bland after the first kg, so instead of forcing them into me, ill add a teaspoon of soy sauce but being very moderate. If I want to make my sweet peas taste like junk food (in volume), I would (probably) die from excess sodium intake. My taste buds have adjusted to loving the peas just like they are! Im much more sensitive, so it feels like all of the "junk food" components are already included! Once, I ate a cake out of the ordinary, and it tasted like orgasm.
  6. @Ether No, im streaking and trying to brag about it.
  7. Im watching Leo's video about quantum mechanics, I have been taking vigorous notes on it since 4 pm, Its 10 minutes left, but I have to wake up 5 am tomorrow, and why am I writing this post, it's so contradictive, im confused please helppp meee
  8. @sarapr yes, but the pressure will only be on your butt and upper back, resulting in a flattening of your spine, a healthy posture. With a material with much "give," the pressure will not be substantial, resulting in poor posture, pain... etc.
  9. @sarapr In depends on your bed. The healthiest way to sleep on your back is on a flat surface with very little "give". If you sleep on foam, the foam will inherit your body posture, which won't necessarily straighten your spine in any way. I liked sleeping on my side when I had a bed, it's the natural sleep posture many rodents... at least it was comfortable for me.
  10. I sleep on the floor, with a thin mattress to not hurt my joints. I have a hard thin pillow for my head, and I sleep in Shavasana (corpse posture). Its great, and I usually wake up like that or on my side, never on my belly unless its full or something (lying on my belly usually reduces some pain, but I don't know). It gives great sleep quality overall.
  11. The more bananas I eat, the more I take my happiness for granted.
  12. @sarapr I have a hypothesis. As my calorie intake currently stems from fuits (mainly ripe bananans), I have to reasearch the hell out of nutrition to be able to thrive on the fruitarian diet. The most popular reason why many people are ”fruit intolerant” is not the fruit itself, its what is combines with in your belly. Food combinations are a bit tricky, but you cant eat whatever and expect to thrive. For example, if you eat proteins and starches at the same meal, it will cause disaster in the belly... how? Starches needs an alkaline enviornment to digest, where the amalyse enzymes (What turns starches into sugar) can digest it. The problem is now, that protein, needs an acidic enviornment to be able to be digested. Acid + Alkaline = Neutral. Boom, nothing happens. If your body cant digest the food, then the gut bacteria will. This can lead to all kinds of problems. Now, lets say that you eat meat and potatoes as a dinner, you go to sleep, and then decide to eat a watermelon for breakfast. The watermelon is gonna reach the rotting mixture in your belly, but not get any further. Here is where the watermelon (rich in fiber and sugar) will start to ferment and produce alot of nasty stuff, mainly gases, thus pain, fatigue and sluggishness. Its not the fruit itself... Fruit is exellent if its digested properly. I want many people to look into food combinations, its one of the most fundamental concepts for thriving on a diet. If I would eat alot of oranges with bananas, I would have to go to bed right after. And if you really want to transist, then I recommend a 3day fast to eliminate most of the waste that lies still in the belly. Please do your own reasearch on this, if you dont, you might aswell take my words with a grain of salt.
  13. I love this so much, I had to watch it 3 times in a row. It is one of the best works of art I have ever seen.
  14. I don't get it
  15. Alright, I got an English poem I wrote some time ago: Betrayal as jealousy, hurts the unbreakable bond of love. A sacred bond, only broken with pain. Time erases hope, though not pain caused by memories. Hence time can never heal, the pain in her heart. Tears for the loved one apart. Happiness impossible to reclaim, as true love has been fatally broken. The void in his broken heart, as sweet memories for a beloved silence. In his memories she will stay; Tears for the loved one, far away. I got a really funny poem written in Swedish...
  16. Personally, I brush my teeth in the mornings, with the softest toothbrush I could find, and I rinse my teeth on the evenings after eating. Remember, you want to brush away the plaque, not your enamel! I see toothpaste/mouthwash as a way to refreshen the breath. I never had any issues with that, so I stay away from them. I doo have a questionable breath in the mornings (I sleep with my mouth taped shut), and it usually diminishes after my morning brush. here is a good video explaining the enamel issue:
  17. @Charlotte Haha, that a story. Its funny, because that was one of the motivators for me to take cold showers! Cold showers close the pores... But even if the pores are closed or open, water will not come in. We are not made to absorb water through our skin! Imagine sweating very much when running. All pores are open. Now, your body won't decide to reabsorb the sweat! And what if you would have to swim in dirty rivers? If you would absorb the water, your body would die from the disease. Freedivers don't get swelled up from water entering their pores... The point is that the skin is waterproof, so it won't absorb water into the body naturally. Now, you can sit in a hot bath, and your body will sweat, while being affected by the water pressure, only insignificant amounts of water would be absorbed into the skin .. but never into the bloodstream. How would that even be possible? It came to the point of me taking fewer showers, so I researched a bit and found this out. Don't worry too much about the fluoride when it comes to hygiene. I would say that fixing your drinking water and toothpaste makes 99.99% of the job. The thing about fluoride is that the toxicity (and calcification of the pineal gland) will only happen when you have excess fluoride. The body can get rid of X amounts of fluoride every day, and if you consume E.g 5X amounts of fluoride every day, then you should expect problems in the long run. When you eliminate fluoride from your toothpaste and drinking water, im sure that you won't have to worry about fluoride ever again! (Tap water is used for many products, such as soda or concentrated juice, so be careful).
  18. @pluto Hah, sorry for that. Yeah, it's like dying from psilocybin when eating magic mushrooms... it's virtually impossible. You are right. I tried to magnify it by mentioning the fiber intake, but you said it well in concrete words.
  19. @Charlotte I have eliminated fluoride completely out of my life for more than a year now. Tap water is replaced with spring water, which we collect from a nearby source, and I don't even use toothpaste anymore! The real danger for your teeth is acid and the sugar. Bacteria feed off the sugar, and the result is holes in your teeth (I don't know the detailed process). I always rinse my teeth after a meal to avoid having food that can be feasted upon, and rinsing removes any acidity build up. Fluoride is (of what I have researched) not beneficial for your teeth. It calcifies your pineal gland (the main reason I eliminated it), its pretty toxic, and it builds on your bones thus bad muscles in the long term. (Take my words with a grain of salt) I have braces on my teeth, and still, I face no problems with my teeth, not even in the gums. Although sometimes is I don't brush or rinse, I tend to have tartar build-up. This is easily avoided by removing excess food from your teeth. I had a long period of using fluoride free toothpaste, and yes, it works, no problem. It tends to be higher quality overall, so definitely use it!
  20. Guys, I have no friends as well. My circle of influence is my family (my mother, sister, and my father), and I only have one friend (my best friend) which I chat to trough skype once in a while. I live with my mother and my sister, so Im social within the family, but I wonder if I will miss out on critical stuff if I keep on like this for a couple of years more. I am very introverted, but I have no general social issues. Thanks in advance!