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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. He really is doing some authoritarian things. There are lots of red flags there. At this point, I’m not sure if he’s doing things this way because he actually wants to be an authoritarian leader or if he’s just playing the part to appeal to his base so that they elect him to the presidency. But I don’t want to take the risk to find out.
  2. I agree with this. It’s not that I think that DeSantis’s current goal is to make death camps happen. That wasn’t my point in using Vaush’s quote. But to write DeSantis off as just a normal Conservative doing normal Conservative things is just foolish. He’s being deeply authoritarian and he’s repeating very old political patterns that have historically led to things like death camps. What’s happening now in the Republican party is that Fascists and Fascist rhetoric are gaining more and more of a foothold. Let’s say that Conservatism is the color blue and Fascism is the color red. And the trick is to add the color red in very gradually to where people forget what blue looks like altogether and to think that normal Conservatism is just a generally purplish color. We become frogs in boiling water if we don’t realize what’s happening. Unsinkable ships sink.
  3. “Also, I used Vaush’s “death camps” quote not to say that I think there will be actual death camps, but as a way to compare DeSantis and Trump’s relationship to authoritarianism.” This is what I just posted to Leo.
  4. No, it most certainly isn’t standard right wing policy stuff. It’s being done in a deeply authoritarian way that should make anyone prick up their ears. Also, I used Vaush’s “death camps” quote not to say that I think there will be actual death camps, but as a way to compare DeSantis and Trump’s relationship to authoritarianism. My argument was never that DeSantis is going to literally do death camps.
  5. It’s definitely a backlash. Many Fascist movements gain their momentum in a backlash against progress because they can harness the support of average people that feel uncomfortable with the changes. The Weimar Republic was actually a very progressive place. They even had an institution specifically for LGBTQ studies and research back in the 30s in the Weimar Republic. And the Nazis targeted that institution first before progressing to other targets. So, even though this is a backlash, it’s important to recognize that it could also be used as a segue into darker territory.
  6. Again, it’s not about him being a right winger at all. It’s about him being him. He’s banning books and greenlighting intentionally vague legislation that can charge teachers with felonies and loss of their license if they have books in their classroom that goes against those intentionally vague policies. The outcome has been that many teachers have taken all the books out of their classrooms. He tried to pass legislation called the “Stop Woke Act” which would prohibit colleges from teaching about gender and racism in ways that are loosely defined as “woke”. Luckily that was slapped down by a federal judge because it was in violation of the 1st amendment. The judge called it “dystopian”. He was also trying to do this thing a few years back where he wanted to make all college professors fill out a survey with their political affiliation on it. And he wanted to penalize colleges that had too high of a percentage of liberal professors compared to conservative professors by taking away funding. Then, he also did the shenanigans with trafficking immigrants over state lines to Martha’s Vineyard. Then, there’s his background in Guantanamo Bay working with detainees. And there are allegations of him participating in force feeding torture practices. None of this looks good. And none of this is about him being a Republican. I expect authoritarianism from him because of his track record.
  7. What I said was a reflection of my feelings about DeSantis… not of my feelings about the average right winger. I genuinely don’t think the right are all Nazis. I grew up in a very conservative area and most are not in favor of things like that. And most right wingers would be vehemently against things like death camps at this juncture in time. The formula for getting average people to support heinous things requires a demagogue and years of propaganda for there to be a movement in the direction of death camps and the like in average members of the populace. But I do think DeSantis could be a demagogue if he wanted to be. And I’m not entirely convinced that he doesn’t want to be given his political track record as governor thus far and his history in Guantanamo Bay.
  8. That’s not entirely true. It’s a brand new thing that children are being taken away from their parents for seeking medical support for their trans kids. And we never had people trying to pass laws that enable bounty hunters to go after drag queens or any of the other of the hundreds of bills that they’re trying to ram through. There are newly popularized hate campaigns that LGBTQ people are facing now that they didn’t have to face with a few years ago. And these hate campaigns are directly influencing state policies. And this should not be ignored as business as usual… comments about progressive whining be damned. But what you say is true in that there has been a lot of progress over the past couple decades as well. But despite this progress… it’s also true the Fascistic movements historically have targeted LGBTQ people first. Then they begin to target religious and ethnic minorities if they’re relatively successful at regressing public opinion on gay/trans people. So, the fact that all the anti-LGBTQ rhetoric has gotten a lot more aggressive in the past year or so… and that fact the state legal systems are being bombarded by anti-trans bills should be seen as a canary in the coal mine. And if Fascistic movements are successful at pushing back gay rights or trans rights, it may be a sign of worse things to come.
  9. I agree that it’s not a winning message in the eyes of the average American. But I fear that it could potentially become one with enough trickery and propaganda. There are many apolitical moderate people who could be convinced to support things that they’d never be in favor of without the propaganda. It’ll be a bit of a stress test to America’s system and level of development.
  10. It’s infinitely limited and infinitely unlimited
  11. This is a reflection of what I experienced on plant medicine when I died and became nothing and then everything arose… There are aspects within God that feel totally overwhelmed by being infinite. While other aspects are infinitely capable of handling infinity like it’s a piece of cake. And so God, to give itself mercy and love allows these overwhelmed parts to fragment and become seemingly separate finite parts. And through this fragmentation and dualism, God is able to understand its infinite nature through the lens of its experiences as the finite. And God experiences exponentially expanding awareness and love and creation. It understands infinitely more insights while always understanding everything at once. It’s like an infinitely expanding game of connect the dots. The number of dots is accounted for and there are infinite dots. And each dot has every single relationship possible to every other dot no matter how unrelated they seem. In this metaphor, a dot could be a strand of your hair and another dot could be a faraway planet in some other galaxy. And those two dots have an infinite number of relationships to one another. The relationships between the dots are represented by the lines in connect the dots. And so, God knows all the dots infinitely. And then it comes to know all the relationship lines between each dot and every other dot which produces an infinite amount of new understandings and insights because the combinations of connections produce brand new insights that the God mind has never thought before. This produces even more dots. And each newly arisen dot is in every possible relationship to every other dot from the newly arisen dots to the old dots. And new lines are drawn and a new slew of infinite understandings emerge. And new dots arise… etc. And in the direct experience of being God experiencing the infinitely expanding nature of the terrifying God Mind and the even more terrifying God Heart, I thought up a wonderful idea. What if I could create a finite existence? One that is limited and has a beginning and an end. And one where I didn’t have to deal with the burdens of infinite mind and infinite heart. And I began to remember and create Emerald’s life that had blown away into nothingness an eternity prior. And I rebirthed myself back into the ceremonial space 20 minutes after I died. What I learned about God is that it’s able to understand its oneness and loneliness through lens of developing the realities of separation and relationship. So, the concept of relationship arose/continues to arise infinitely to enable God to be aware of its solitary nature. And this realization always has been there within God but is always new to God.
  12. They’re going much further than they have before. The popular anti-LGBTQ messaging before was that being gay/trans was a sin and that they didn’t want to support it. The homophobia and transphobia was typically couched in more moderate talking points. Right now the messaging is that the LGBTQ community is pedophilic and grooming your children. And it’s getting lots of otherwise accepting or indifferent people to vehemently hate gays and trans people. Once you convince a populace that a certain group is full of child molesters, society will want them dead with their heads on a pike. And Fascists know that. It’s a very effective tactic to drum up moderate support for their agendas. Nazis we’re very successful in getting everyday citizens to hate Jewish people (and to amplify pre-existing prejudice) by spreading rumors that Jewish men are sex pests that want to kidnap and molest their children. They even wrote it into children’s books to “warn” non-Jewish children that Jewish men were dangerous and to stay away from them. And unfortunately these tactics are very effective. And there are right wing militia groups with guns and full military gear going to drag shows to intimidate people. And there are bills that are being pushed in state legislatures to classify parents seeking gender affirming care for their trans kids as child abusers and to get their kids taken away. There was a bill floated yesterday in Texas where average citizens can act as bounty hunters for drag queens. So, it’s in the legalistic phase. There have been HUNDREDS of anti-gay/trans bill floated since January. And what the OP says is right. It’s always “last hired, first fired” with Fascists. Trans folks and drag queens are just the easiest targets right now because transphobia is still pretty normal in the eyes of many Americans. This is how those in Fascist movements establish their foothold in the veneer of being moderate. And then they keep working their way backwards from there once they get their foothold. “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
  13. You can angle your nature to serve your survival no matter what it is. But you find out your nature by exploring yourself and getting to know yourself better. Try lots of things. Find personally models to understand yourself (like Enneagram, MBTI, OCEAN) Get clear on your values and what your preferences are. Get to know yourself the same way you’d get to know anyone else.
  14. I’m concerned about DeSantis too. I’m a Floridian, and my 11 year old daughter had no math book for the first several weeks of 6th grade because DeSantis pulled them for having “Critical Race Theory” in them. And he’s being super authoritarian and banning books. I’d hate to see what he does as president. He’s awful enough as governor. But it seems like the winds are shifting back to Trump as the Republican nominee. Trump (of course) is a terrible choice as well. And authoritarianism isn’t totally off the table… especially with the election denial. But Vaush said it best when he said something to the nature of “Trump would send people to death camps if he thought it would benefit him politically. But DeSantis would send people to death camps because he’d enjoy sending people to death camps.” But I still say that if Marianne can beat Biden, she can beat the Republican. Chances are that she won’t beat Biden, but if she does it shows that her movement has caught fire.
  15. Same here. But she should definitely make it clear that she’s not neglecting the materialist paradigm. They will try to make it seem like she’s anti-science or anti-allopathic medicine when she isn’t.
  16. We’ll see. Let’s let things unfold before banging the gavel.
  17. Seek to become the best version of yourself through developing your natural aptitudes, cultivating virtues, and healing from trauma. Basically, enable yourself to mature and individuate into your most exalted intonation. Think about yourself as a sunflower seed at the outset. That means that you can never grow into a geranium or daffodil or daisy. You can only develop into a sunflower. Then, you can either grow your sunflower into a puny little sunflower that never reaches its full potential. Or you can give yourself everything you need to grow into the most exalted version of a sunflower that you can be. So, in relation to this analogy, the first element is self-acceptance and coming to know and celebrate your own nature as something unique from all other natures. You must learn to appreciate your unique personality signature even as it diverges from the societally understood ideals of beauty and desirability. This means the sunflower must never envy the rose. It must prefer being the sunflower and really lean into its own magic. And from there, you work to develop that unique nature into its most exalted and realized version through whichever kind of self-alchemy works the best for your nature. This requires the cultivation of various aptitudes and virtues that are specific to your nature. And it also requires an ever deepening relationship to yourself and your nature.
  18. Technology never takes the marketplace into consideration. Such is the nature of progress. When the car was invented, the auto industry wasn’t like “How do we make this so that horse and buggy drivers don’t lose their jobs?” Horse and buggy drivers mostly went out of business. That’s the nature of the free market. Mind you, this is coming from someone with two bachelors degrees in art related fields.
  19. Quick snippet of a Jungian video. I post this because it is the true root cause of many of the woes that men express in relation to dating, sex, and relationships. They’re all textbook Anima issues. The Anima is what Jung called the Inner woman in every man… while women have an Animus And if you resolve this Anima issue, interactions with women will become easier and you’ll have more security about your own masculinity. The video is of Marie Louise Von Franz (a popular Jungian) talking about an issue of stunted Anima integration in men that she witnessed in her career as a Jungian therapist. Anima possession comes up as a result of men repressing, denying, and having shame toward their Feminine side. And the harder he resists, the tighter the Anima holds onto him and posses him. And the more the possessive Anima is projected outward onto women… making talking to women terrifying and triggering.
  20. Improving those things are fine. It can be helpful because virtues will improve your overall vibe and will weed out dealbreakers. Men who are more holistically developed have much more attractive vibes. But the lion’s share of female attraction is based off of an intuitive attraction to a man as a whole being and whether or not that overall vibe creates a feeling of chemistry. I suspect that it’s mostly Feminine bodily instinct unconsciously scanning hundreds of qualities in a man for signs of a match (genetically, psychologically, emotionally, life-style-wise, etc.) without the help of the woman’s conscious mind. And when there’s a match, then the body produces positive feelings and cravings to be close to that particular guy. And everything about him suddenly becomes magical even if he just looks like an average guy on paper.
  21. Yes, this is what I’ve noticed too. Really, a lot of men’s intense interest in women begins and end with the desire to fit the ideal Masculine image which requires men to show proof of female sexual validation. And so, the focus on being attractive to women for many men is just focused on in order to keep himself safe from the ridicule of other men who will judge/shun/bully him if he’s not as successful with women as they think he should be.
  22. Yes exactly. Men often tend to think about women’s sexuality as just being a pickier version of male sexuality because they project the mechanics of male sexuality onto us. So, Manosphere guys project their worst fear that women are sizing them up (based off of objective qualities) like they are sizing women up (based off of objective qualities)… only with women being more picky and judging them more harshly based off of higher standards. But women actually aren’t very picky… We are selective in our attractions… but we’re generally not picky. The criteria we chose a man on is not typically objective or rational or meritocratic (though merit helps a man gain more mass appeal). It’s very emotional and intuitive and is a response to his overall vibration. It’s like “Does the current of this man’s personality make my heart strings vibrate?” That’s what the experience is like. And we tend not to feel those feelings for most men. This is how women are selective. If I use myself as an example, I typically am only capable of being meaningfully attracted to one guy at a time. And I’d imagine that this is probably common for many women. But the guy I’m attracted to might not be the most objectively attractive across any given field. So, he wouldn’t necessarily be the most objectively attractive in terms of looks, merit, status, wealth, charisma, etc. But as long as there weren’t any dealbreakers, I’d be attracted to him over men who are more objectively attractive because he’s the one whose personality current that I’m in resonance with.
  23. I can’t prove it to you. You’d have to be a woman experiencing attraction to a man to know what it’s like. But as a man, the way to find a woman who wants to get with you is to generally develop yourself as a person and work through your issues. This will make you more attractive to more women because this enables you to emit your authenticity much more strongly. This is like putting out a radio signal. The more you develop yourself, the stronger and purer that signal will be. And the women who resonate with that signal will pick it up more easily and be attracted to it. And then, you have to be social and keep company with women who prefer the kind of man that you are. This requires a bit of self-knowledge of course and the courage to form social ties with women.
  24. Thank you! I’m glad you like my paintings. ? And I had heard something similar to what you’d mentioned. But it was moreso put in terms of women being viewed by men and women through T5 activation. And men being viewed by men and women through T6 activation. So, it was more around people generally seeing men more as whole people and women more as a collection of parts. But my experience of attraction towards men is that I’m attracted to the whole person first. And then his parts become attractive only/mostly in relationship to the whole. Until that holistic attraction arises, there’s a mostly platonic frame even if they possess traits that I can recognize as objectively attractive. Like I can tell you what I find attractive in the ideal. But I rarely get attracted to men who look or act like that.