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Everything posted by Heaven

  1. To wish for a different reality is already resisting what is which will create the body suffering. To wish is a strong word and represent an attachment to an outcome. Let go of your wishes and Happiness will arise. Hope it helps?
  2. I agree with many things that you’re saying but a healthy balance and to know your boundaries is the key here. Having relationships in your life is just a way for you to express Love and Gratitude for this creation. If you don’t feel like doing it, just don’t. Nothing to be forced.
  3. The personality will not diminish but will purified. More as a benevolent king. The mind will always reconstruct itself in some way so I don’t believe one can be 100% egoless. The path will be more enjoyable and flowing rather than resisting and attached. And regarding to success, what does it mean to you?
  4. Accept them as they are. No need to change anything. Your ego wants to change them which creates resistance and therefore you suffer.. Try to notice whenever you resist something and understand it’s the illusion misinterpreted reality. Once you will release any resistance Love and Bliss will arise. Hope it helps?
  5. @zeroISinfinity @Forestluv I’m in a process of waking up to the real nature of reality and you guys are fucking awesome. Wow. You are showing me how deep This goes. Thank u?❤️
  6. Hey guys? My body experiencing chronic tension headaches and it bothers my daily function. Currently I’m not taking any meds but I do suffer pain that comes and goes.. Any suggestions for a natural pill for muscle relaxation? Or even a natural pain reliever? Thanks everyone?❤️
  7. @snowyowl Wow man I can relate with you so bad..I was reducing my practices cuz I felt like am losing the personality of my life story and I was afraid not to be able to fully function. From my direct experience I function different with calm mind and a “monkey” mind.
  8. Thank you man? Great advices! I do apply most of those things. But I do think its caused because of some mental problem rather than something physical.
  9. I became conscious how lazy I am. I was in my comfort zone for a while and that created my body resistance for the hard work in life. My question is should I force myself to do hard stuff or should I go with a more loving approach(Which didn't really work/I didn't do it correctly) What are your thoughts about David Goggins? He inspires me but also he doesn't look too happy..
  10. Thanks for the answer! If I look at the big picture I definitely agree with u. Do you have any suggestions of business men/women that are stage yellow and up?
  11. Is that possible to feel anxious in every day life as an enlightened person? I took my practices to the next level lately but it also increased the contraction/my anxiety in my body..Or maybe now I’m just more aware of that. When I rest in being it all disappears but when I try to function some complicated stuff I get lost in my mind again and get anxious. Thanks for the help..
  12. @SamC Your happiness isn’t to be found externally. You have to fix your mind. Your primary goal needs to be to raise your level of consciousness. Daily practice is a must. You can do it through many ways but choose the ones you resonate with. And assume that your mind will always try to get to his comfort zone so you have to push it. For example I wake up and focus my mind on my breath for 20 minutes. I do cold showers. SDS for an hour+. Hatha yoga. And listen to some teachers.
  13. @Forestluv Thanks for the beautiful answer? I get what you say. I believe there are levels of enlightenment so it’s not black and white I suffer from tension headaches and I realized the pain comes from resistance in my mind to some aspects of life. I work on purification now and it yields some great results. The tension is created by a specific thought pattern that saying no to the moment. I can even be conscious to this when it happens.
  14. Thanks for the answer. This is exactly my conclusion.
  15. The point is to calm the mind. When you do nothing for an hour the mind doesn’t have stimulation and finally settles.
  16. Hi everyone? I have some free time and I decided to take my practices to the next level. I’m going to do at least 2 hours a day in two separate sessions. Morning meditation focus on my breathing for 30mins and 90mins of SDS. I’ve been doing it in the last 3 days and I notice that when things get painful I get lost in my thoughts.(Like always I guess?). I’m using the do nothing technique during the SDS session so even to focus on my breathing is against the rules. Any suggestions? Tips will be welcomed
  17. @mandyjw This feeling(Let’s not label it) create me shortness of breath which makes me headaches. So yea I wish to let it go.. @Nahm @VeganAwake For some reason I resist the present moment so I work on acceptance and relaxation into the moment..The more I merge into reality the better I feel. Thanks for the help?❤️
  18. I always resonate with the things you’re saying?..So how my mind can be less attached to this thoughts pattern?
  19. @kag101 It’s very effective but I guess the key here is to stay aware. When u get lost with thinking try to let it go and if you can’t, be okay with it. The mind will stop by himself. The idea is to fully accept the present moment without resisting anything. I’m feeling better in general and only a week passed. Consistency is king.
  20. You’re not happy with what is and seeks happiness somewhere else. So your mind tricks you to think that once you’ll have this you will be happy. It’s a never ending cycle cuz there are infinite things to have. Once you’ll be happy with yourself, you will understand that you don’t need anything external to be happy. If you still don’t know how to be happy, I’ll try to help..
  21. There is just what is. And all the mental bullshit comes from the ego mind. I believe what people mean by high consciousness is once you get the understanding that we are all coming from the same source, act accordingly.
  22. It all depends if you write it at the beginning of the sentence or not. Just kidding? I believe Truth is almost impossible to talk about and when someone tries it becomes truth cause it gets dualistic, relative and as u said someone’s truth. For me a good teacher just know how to point your mind into this frequency and give you the right practices. The rest is just perspective.
  23. I use my breathe as an anchor. So it’s easy to keep focused this way. The “mystical” experiences usually happens afterwards. Haha I know exactly what u mean? I usually don’t.
  24. My thoughts lately, that romantic relationship is a huge distraction to fulfill one’s dreams.. And most relationships are created because of the need to survive and reproduce. Which is kinda basic for me?. Do what makes you happy and makes you feel good. Fuck norms lol
  25. From my personal experience lies are unsustainable and the truth will be revealed sooner or later. So there hope?