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Everything posted by Torkys

  1. @Ingit Enquire. If you truly knew what these things are, you wouldn't have trouble facing or attaining them. I am experiencing a similar issue right now. Sometimes I just laugh at my mind's ability to try and torture me. A thought comes from Resistance so when Resistance is faced, the thoughts are defeated. I would remind you of Spirituality 2.0 yet again. The very reason you don't have the good life is exactly because you crave it - thus resist the bad life.
  2. Totally possible ime (please factor in that I am still a teen). I have had multiple female friends and it can work out really well. It requires honesty though - I tend to be radically honest with them even about relationships and it doesn't get awkward. I have experienced being attracted from one, possibly both sides but I have never used somebody or felt used - that's the only possible con I can think of. Yin and Yang attraction isn't really hindered besides this - only maybe because I am not heavily Yang myself. Experience it for yourself and draw your own conclusions
  3. @Ingit What is Resistance? What is a thought? What is an issue? What is Freedom? How to attain it?
  4. @Joseph Maynor If non-duality is fully true (and thus false at the same time ), how would Ego and God be separate? If Ego is separation and duality itself, what is separating God from Ego, Mr. Turquoise?
  5. @Leo Gura He is a dangerous person who teaches your children
  6. "Guess who isn't gonna fuck his karma up if he does evil shit? I am enlightened, I can do whatever I want to you!"
  7. All spiritual growth boils down to facing one's Resistance, Ignorance, and Self-Deception - in one word, Ego. Ego is faced through experiences which are against its agenda. Spiritual practices are there to help people achieve spiritual growth. They are actions steps (of the lack thereof) which are designed to break down the ego and they are great at that. However, creating a distinction between spiritual and non-spiritual activities is super limiting. Who is supposed to decide what kind of experiences are against your ego's agenda? Who says you can't become enlightened while cutting a kitten in half? Who says meditation, yoga or contemplation supposed to work you? Remember, your growth depends on the amount of falsehood you face without resisting it, not necessarily the steps you follow. Open yourselves up to experiences which you wouldn't call "spiritual" but are actually a portal to a higher dimension of Purity. After all, everything is here to help you
  8. @sneha Thank you for your radical honesty and observations! When I started getting into authenticity heavily, I did it because I thought that if I act the way I would without blocks, only the people who truly respect me will remain in my life - this may be your motivation for becoming authentic. In a certain sense, I was right but authenticity goes much deeper than that as I explained earlier. If you remain in this box until you're dead, the conflict between your authentic self and your roles will cause you so much suffering. Advance at your own pace, cultivate Self-Love. And about seeking approval. Almost every ego has this problem to at least some degree - I haven't outgrown it either. I suggest that you look into heart-centered teachings and teachers (Matt Kahn, Higher Self, etc.). Learn to give yourself the Love and Acceptance you desire @Psyche_92 I knew you would like my reply if you liked the post I copied here
  9. God / Source Purity True, Unconditional Love Essentiality Freedom Nothingness Beauty The list goes on. You get me. @Shin I missed your humor so much
  10. Authenticity is about removing blocks, not reprogramming your subconscious. Break your ego and throw out your boundaries! Then you will be authentic again.
  11. Or remove post count and introduce a reformed rep point system. Someone needs to make a poll about this
  12. @Leo Gura But do you know for sure that this is the best for everybody?
  13. The position doesn't matter that much, really. I have meditated for a year laying on a bed and seen awesome benefits. The key is the mental state / awareness / letting go, not how you put your legs. You can sit in a full lotus position for hours struggling to do a technique but this ain't gonna make you grow. Choose a position you feel comfortable staying in. If you want to sit, research the Burmese position - it's the most comfortable way of sitting on the floor that I have found.
  14. Of course, these practices leave you vulnerable! Without vulnerability, change can't occur! Spiritual purification comes with the surfacing of negative emotions. Doing yoga incorrectly is the cause of injuries, not (necessarily - who knows) demonic entities. At least he admits that it is his opinion
  15. @YaMayka Good luck and stay conscious! ?
  16. How much should consciousness be an authority over what one eats? Is research necessary as well?
  17. @Shanmugam Can you provide more context for these points? I am interested as I am unsure about the validity of contemporary Christianity. @Nondescript @calibrate I have an issue with all scriptures which are "divinely inspired": How can symbols (relative) communicate Truth (which is Absolute)? How do you account for the multiple interpretations of the Bible? Unless my beliefs are radically changed if I become a Christian / monotheist, only direct communications with Jesus / the Holy Spirit / the Father / God would be my only authority.
  18. @Solace I love you and wish you the best ❤️ Thank you so much for opening our hearts and promoting heart-centered teachings and the new spiritual paradigm! Thank you for making us feel loved and appreciated even when we felt we deserve less Love, not more! The wisdom you shared will leave this community changed forever. We will miss you! However, this is an opportunity for you and for us to grow enormously. I am glad you made this decision. May you be blessed and may you dissolve in the Love you truly are!
  19. @aurum I am not that personally sure anymore. @egoless has opened my mind to a degree that I am sure I am going to wholeheartedly repent once I become open-minded enough and willing to handle the consequences. @PsiloPutty Once again, @egoless told me that God is present in every person. Christianity is a "God is within you" paradigm which disagrees with consciousness work. @Mikael89 Thank you for providing Bible quotes What if non-duality is Mammon/Satan though?
  20. @YaMayka The ego's substance is Resistance. Without Resistance to anything, the ego dies. Authenticity (a lack of conflict between the inner and the outer) is truly what you desire. You can't comprihend what that means - as long as we are in it, we can't grasp it fully. A good place to look for authentic desires are dreams, fantasies, even fetishes (and on fundamentally on the ego's level - thoughts). Decode them - vividly imagine the opposite and see what you gain with your desire. Look for white lies though. Watch this video if you haven't already: