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Everything posted by Slade

  1. You’re a dope artist thank you so much! ??
  2. So in the book Leo recommends it says that’s it’s recommended to split up your practice 2-3 times per day in morning, midday, and evening. But in Leo’s blog video he said that you shouldn’t split your practice up and that you should just do it all at once. For those of you that have done Kriya for awhile now, which one of these two do you find to be a more powerful option for progression?
  3. I heard drinking warm raw milk right before bed can help with insomnia. Just make sure the milk comes from grass fed cows without antibiotics and hormones.
  4. I just had this insight and I wanted to share. Look at life from an evolutionary standpoint and you’ll see that species only change when they are forced to due to their environment. We adapt to our environment to put it simply. So if you’re not growing as a person, it’s simply because you’re not in an environment where you are forced to grow. Put yourself in a position where you have no choice but to step up to the plate and you’ll see that you grow. For example, if you live in your parents basement and have a comfortable life, in order to grow you need to get the fuck out of that house and be on your own where you’re forced to pay your own bills and take care of yourself.
  5. The paradox is that the more you want to be taken seriously the less serious people will take you. Stop giving a fuck what people think and just do your own thing. I happen to be a very playful and non serious person and I’ve noticed people mistake my playfulness as weakness sometimes. I’ve learned to assert myself because of that and they immediately recognize it. Don’t let people step on you and they’ll respect that.
  6. Taste is a trap. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat food and you’re body will naturally tell you to eat the more healthy stuff. Meditation is helpful with this because you become more aware of your emotions. Your body knows what it wants but these yummy tasting foods like McDonalds trick you into thinking you’re getting the nutrients you need, but if you pay attention to how you feel after eating something like McDonalds you’ll see that your body doesn’t like it. I’ve been eating raw meat and raw milk for a few weeks now and I’ve noticed my body has started to crave it. It tastes good but it’s more satisfying than it is tasteful.
  7. What are other songwriters doing? I feel like if your practice is aligned with theirs or similar to it, it would be considered real practice.
  8. I feel the deeper the love is the more painful it is. Love has this purifying quality to it. It hurts but intuitively we know it’s a good kind of hurt, a hurt that we crave. Not a drama kind of hurt but more so a “I want to hold you so tight but I can’t ever express in words how much love I feel for you” kind of hurt.
  9. You shouldn’t need to take an unnatural substance to experience good feelings. 75% of dopamine is produced in your gut. If you eat the right foods and have a healthy gut you’ll feel high all the time.
  10. In Leo’s recent video on yoga he says Kriya yoga is great for this.
  11. I mean, what other option do you have than to keep pushing forward? Unless you want to suck dick for money then your best option is to work towards finding your life purpose. Haha keep on truckin’.
  12. A gallon of raw milk and 8oz raw steak per day is like 3200 calories which is what I eat for bulking. I’m not sure how big you are but milk and meat should do the trick.
  13. Meditation, reading, affirmations contemplation and visualization about my life purpose, workout, healthy diet
  14. Does anyone here have experience with or know of any good sources for learning about raw meat diets or raw primal diets as some might call it?
  15. Leaving my ex to go down my own path. This was huge because I felt like I was being shaped into something inauthentic. Your relationships have such a major impact on the outcome of your life so be extra conscious of who you allow to be the close to you.
  16. Sin started with an Apple. Adam and Eve ate the apple and that’s when shit went downhill. Would’ve been different if they ate raw meat. ? Don’t take this too seriously, but there is some truth to it. A sick life and mind begins with eating sickly food.
  17. @Rinne It could be anxiety related. The blood that would normally circulate through your hands might be going to your organs or muscles instead if you’re feeling fear and anxiety. Do you meditate? That might help. Also, being out in the sun a lot seems to help.
  18. @sgn it’s crazy how much you defend your diet as if it’s like your religion or something. Haha it evokes compassion my friend. Maybe I’m wrong and I’ll stand humbled if that truth ever comes to me but as of right now it’s very clear to me that vegans and fruitarians are mislead into thinking their toxic diet is healthy. A lot of the foods you eat are man made hybrids. You wouldn’t survive on real raw fruits in nature. Close your mind if you want, but that won’t stop me from spreading what I’ve learned. ??
  19. @Samra Imagine 2 children lovers playing in heaven with the innocence we had in kindergarten. Weightless like they’re on the moon with golden light shining all around. Green dense trees or green fields, almost like something out of the movie avatar. I want it to feel like our childlike spirits are being expressed in our playful love for each other.
  20. Only the close minded get angry. Tread carefully.
  21. @Shakazulu well by splitting your attention on to two different things you’re already descreasing your results by half. If you can pick one thing you’re results will be better of course but if you’re going to split it up then it’s important that you spend the majority of your time doing the 20% that matters most. The 20% is what will bring about the greatest improvement for you. I don’t know what that is for horseback riding and poetry but you probably do.
  22. What do you mean? The 80/20 rule is just that 20% of something leads to 80% of another thing. For example, 80% of the land in this country is owned by 20% of the population. Can you calrify a bit?