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Everything posted by Brivido

  1. In my experience with 5-meo-dmt, 5-meo-malt and other psychedelics in general, I have been able to get only metaphysical insights. In this regard, I am really similar to Leo, I have been questioning the nature of reality for as far back I can remember. I can't get scientific insights about the nature of reality because that's not my field, God can't express his intelligence through me in that way. But what if a scientific genius like Einstein or Nikola Tesla was introduced to God consciousness? In theory, it would be possible for such a genius to channel the infinite intelligence of God and discover new technologies that could revolutionize the world. For instance, since reality is absolute infinity, there are infinite ways to create an inexhaustible source of energy, there are infinite ways to travel from a galaxy to another, and so on for any other possible revolutionary discovery. My guess is that if there are advanced alien civilizations, and it seems to be so, they have learned how to channel infinite intelligence to make new discoveries and solve all of their survival issues, such as food shortage, climate change, interplanetary travel etc. What is your take on this @Leo Gura? Has any of you guys been able to get scientific or creative insights other than just metaphysical insights from God consciousness?
  2. Your comment shows exactly what I am trying to say. The knowledge that most people have on this forum of Kriya Yoga is superficial. Kriya Yoga is a science, every practice in the Kriya Yoga routine is meant to achieve a specific purpose to awaken your nervous system. The real goal of Kriya Yoga is to permanently change the chemistry of your body and brain. It has nothing to do with spiritual talent, if you do the practices long enough, your inner chemistry is going to change and your body is going to produce different hormones which are going to alter your state of consciousness. The only way Kriya Yoga can fail, is if you don't do it. Psychedelics change your state of consciousness mechanically, Kriya Yoga changes your state of consciousness manually. I do both.
  3. In my experience, kechari mudra is one of the most important practices in Kriya. The simple action of stretching the frenulum is going to help your spiritual evolution, by releasing stored up energy and awakening specific parts of the brain. I can't even do kechari mudra fully, I can barely touch the uvula with my tongue, so I can't even imagine what will happen when it goes back the uvola. Once the tongue is in the nasopharyngeal tract it can stimulate the pituitary gland and stimulate the production of hormones, which I suspect are similar to DMT. Even at the stage that I am, it seems to be so. So yes, I highly suggest you to start doing practices to achieve kechari mudra.
  4. The whole problem is that people try to understand solipsism mentally. If you try to do that, it's going to fuck you up. You need to have a direct experience of it, and then it would be revealed as Love and Infinity. Can you think of anything better than discovering that you are every being that has ever existed? The experience of being One with reality is Love. If you give a negative meaning to the fact that you are Alone and others are imaginary, or any other spiritual teaching, you are still using your ego mind and giving meaning to ideas and concepts. The fact that you are Alone, doesn't mean anything. The whole meaning process is based on the presumption that there is a separate entity that can judge reality, and the truth is that this entity is unreal. Moreover, the ego needs the idea of another, because without another the ego couldn't exist. The ego is the difference between self and other. It's clear that you don't want to realize solipsism because that would mean the death of you. Leo can't teach Love and Infinity without mentioning Solipsism, I mean he could do that, but when people would discover it for themselves it's going to fuck them up even more. Stop trying to understand this whole solipsism thing with your mind, and stick some 5-meo-malt up your ass and you will discover Love.
  5. Hey mate, I understand your struggle, I went through a similar period, not completely like yours, but I was struggling with accepting the fact that I am Alone. My first serious psychedelic trip was on 250μg and it completely shocked me, the dose was too high. I was launched into infinity and I wasn't ready for it. I have never felt so alone in my entire life. But that was part of the process, that trip was so deep that it took me around 150 others trips to understand what I saw and integrate it. You didn't really experience God, you experienced an ego resisting God realization, which is a textbook description of hell. That's the source of the problem. If you were able to completely let go of your separate identity, you would have experienced metaphysical Love. My suggestion is to forget about spirituality for a while, maybe even a year or more, and focus on getting your life back together. Go to the gym, focus on your job, relationship etc. basic self-help stuff. When you are ready to trip again and make peace with God, try 5-meo-malt on a low dose, it's way more gentle than 5-meo-dmt.
  6. I usa psychedelics and practice Kriya Yoga, while I am writing this, I am in a state of consciousness similar to a low dose of 5-meo-malt or 5-meo-dmt. Kriya Yoga brought me here with the help of psychedelics. I haven't done anything spectacular, I just followed the practices that were suggested in the books that Leo himself suggested on his book list and did some other research. All I am saying is that Kriya Yoga is an actual science, that is going to change the chemistry of your body. For instance, I am pretty sure that doing kechari mudra actually helps the body to produce DMT or some other similar compound. Even if you don't do a full kechari mudra, if you start keeping your tongue on the roof of the mouth during the day, it's going to change your inner chemistry. I can't prove it to you, but that is my personal experience. This is just to show you that the practice of Kriya Yoga is more effective that most people here think it is. I have been practicing Kriya Yoga only for around three years and I am not so sure that is not going to lead me to the same state of a peak of 5-meo-malt. If you read the diaries of Lahiri Mahasaya, one of the main Gurus in Kriya, he actually describe God consciousness. That's why I say that Leo is pooh-poohing meditation too much, he didn't take it seriously enough and got impatient. But, hey it's better this way, we got hundreds of hours of invaluable golden content available for free online, from Leo's trips.
  7. I am not sure Leo is going to like this comparison I haven't found anyone even remotely similar to Leo, he's in another category. The only remark I would make to his teaching is pooh-poohing too much meditation and classical spiritual practices. If you seriously practice Kriya Yoga, with time, it can lead you to the same place and change your baseline level of consciousness.
  8. I am God and I have designed the entire structure of reality, so, probably, delusions of grandeur
  9. You are God dreaming up the entire universe, this means that there is no difference between anything. Everything is your own Mind. This is your dream, not someone else's dream. If you wake up inside the dream of reality, you are free to dream consciously or to stop dreaming entirely, which would be formless Love. My life purpose is about teaching enlightenment and even though I know directly that there are no others to teach to, I still do it because I enjoy doing it. Tomorrow I might stop teaching because I don't find it interesting anymore and do something else instead, I highly doubt that is going to happen, but there is this possibility. If there is no difference between anything, you are completely free to dream whatever dream you want to dream. Life is a present from God to you. The Buddha was God dreaming to be the Buddha. Why do you think @Leo Gura is still teaching? In the end, the answer to your question is: why not?
  10. The shortage of 5-meo-malt seems to be caused by the low request that is present in the market. This doesn't make sense to me, since, I suppose, there are thousands of people that have discovered this chemical thanks to Leo. I sent an email to Lizard Labs, which is the main manufacturer of research chemicals in Europe, basically all the retailers that sell research chemicals in Europe get them from Lizard Labs. They said that they stopped producing 5-meo-malt because it wasn't requested enough. Maybe we could send them a few hundreds email to make them understand that there are people eager to buy this chemical. Don't really know if this is a good idea. I am really struggling to find a trusted source for 5-meo-malt, my stock is running low
  11. What makes you say so, have you heard him reference God Consciousness? His work doesn't seem geared towards awakening per se. I have watched a few of his interviews and didn't really get the feeling that he knows about the possibility of becoming infinitely conscious. To be fair, I haven't really looked into his work that well though.
  12. I know which sites you are talking about, only a few sites come up when searching for 5-meo-malt. Most likely they are scams, there is no way that they can manufacture and ship 10g of 5-meo-malt for only 300$, when the actual price is around 130$ for 1g.
  13. @Leo Gura In the past few days, you have been posting random pictures on Instagram and from your dilated pupils I can safely assume you have been tripping. Please, don't go full Connor Murphy on us and follow your own rules: don't post stuff online while high. That's never a good idea. Much love.
  14. The rationalizations I have been reading to justify Leo's rampage posting on Instagram are disconcerting. Some of you will still justify his behaviour even if he uploads a video in which he beheads puppies, by saying that this must be a new way he's trying to awake you. You don't need a psychology degree to understand that what he was doing was ungrounded. If a friend of yours, which you know is a frequent psychedelic user, suddenly starts posting ungrounded pictures on social media, every two hours, and in one of the pictures was even holding a gun, you should be worried and not rationalize and justify his behaviour. He's your friend, you want to help him. I have been studying self improvement and spirituality for over 10 years and I have made the "crazy" discovery that there is no perfect teacher and no perfect human being. So I am not judging Leo. Please, Leo I will respect you way more if you will just be honest and say that you went on a psychedelic binge that got out of hand, instead of trying to justify your behaviour with things such as: You have built an incredible community over the years, we care about you and we are here to help, but please don't try to bullshit us. You taught us how to recognize self-deception after all. Something good can actually come out of this, you can show your vulnerable side and become more relatable.
  15. He shared his Instagram profile on his blog, so it's not intended to be private. When you are one of the most known psychedelic user in the world, it's not a smart idea to post strange pictures on your public Instagram profile. Even if you are just doing it for fun. At least that's my humble opinion. People who belittle his work and psychedelic work are going to be on those pictures like flies on shit.
  16. Mazatapec mushrooms are incredibly strong, 1g of this strain is enough to have incredible trips. I second this, the mazatapec strain for me has a similar effect to N,N-DMT. I dont' think the high is influenced just by the quantity of psilocybin, there must be some other variable. The difference of the various strains of mushrooms is too profound to be influenced just by the quantity of psilocybin.
  17. Formless unity it's Nothing, not nothing. This quote from Plotinus explains it perfectly. Bolding it's mine.
  18. Solution found. I need to host the audiobook file on on a private CDN, such as S3. Looking into it right now.
  19. Hi there, I am about to publish an audiobook, which I will be selling on my WordPress website hosted by GoDaddy (I have the deluxe plan), through the plugin Easy Digital Downloads. The audiobook is going to be around 200MB, customers will be able to download it directly from my website, and I am afraid there might be some problems with the data usage on the server. Especially on the day of the launch, since I expect to sell from 20 copies to 100 copies on the first day. Moreover, I have already sold around 100 copies of the ebook and the customers that have already bought it, will be able to download the audiobook too. Do you think there will be any problems with the bandwidth limit and data usage that might cause a website crush? If so, what suggestions do you have in order to prevent a crush? I have already spoken with GoDaddy customer service, but they are useless. @Leo Gura do you have any suggestions, since you know about these topics?
  20. It's an incredible look on how selfish the human mind can become. Rulon Jeffs, the father of Warren Jeffs, was 92 years old and had countless young wives, he knew exactly what he was doing, exploiting the naivety of other people. The son learned from him how to direct a cult. Very disturbing indeed. Moreover, plenty of epistemological insights about how the mind of someone can become indoctrinated from a young age. If you were born in such a cult, you were basically poisoned with dogma from birth and wouldn't have been able to consider anything else as truth, other than the truth that you were brought up with.
  21. I want to share with you a list of mystics who have affirmed "I Am God". Most mystics don't say it openly, so you need to be able to read between the lines. Please share quotes from other mystics who have affirmed the ultimate Truth. Jesus: "I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM." "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Meister Eckhart: "The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." Lahiri Mahasaya: "I am Brahman itself." Nisargadatta Maharaj: "I am that." Ramana Maharshi: "I am you." I have read multiple transcripts of his discourse, but I have never found a quote from him, where he explicitly declares I am God, "I am you" it's just a clever way to affirm the say Truth. Al-Hallaj: "I am the Truth." Rumi: "Take the famous utterance, "I AM GOD." Some people think this is a great pretension, but "I am God" is in fact a great humility. Those who say, instead, "I am a servant of God" believe that two exist, themselves and God. But those who say, "I am God" have become nothing and have cast themselves to the winds. They say, "I am God" meaning, "I am not, God is all. There is no existence but God. I have lost all separation. I am nothing." In this the humility is greater." I am not sure how accurate this quote is, I found it through a quick search on google for the keywords "Rumi I am God". And of course @Leo Gura These are just a few that I could quickly remember, please add your own quotes, from mystics who have declared "I am God".
  22. I was pondering over this today. Honestly, if a girl is so dumb to not understand the value that I am bringing to the table, I don't even want to waste my time to convince her to go out with me and I kind of feel sorry for her. To make this frame work, you actually need to be working on yourself though, you can't fake it. If you are really working on actualizing your full potential as a man, you are in the 0,0001% of the population and as such should consider yourself as an incredible opportunity for every girl that has a chance to meet you. From now on, I am going to start consciously projecting this frame in the field.