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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Most games abuse psychology the same way or even worse as ads do. Overstimulation and addiction are main dangers. The same arguments that go against porn could go against games. Some games are very bad, some are ok and from a few you can even benefit and learn something. But most developers want to make serious money on their games, so they create very bad, addictive ones and that's what people play the most. Playing a game is mostly a "short-term pleasure vs. long-term satisfaction" argument. In my opinion it just can't ever satisfy you and after few years you will wake up with regret and remorse. I am only 19 and I already feel like I have wasted a lot of my early potential by watching cartoons and playing video games. And I wasn't even that into playing! It feels like instead of becoming a full fledged human being, I am a mass produced product without character that stills needs to grow up. Thankfully, now I have the choice! And I choose not to play games.
  2. I like how it's actually a definite statement about avoiding definite statements. I know it's probably written that way to strenghten the argument, but also shows how paradoxical conveying insights through language can get.
  3. Remove. I find myself guilty of judging others by reputation and trying to mantain good reputation to number of posts ratio. The more you read, the more you remember who writes what, who's posts are interesting for you and who's not, so in the end you don't need that reputation system.
  4. When it comes to spirituality, that's a limiting belief. I was looking for a proof of my existence and couldn't find it. I could only deduct that with logic, which is faulty and unreliable, because it runs in circles. After you get that all thoughts lack any content, then it's easier to grasp that emotions and physical reality are empty too. It's weird to become aware of this for the first time, everything starts to loose meaning and seems like a masquerade. But hey, I am nowhere near being Enlightened, so maybe I just fell into the hole and the opposite is true. Back to Derrida. Be very cautious with dosing. Last time when I have plugged the whole book I had a terrible bad trip. Ok, no more stupid jokes, back to seriousness. I have found the last episode about him very beneficial too. And the thing with inducing psychedelic-like experiences while being sober is totally real and works great. Lucid dreaming is also a great tool. Even having fainted can be a spiritual experience that moves you forward in the journey if you have enough background and practice to interpret it correctly. I am speaking from my own experience.
  5. Personally I don't want to take this route. I would like to take my time after high school and figure out a life purpose, develop myself more, etc. On the other hand it may seem like delaying growing up, because I don't want to specialize. You know, as a youngster you are full of possibilities, which you loose after you choose a specialization. But isn't taking anything as subject of study the same as delaying a choice? Because either way you won't give yourself fully to studying the subject. I have a neutral stance towards this. Curious what others have to stay.
  6. You might be wrong here. I mean, how can you know for sure? Have you even tried? I am very open minded to such possibility. I don't say I could go to a desert and show you that right now, BUT it doesn't seem so impossible. People make even more grandiose statements about what is possible. Like for example becoming actually Enlightened.
  7. Music definitely alter direction and mood of the trip, so choose wisely. Some gongs, white-noise and nature sounds seem to be the most neutral solution if you want to kill background noise. Because sometimes having music is better than sitting in a loud environment.
  8. @egoless Could you please mention substance and dosage. Report feels incomplete without that.
  9. That's a difference between having a broad understanding and going straight into the labor, that means meditating. And how do you develop the understanding? You read books, attend seminars, retreats, find teachers, trip on psychedelics. Do this for 3 years and 5 years of work will bring more benefit than 50 years of dabbling in meditation without a sense of direction.
  10. Is this a kind of bussiness you can quit after a few years? If yes, then I see no problem with going for financial freedom first and then changing direction. Don't stop looking for possible life purpose and grow your bussiness.
  11. I am going to become more independent. I live with my parents and they are doing most of the housework. I want to start taking care of more tasks like doing laundry, cooking, so transition to living alone will be easier. Basic stuff.
  12. If you have no experience you can babystep, but if you have already known other psychedelics in fairly high doses, then I would go straight for 3g. While I do agree with McKenna on that matter, I don't want anyone to suffer pointlessly, so take every word with caution.
  13. I have liked it too. Maybe you will also enjoy this movie (The Salt of the Earth) as I did.
  14. Just imagine how good it feels to reside in such body. Doing every move with ease, being aware of what is happening inside it. Learning how to control your body can paradoxically lead you to the conclusion that there's nothing to control. Spirituality, EVERYWHERE
  15. I am trying to figure it out for myself right now, so I can't share with you any proven method. Currently I am trying to write down a report everytime I go out and analyze my mistakes. It's hard, so fucking hard. To get more aware of what is right and wrong I watch Charisma on Command videos and read books like Deida's "The Way of The Superior Man" and then analyze stuff I have written again. I don't know, maybe you haven't tried that approach. You ask so many questions that I actually believe one day you will break-through and succeed. Just don't give up trying.
  16. There are different ways of developing charisma and confidence than pickup. Stop being a victim.
  17. Not everyone is created equal, get over it. They had different childhood and teenage experiences; their psychology is different; they are more physically attractive; they are born with natural charisma; they are just self-confident. Plenty of reasons can play a role here. On the other hand you have things like abusive parents, early-developed porn and masturbation addiction, lack of female friends, etc. All those factors can contribute to having problems with girls.
  18. Discipline comes from having a strong purpose and knowing the results your actions will make. Have a clear vision where you want to get and trust that you are competent enough to achieve that goal. Whatever it might be. Awareness is also helpful, because it will guide you towards the right direction or at least show that whatever you are doing right now doesn't work (I mean addictions here).
  19. It depends on your goals. If you have no use for social skills, then why would you learn them? Yes, in the future that might change and you will need those skills, but because you have limited time you need to strategize and set the right priorities. I am not sure why you even ask this question if you don't feel lonely and believe that you are doing the right thing, but that's ok.
  20. It's good for starters. It doesn't scare you off and encourages to start a journey.
  21. That's a wrong conclusion. Ratio of percentage of high consciousness leaders killed to low level ones is not even close. To argue with that you could show examples of high consciousness people who didn't get killed, regardless of their high position in society.
  22. Until you automatically say: "Perfect!!! That's right" to everything they say, then you are good with following whoever you want, how much you want. Just don't throw away your critical thinking ability.