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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. Wanky lol I think you mean wonky Yeah the 4-10mg region is a bit odd. I've found it to be very interesting and useful in it's own way. I've gotten a lot of semi-mundane insights into stuff that's going on in my life at that dose range. I like to take that small dose once in a while, I think it has a little to offer, but many people find it's too much in the in-between region and not worthwhile. One time I took 8mg of 5-MeO-DMT and went for a run in a shitty part of town. That was not a worthwhile experience at all, won't repeat that ever and don't recommend it. I've had some very nice experiences around that dosage range with a cup of mint tea and my couch.
  2. @GenuinePerspectiveXC you don't have to cuss forestluv out here, they're just asking questions lol
  3. Yeah, what I'm saying is that my experience differs from yours. I don't really have musical enhancement when I listen to music one to two hours after the peak with 5-MeO-DMT. I mean I still like listening to music at that time, but I always like listening to music and it's not amplified after the 5-MeO-DMT per se. This differs from my experience with virtually every other psychedelic where there is usually powerful music/sonic enhancement. DPT, LSD, the 2C series, AL-LAD, mushrooms and so on all give me very significant musical enhancement, but not 5-MeO-DMT so much.
  4. That sounds wild. I think ideally you'd want to select music that is both "the perfect tune" and something you've never heard before, so that it doesn't anchor to too much familiarity and associated memories.
  5. If there is a purely genetic basis for sexual orientation (which I'm pretty sure hasn't been established), there's no way it would be that simple.
  6. I second that. It's the perfect easy access, can do anywhere, low overhead, minimal equipment exercise. Really though, any form of exercise that you find fun and interesting and that you want to do. Whatever gets you moving.
  7. Totally lol. There's a reason many offices have a flow of free coffee. It's the perfect drug for participating in the Orange economy.
  8. I just mean that when I take 5-MeO-DMT, I'm not really attracted to listening to music, and when I do, it doesn't really sound any more special than if I were at baseline (normal awake-consciousness level). This has been true for me at low dosages, and after high dosages as well. I guess I've only ever used music on the tail-end of 5-MeO-DMT. During the buildup and peak I prefer silence. So maybe if I played music all the way through, I would have a musical trip and it would be a completely different story. I'm a very auditory and musically-oriented person, so music is a very important aspect of my typical trip, but for 5-MeO-DMT music has always been very neutral.
  9. @Forestluv interesting. I didn't grow up inside a Catholic environment or anything like that, so I don't have that first-hand insight that you do. My parents were kind of hippies who themselves grew up inside Blue, and then I've lived immersed in a pretty Catholic-heavy society, but always as an outsider to it. That makes sense what you're saying. I've had a couple of Catholic girlfriends in the past, and it seems to be true what they say that all that repression and guilt doesn't work too well Not anymore anyways.
  10. Interesting - I find extreme music enhancement from almost all psychedelics, but that 5-MeO-DMT is one of the few exceptions. This really points to how plastic psychedelics are. I think it's probably down to the context that I've used 5-MeO-DMT vs other psychedelics rather than an inherent quality of the compound itself. Possibly could be personal response, or something. This is a good reminder not to try to pin down the qualities of these substances too hard.
  11. It doesn't look like denial to me, just looks like not using the word "repression" to describe the aspects of Blue sexuality that you probably both agree on. What looks like repression from above Blue, looks like sensibility and order from inside Blue because they are stepping out of the messy Red. So I think it's fair to lose the word repression when trying to understand it from Blue perspective, since repression is a descriptor for how it looks from Orange, Green etc. Potayto, Potahto though really, innit @Forestluv? I'll stand back though now, and stop trying to speak on @GenuinePerspectiveXC's behalf
  12. That's correct, that's what OP is highlighting. But I think you (and others on this thread) are making the mistake that OP is condoning or defending it. I believe @GenuinePerspectiveXC is just observing this nature, and accurately so IMO. It's not a judgement on stage Blue sexual orientation, just looking at why it is the way it is.
  13. @actualizing25 there's no point in guessing or debating about this. Just take a few steps forward and see where it goes. Try some psychedelics if you're up for it, and see what they show you, integrate that. One step at a time. There's no point in planning out your enlightenment But yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that psychedelics can be a potent tool for growth. They need to be used hand-in-hand with wisdom, theory, practice. They're really not like other drugs, so it's not like taking penicillin to cure you of a bacterial infection, ie psychedelics aren't a mechanical antidote to ego or something like that. They're more like a telescope or microscope for the mind.
  14. @GenuinePerspectiveXC good insight, I think you're looking at this correctly, and it agrees with what I've observed living in different societies (in Asia, Europe, the Americas) as well. This illuminates that reliable birth control and STD prevention is a prerequisite for moving from Blue->Orange->Green. With these sex technologies, society no longer becomes unstable in the absence of that pure no-sex-before-marriage, monogamy sexual organization that is so heavily enforced in Blue society. With reliable birth control, people are able to operate with more sexual fluidity, without destabilizing nuclear (etc) family structure. This also explains why stage Blue is often very much against birth control, sex ed, STD prevention, HPV vaccine etc. These sex technologies actually are a threat to Blue, because they open the door to leaving that paradigm behind. When "the pill" arrived in western society in the middle of the last century, it was a major catalyst to the sexual revolution, and a big part of the cultural revolution the moved an entire generation from Blue to Orange, and then some on to Green.
  15. Great answers thanks everyone!
  16. I have very little personal experience with schizophrenia and psychosis, but I believe this is very good advice. It resonates completely with my thoughts on the matter. Tread with strong caution, and start very, very low, if at all. I think you don't need to play around with psychedelics at all, you are already a bit trippy without psychedelics. OTOH, there's a small possibility that you can work extremely carefully with them to self-improve. Personally, I think the risk outweighs the potential reward, and I'm someone who is extremely pro-psychedelic, fwiw. If you do decide to proceed with caution, you should loop someone you trust very well into your plans, be it your doctor, a close family member or close friend. You should have someone keeping an eye on you - even if they are not directly supervising your trip, just keeping an eye on you in life as you experiment. Follow your guts and heart, and use your head.
  17. @datamonster really cool video, wow. I think it's impossible for me to directly think about ^i, but it makes sense as a data-compressed version of the terms on the expanded series.
  18. Yeah if she's not remembering anything, it's too much.. go more Middle
  19. 15 seconds is not that long at all to go without breathing, but I can see why it would be alarming given the circumstances. This was definitely an over-dose - not in the sense of toxicity necessarily, but just in the sense that she had too much. That's a pretty whopping dose for vaped afaik, and the fact that she wasn't conscious means you overshot. Start lower.
  20. That is freaking crazy! I don't really understand what it means to raise something to i, kind of screws up my mind to think about that. Can you break that bit down for the lay-mathematician?
  21. @Tarzan wow that's a super fast onset, really interesting. Sounds like you're ready to bump the dose up. Have a good trip
  22. You shouldn't try to interfere with your natural growth, let yourself become the healthy being that you are. If there's a problem here, it's only with your self-perception.