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Everything posted by Loreena

  1. @Progress Wow this was great. Keep up the good work.
  2. @Arman mine is Saint John Neumann. I saw him once in a dream.
  3. Are your dreams getting more powerful after meditation ?
  4. @Just Do Nothing I use pillows for back support. But try to keep a good posture. Once you get a habit, it wont seem very hard.
  5. Like every phenomenon, both physical and subtle, THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
  6. @Marinus This happens a lot to me. But its so sporadic and temporary that I cannot hold on to it. But as u said, it feels really good. I think it is our mind expressing its deepest desire for some peace and it emerges when we are less conscious or less distracted or less focused. Its our mind going for a temporary short trip escaping the surrounding madness. Wish we could stay there longer. But when you are experiencing it you should hang in there. Its in these moments our deepest instincts emerge to the surface.
  7. @Joshaps They are great. very useful
  8. the power of destruction of Lord Shiva has a great purifying power on a universal level
  9. @Leo Gura Read it and liked it so much. You are right. Its juicier. I think it will also help to accelerate your own thought process. Writing is so much easier and better. And its even better when its random. Regular schedule might make it boring. This is even better than videos. Short, digestible and juicy. Thumbs up for this one from me.
  10. @Loreena Read it and liked it so much. You are right. Its juicier. I think it will also help to accelerate your own thought process. Writing is so much easier and better. And its even better when its random. Regular schedule might make it boring. This is even better than videos. Short, digestible and juicy. Thumbs up for this one from me.
  11. @Leo Gura Thanks for sharing. Email notifications would be great though.
  12. If only we could extend far into our imaginations.
  13. Its so funny. Even poor Lucifer cant handle these video game junkies.
  14. That's great
  15.   On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 4:00 PM, NTOgen said: They're lowest common denominator, I wouldn't bother about them, or anything remotely related to politics or herd mentality. All they can do is bog you down. Election is only there to entertain and stop people thinking about the real issues like climate change. Meh. America is that spoilt child that will sink the ship because it always wants more, more, more. Profit more important than life is the motto. I agree
  16. Often greedy egotistical people climb their way up through the social pyramid. No wonder such things happen in powerful positions.
  17. @Shane Roberts we learn from mistakes. No point in fretting. Strive to make your future better. Past is gone. Don't we all make mistakes. You can rely on your past mistakes to make better decisions in future. Take it as a part of personal growth.
  18. @Rashid You should not have tried that pose to begin with. I mean Yoga is really good but you also need to be careful. Be careful with your body. You can only bend to certain angles. Straining your body to fit into a particular pose will only cause damage to those parts and over exertion. The aim of yoga should be solving problems not creating more problems. Anyways you have learnt your lesson. I suggest you visit some physiotherapists, doctors and check for any damage. drink lots of water and get good sleep and don't rely too much on painkillers. Take only as prescribed. Till then take care.