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Everything posted by Loreena

  1. Your friend is obviously wrong. It is always good to start with self actualization at a young age because that increases your chances of making better choices in life. You are doing a good job. You need not kick him out. Just tell him that you disagree with. In healthy friendships, disagreements are fine. But you need to draw the line wherever it is needed. He/she cannot invade your life and decide what you should be doing with it. That is solely your right. Self actualization and personal development is something that everybody needs to get into. So you are not doing or trying to be special in any way. Continue on your wonderful journey. Don't care too much what people think. Surround yourself with friends who are uplifting and those that give out positive vibes. Positive feedback and criticism is acceptable and should be welcome, but chastising, bullying, sabotaging is not okay and you need to keep away from those who try to bring you down. (you could have an open heart to heart conversation with your friend about this) Keep going. You have a long way to go. we all do.
  2. @LifeLine brilliant. love it.
  3. @Old Soul What is op?
  4. This might be of interest to you https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXG8i4PE6-mxh52nFKwMkcg Bombard's Body Language on YouTube Body Language: How to Read Others' Thoughts by Allan Pease. Emotions Revealed: Understanding Faces and Feelings by Paul Ekman. Unmasking the face by Paul Ekman. You Say More Than You Think by Janine Driver.
  5. In 100 years... who knows........ end of humanity. The end is near.
  6. She was referring to a composite summary of titles like an archive (like on a sidebar) and not permalinks so that navigation becomes easier instead of scrolling through it like a gigantic scrolling wall. That way only the specific ones that are required can be clicked.(like you have in sitemap). Anyway that's again more work. At present, will need to adjust with it.
  7. Had to start this at some point. So today is the day. Will I be able to keep up. Too much anxiety coming over. But feels good anyways. Need to carry on. Let's see what happens with ...
  8. Time flies away so fast. time is ticking. Tick tock tick tock...feel like I am just rushing through life. Will this train ever stop.
  9. This is great. Good to know its working. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Nice stuff. Thanks for sharing.
  11. There is a void within you. It may be due to several factors - lack of trust, childhood issues, betrayal, self esteem issues, lack of self acceptance and many more. Lack of intimacy can hurt others deeply because they feel you are neglecting them on purpose. One way to resolve this communication. Communicate freely and openly. Some of the issues mentioned in your post like being unable to connect to people but still being perceived as social stems from lack of self reflection and a type of 'internal introversion' which is not visible on the outside to other people. So they falsely assume that you are very open..At least inside your mind, you are an introvert. Maybe you never confronted your own self. So if somebody asked you an intimate question(let's say your girlfriend), you would be silent or unable to respond effectively because even you don't know that much about yourself. So you will need to be more open and honest with yourself first. Once you get that internal connection, your answers will flow spontaneously and your communication and behavior will be more open, smooth and authentic. Keep a personal diary to record your most intimate thoughts (thoughts that you would normally be reluctant to share). On a side note, flirting is not a bad thing at all. It only boosts your confidence with girls. Being free and open with your partner/spouse/friend also frees you from any guilt about hiding stuff.. Being more authentic will need some practice. But gradually you will observe a huge shift in the way you feel. You will be more free and spontaneous. Sometimes you feel insecure and you start to care a lot about what people will think about you and that becomes the cause behind hiding, manipulation and lies. And you don't even realize that you are doing it because it's an unconscious process. Once you are liberated from these insecurities about other's perception of you, you will feel more real and strong about yourself. You will not remain in the 'trying to be this person' phase but you will transition to 'I am this person' phase. In this phase, not only will you be intimate with others but you will also start expecting intimacy out of those you trust. Don't worry now but you will need to work on this. Source : I have been there and suffered....
  12. A video on the definition of real love and how it differs from egoic love in life. How real love should feel like. How a person(giver of love) would know if he is loving someone deeply and truly or simply to satisfy his egoic needs. How would the other person(receiver of love) know that he/she is experiencing or receiving true love ? Examples or analogies would help.
  13. Along with spirituality the third eye is getting moisturized with aloe vera... now its awesome.
  14. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Take it easy. Its not a job. its a method and you don't need to be too deep into it or get skilled at it. It requires rudimentary practice. Once you get a hang of it, it will flow smoothly. The emotional distractions you are having while doing it are just a part of who you are as a normal person. We all get distracted. Its pretty normal. The trick is not in practicing it in the most skillful way but rather in making it a way of life. This does not mean you should do it throughout the day, its just something that adds some benefits to your day. Gradually you will unlearn your bad habits and the distractions will appear silly. You will laugh at them and become more aware of how a monkey mind works. You will get detached from your negative emotions and you will see them as distinct emotions or thoughts leaving your mind and disappearing like dark clouds. Your mental clarity will improve. You will start to feel better. But all of this will take time. So you need to have tremendous patience with your mind. Its like a journey rather than a destination. If you get too impatient about it, you might even drop it all together and stop doing it out of frustration. So take it easy and don't make it a strict regiment. Just learn to flow with your mind and learn to gradually control it.
  15. This is Leo sans makeup and anti-wrinkle cream..
  16. Nothing against life coaches but you need to be rich for that kind of stuff. If you have the money, hire a good one who can really help. You should get your money's worth and real results or else.... .. results will depend on both the coach and your efforts to grow yourself.
  17. What does being matured feel like ? .... the various aspects of maturity. From philosophical, spiritual, intellectual point of view. This is a 'food for thought' sort of a question. Feel free to answer.
  18. You could have your own list of role models to look upto if that's how you derive your motivation. But don't bend yourself to other's expectations. reflect over yourself and see what will bring lasting fulfillment to your mind. Then let that become your drive. Just like your body needs food, your mind needs something that which you need to figure out for yourself. One great way of finding that inner drive is connecting to your deepest feelings and instincts. These instincts get revealed only in moments of deeper self reflection. Don't limit self improvement to just typical or market based models of personal development, but try to seek inner fulfillment. The drive and the search is inward, not outward.
  19. Massaging skin regularly. Drink lots of water. get good sleep. exercise. See if you are on any pill and if that is causing it. Cut out acidic food.
  20. The pyramids were built to protect the body of the deceased pharaoh. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids. These massive tombs were constructed to withstand the elements of time and were intended to last forever. Because they were considered both human and divine, pharaohs were believed to become mediators between gods and humans after death. Since a part of the spirit supposedly remained with the body, the entombed body was mummified and surrounded with objects needed in the afterlife, including furniture, food and gold. the first real pyramid was built for a pharaoh named Djoser.The most famous ones are the pyramids of Giza. mummification was an expensive and time-consuming process, reserved for the more wealthy members of society. The vast majority of Egypt’s dead were buried in simple pits in the desert. Only the elite would mummify the dead so it was very special for them. They believed that it was possible to live again after death, but only if the body retained a recognizable human form. Ironically, this could have been achieved quite easily by burying the dead in direct contact with the hot and sterile desert sand, a natural desiccation would then have occurred. But the elite wanted to be buried in coffins within tombs, and this meant that their corpses, no longer in direct contact with the sand, started to rot. The twin requirements of elaborate burial equipment plus a recognizable body led to the science of artificial mummification. People in Egypt shared food with the dead. Inside the tomb, an accessible tomb-chapel allowed families, well-wishers and priests to visit the deceased and leave the regular offerings that the ka required, while a hidden burial chamber protected the mummy from harm. ka is a very huge divine symbol in Egypt. Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs. It consisted of a multitude of deities who according to the Egyptians controlled the forces of nature. Religion influenced nearly every aspect of the ancient Egyptians' lives. In Egypt, before the concept of God existed, magical power was encapsulated in the hieroglyph ofa rod called sceptre. This is one of the most enduring symbols of divine power, ever present in images of the pharaohs and the gods. As human society evolved, people gradually gained a degree of personal identity. With a higher sense of individuality, they began to conceive the gods in a personalized form.. At that stage, every Egyptian town had its own particular deity, manifested in a material fetish or a god represented in the shape of an animal, such as a cat-goddess, cobra-goddess, ibis-god or jackal-god. As the pantheon grew in cohesiveness, these gods and goddesses were given human bodies and credited with human attributes and activities. The temples in the major cities throughout the land were constructed to worship local gods. During the New Kingdom, these temples honoured a triad of gods based on the pattern established by the mythical family of Osiris, Isis and Horus. These three gods are most important in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians' attitude towards death was influenced by their belief in immortality. They regarded death as a temporary interruption, rather than the cessation of life. To ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods, both during and after their life on earth. When they died, they were mummified so the soul would return to the body, giving it breath and life. Household equipment and food and drink were placed on offering tables outside the tomb's burial chamber to provide for the person's needs in the afterworld. Written funerary texts consisting of spells or prayers were also included to assist the dead on their way to the afterworld. Everything was done with care. To prepare the deceased for the journey to the afterworld, the "opening of the mouth" ceremony was performed on the mummy by priests. This ritual involved purification, burning incense, anointing and incantations, etc. my personal favourite is the "weighing of the heart ceremony. there is a nice and famous pic on this. It looks very beautiful.Here the gods of the dead performed the "weighing of the heart" ceremony to judge whether the person's earthly deeds were virtuous. The weighing of the heart was overseen by the jackal-headed god Anubis, and the judgement was recorded by Thoth, the god of writing. There is a famous myth in ancient Egypt known as the creation myth. The creation myth is recounted in the sacred hieroglyphic writings found on pyramids, temples, tombs and sheets of papyrus. These writings describe how the earth was created out of chaos by the god Atum. The earth was seen as a sacred landscape, a reflection of the sky world where the gods resided. Some of the gods in ancient Egypt - amun (first and most ancient god shown as man wearing plume), amun ra or re(ra represents sun god - its the combination of sun and amun , atum(water god with crown on top bastet(cute looking cat goddess) hathor(woman with the ears of a cow important god for women for fertility motherhood horus isis Osiris (forming the trinity) maat (feather on head and wide wings on arms is the god of justice who is important during final assessment and weighing ceremony nekhbet vulture goddess protector nephthys, tefnut, thoth(male counterpart of maat) sobek crocodile head) sekhmet warrior goddess lion head) ptah (wearing skullcap Wadjet cobra goddess All gods are really fascinating they are just too many each serving a different purpose in ancient Egyptian life. Ancient Egypt is amazing and fascinating.