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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. Some research(by cal newport) have shown that the brain has a limited of four hour per day (at least if it's intense concentration) and after four hours people had difficulty to be productive so it might be good to stick with four hours and getting enough rest
  2. @cle103 maybe just pick the one you have stayed with the longest and are most skilled in
  3. Maybe you could interview people who already are where you want to be and ask them what degree they took
  4. Just chose one thing and get really good at it
  5. Hi i am not really sure where i should post this so I apologize if this is off topic Lucky i have only experienced something like this once but i dreamt (i was dreaming but what happen felt like it happen in the real world) where i felt like somebody was pushing on the side of my body and breathing very heavily (as if they wanted to hurt me physically and it was outside their comfortzone) and when i woke up afterwards nobody was around me which was really confusing and it really felt like i could feel what I dreamed about i thougt maybe it could have something to do with sleep paralysis or something similar? does anyone know something about vivid dreams cause physical pain? Kind regards
  6. Some of the best techniques i have found so far is (there are also some good techniques here: for personal development: fully feel the emotion with zero resistance (don't avoid pain as it could create mental illness) do the hardest emotional thing look inside your thoughts to find the root cause to check if you have gotten true growth vs fake growth be aware if anything have changed inside or check if your behavior has changed you could also test your self in situations related to what you wanted to grow and see if anything is different do things more intentional and deliberate deep relaxation relax both body and the mind in a place of isolation to relax journal(writing your thoughts processes down) write things down to really think something through find an important why if there is something you want to achieve Become aware that's there is probably no easy fix or solution to the problem you a facing using all your willpower on something emotionally difficult to overcome it(might take several times) to do something faster create a schedule and do it with zero distractions (also do one thing at a time but do it with great intensity) be 100% honest take 100% responsibility become aware thats how you do something can play an important role in getting results if there is something emotionally difficult if it's possible see if you can face it but in a smaller quantity for example if it something dealing with people instead of facing the problem with 10+ see if its possible with just one not to avoid the problem but so it might be easier to overcome it and once it get easier you could increase the quantity schedule every minut of your day for learning: Work with fixed hours for example if you chose to work for four hours only work in those hours and then relax or do what ever you want afterwards (could for example be 2 hours in the morning and two hours later in the day) deep work(focus with great intensity with zero destrations for a longer period of time) deliberate pratice(pratice at the edge of your comfortzone with feedback and with intensity) prepare for what you want to learn and find learning techniques that help to reach your learning goal for understanding a topic explain it as if you where explain to a five year old and the feynman technique retrivival pratice for better memoery and self testing Spaced repetition, ultralearning (by scott h young) when learning a language speak from day one and 100% immersion if possible alternative do digital immersion
  7. It hard to say the more you read about what other people think about passion there almost seems to come a new answer every time but i do think it's a good idea if you are interested with music that you continue to do it there have been some interesting research thats shows the better you are at something the more you should feel passionate about it (a book called so good they can't ignore you by cal newport talks about this :)) i guess that if you do it right your passion could = purpose
  8. Knight and day, westworld, back to the future, rick and morty, breaking bad, better cal saul, the strain, game of thrones, the planet of the apes triology, the book theif, attack on titans, superman vs the elite dc comics, the defenders and all the previous shows they made for the same characters in it, agent of shield tv series, the mist by stephen king(the movie not the tv series) and the dark tower by stephen king(the movie) not really sure what you mean by non toxic when it comes to entertainment but those are some pretty good tv shows/films in my opinion
  9. If you are looking for something where you can both read faster and still have full comprehension i think an alternative to speed reading might be to concentrate much more intensely without distractions but it is also much harder to do (there is a book on this called deep work by cal newport)
  10. the best thing i know that could be a solution might be to really dig deep and find the root cause of the problem and have the self disciplin to face it and also fully feel the emotion with zero resistance i think it might also help to read a book called the road less traveled by scott peck it have a lot of good infomation on how to deal with challenging things in life (for example one of the things he talks about is to accept that life is difficult) something else that could help might be to have a journal where you write the problems you are facing to get a clear idea of what the root cause is and to track your progress hope it helps good luck
  11. i am sorry if i am rude and i might be wrong but isn't this sort of working at the problem at a superficial level rather than dig deep and finding the root cause of the problem? or could you say its a way to gain the courage to work on it at a deep level?
  12. @Shakazulu I don't think time mangement is as important as having the best possible technique(planning and scheduling also helps ) i think if you have a really effective technique (and zero distractions) you should be able to do what you want to accomplish more and at higher quality in less time an example of a really good technique could for example be something called deep work if the goal is to learn something or if there is something you need to pratice it could be by using both deep work and something called deliberate pratice one of the best techniques i have found for doing personal development is fully feel the emotion with zero resistance, doing the most difficult emotional thing, and really dig deep(looking at whats going inside/behind at ones thoughts to find the root cause of the problem) (having a clear goal of what the problem is helps or at least it did from my experience ) the only downside maybe is that it can take some research to find a good technique but if it isn't related to what you are looking for maybe you could schedule every minute of your day the day before there is some people who have written about this before so you should be able to find something on google (on example is cal newport) i think it also helps to focus at one thing at a time but really focus as much as possible until it's finished and then repeat the same thing with the next thing you need to finish of course with breaks here and there if necessary (or in other words work hard play hard) kind regards
  13. @Captain Flint exactly what i am thinking?
  14. Just because he is late doesn't have to mean he is dead he is human too stuff could come up and it have happen before that the video got delayed a day if we don't hear anything at all from him after a month or so then it make sense to start worrying
  15. I think some of the things that plays key role is self discipline(not just a little but as much as you possibly can), pratice and of course remove all distractions if it something that you have to learn i highly recommend reading deep work by cal newport
  16. Maybe instead of waiting for opportunitys to come to him maybe he would have a better chance if he created the opportunitys him self btw about being passionate the reason why I recommended the book is because most people get passion wrong and therefore doesn't feel very happy at what they do so it could be worth reading for example some people believe that you have a pre existing passion and you just should go out and do that then you will feel happy but it turns out the research according to the book shows that this isn't the best way to feel passionate about what you do one of the things the researched showed that how people ended up being passionate had a much more complicated beginning than that and it was first once they became extremely good (for example at the level of top performers in the field)that they felt passionate about what they did. Being really good wasn't the only thing that made them feel really good about what they did there where of course other things that also where important but being really good was one of the important things to feel passionate about what you did I really hope everything turns out well
  17. So your life isn't wasted and you get what you want out of it
  18. The best thing would probably be to get him professional help from someone who really know what they are doing and maybe also read self help books that might be relevant to the situation otherwise the best thing i can come up with might be to send him a link to these books so good they can't ignore you and deep work by cal newport the books explain how you can become really passionate about your career and how you can become really good at what you do i hope everything turns out well kind regards
  19. @WaterfallMachine thanks for the suggestions it looks very interesting so far the goal isn't to overthink but just for a better understanding and more clarity
  20. Hi i have been thinking about that it maybe could be a good idea to consciously sit down for a specific time (for example 20 minutes per day) and really think things through not necessarily overthinking but just for better clarity or/and understanding of something for example sometimes throughout the day something comes up for example if there was something you wasn't capable of doing and therefore might think you never might be able to do it and if you don't really think things through you might stick with the conclusion that you really can't do it for a long period of time which could maybe have some bad consequences but if you really think it through what happen it could turnout that you would find a reason that it wasn't true at all that you couldn't do it but maybe because of something else going on at the time it could really be anything that you could think through for better clarity and understanding from experience i have found that if you aren't careful a lot of thoughts through time and throughout the day could come and go without been thinking through which sometimes can give you unnecessary limits/consequences Any thoughts on this? kind regards
  21. @Gabriel Antonio isn't it because we aviod pain that causes neuroticism and will power action and effort is what you use to heal(for lack of better word) it? I rember in a video called how to deal with strong negative emotions leo said something similar
  22. sometimes it can be easy to aviod problems and just do them later but sometimes it can actually make things worse if you wait to long what if you instead face everything 24/7? i think it would be interesting to know if leo have some information on facing everything 24/7 kind regards
  24. I think a video on how to make true improvement in personal development would be cool but also because it could give a more clear idea of how you should improve if you want to make true progress for example if you are an neurotic person an not aware of it an begin to start making improvement from there could your improvements just be adding an extra layer on your problems or not truly fix the real cause of the problem? And so the time you spend trying to fix your problems doesn't really give you any benefits and are most likely wasted. I know leo have a video called the art of solving problems permanently which is really cool but it would be awesome if he could make an other video thats maybe goes deeper in to the topic or exspand on the topic for example it looks like being radical honesty (a pretty good book) also talk a little similar about to this hope it makes sense kind regards