Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. So i just heard leo speak in his vid of how to use psychedelics for personal development explain how having a mystical experience with Jesus can feed more of your religious bullshit. This relates to one my earlier trips with weed when I got started with psychedelics. I even posted it here were I actually realized Jesus is the Highest Human manifestation of the Infinite (Perfect Infinite Love embodied in Physical Form as a human) It even made me surrender to his guidance and think of him as one of my non physical mentors. I relate to him cuz I kinda look like him and love is my main spiritual quality. How should I frame this experience? Was it all bullshit? It was so crystal clear.
  2. @Roy Its ok to smoke it regularly as a newbie. You will get tired of it later. Then just make weed tea or weed milk shakes. Moving to this next phase on weed means its maturing your consciousness and common sense.
  3. Weird to hear that weed got you that traumatized. Maybe try just a little. Can you explain what happened?
  4. Meditation gets you naturally stoned, just like weed. Ofc, this varies. Not everytime I smoke weed I get meditative. Sometimes I get crazy, sometimes I even access other dimensions, hyper Imagination, etc. Paranoia on weed means you got lot of healing to do. Weed showed me too with panic attacks. It also means, you should be careful on trying harder psychedelics and in High doses before you do more healing. Thank the weed for showing you the paranoia and not lsd, mushroom or dmt. It can get you worse traumatized.
  5. Right now im trying to explore my ego with psychedelics. I want to absolutely know my authentic self, make it less dense and also awaken my sensuality. Leo mentioned he will release a course on psychedelics, but mean while, for advanced psychonauts here, what are some stuff you can do and explore while tripping? How do you make your sensuality stay awaken? Im using mushrooms lately.
  6. @Chives99 Thats nice and sweet. Yet, you lack the reality of the experience im telling. After they try to manipulate the shit out of you and suck you dry, without caring on destroying your life, lets see if your perspective stays the same. You have not experienced female nature at its lowest instinct peak. They have deep trust issues and wont even care if you try to help them. They are extremely locked in their survival paradigm. I suggest you aim for higher women. I only dated a few of these for the sake of experience and growth.
  7. @Chives99 You obviously lack experience in Dealing with low consciousness/quality mindset uneducated third World country women who only know about survival. You can be a brad pitt, and this women will treat you like shit even if you are a 10, just because they dont know other wise. In fact, they may even envy or hate you even if they are attracted to you.
  8. Thats why I almost went insane when I realized Infinity. But my question is, how can one get used to live in such state? I can barely walk in a state of infinite love, not to mention I cant stop crying. Imagine trying to live like this, lol.
  9. Yes. But be careful with psychedelics. One wrong mistake in your psyche and you can go nuts. It almost happened to me. Im not talking about high dose or something. If you use them long enough, you dont know what might be happening under your awareness. And if you go under a process of de realization unwillingly as it almost happened to me, good luck. Better try microdosing so you dont start to mistake reality with your Imagination in your actual world context. Yes everything is imaginary, bla bla. Thats truth. But if you want to be here and fine, better play it safer.
  10. @patricknotstar Yes. I have a friend who lives trapped in this dimension. He says not to be afraid of the dark. Cant even begin to stomach the Lessons from this dimension. I almost dissolved once into nothingness and my ego instantly new what to do lol.
  11. Just randomly looked at the time and its 333 am. Angels answering. My ego wants to shit itself.
  12. Im going through this inner dilemma. Its like living two worlds at the same time. (Heaven and Hell) Choosing to remember love over fear right now at this "moment" on the planet densities, means salvation? I want to wake up in love but im scared af at the same time lol. It means destroying my whole reality for divine truth. Any one else in 5D? Is it a reality beyond physical? I experience love awakening when I wake up from sleep in the morning and it felt too good to be true, yet at the same time I was still in the physical illusion. Then came back (meaning I have not fully decided to dissolve in love) cuz I had no idea what to do here or how to function lol. Full surrender? After watching so much of Leo precautions, my psyche is even cautious of waking up in 5D randomly. It has already happened 2 times. How do I know? I cant believe I really started to glow a light aura around me and feel a bliss/love/light metaphysical body. Any guidance would be appreciated. I dont know much about dimensions. Any idea as to how many dimensions can one be in simultanously? Infinite? Its too good to be true xD.
  13. People here play too much
  14. For the first time I had a dream so Real and conscious that I could not even imagine it was a dream. It was difficult waking up and grounding up again. When we dream are we actually waking up in another "place" relative to were our previous body was?
  15. A video from Leo to his blog, giving some tips on how to mastutbate properly. What are the techniques and things Leo would use, as a recommendation to "having sex with yourself in the best way". Auto Erotic Session. Trust me, you can mastutbate so good you literally feel like you fucked with your hand. And feel really satisfied.
  16. Peole calling him psychopath are simply projecting their ignorance and shadow. Not to say his perfect. This man is a stealth leader mystical genius with a very high development of understanding and capability. Almost only those capable of seeing this leadership from his following in him will awaken or enter new earth. How do I know? Enter akash
  17. @OBEler No, but to be watchful of him as a possiblity of what you can be/become. Just like sadhguru's display of excellence. I simply had the insight and wanted to clear the doubt to those mad at him. The dude is a psychic jedi. Learn to play like him. Dont be spiritually numb or castrated. Use your possibilities
  18. @Nilsi Too much power, intelligence and psychic development can totally seem psycho for the ordinary eye. He has almost perfect manipulation skills, but its not coming from a bad place intention. Its for good, and its tricky to explain it cuz words and double edge effects mix. Thats why It has to be seen to be understood.
  19. @Nilsi Too much power, intelligence and psychic development can totally seem psycho for the ordinary eye. He has almost perfect manipulation skills, but its not coming from a bad place intention. Its for good, and its tricky to explain it cuz words and double edge effects mix. Thats why It has to be seen to be understood.
  20. @Batman I need to get to it more. It was a deep experience. When I woke up, this felt dream like, not the other way around.
  21. I still enjoy and sometimes look for sex. But, Its like everytime I get it I see how futile it is. Yeah, it helps to release some karma but bleh. Its more mind games than anything. The mind always saying, oh yes this chick, she will give you the best experience. Overall, people have given sex too much importance lately with social media. Its has become a hype. Something that has always been natural and common, nothing to go fanatical about even its a great pleasure experience. Im starting to enjoy more the mental and emotional connection than sex itself, lol. At this point, sex is feeling like an illusion. Like believing the hype of buying the newest trend to keep up. Does this indicate im already trascending sex itself and should focus more on spirituality or simply have casual sex with meaningful people without giving it up completely? P.S: dont know in which section this thread suits best.
  22. @Snader Give an example from your experience. I still have sex drive, Its just that I enjoy talking, connection, having fun and/or feeling love with girls than just sex. Sex is just like the cherry cake for me. Its good for a while, but it does not satisfy my as to what I mentioned above. For example, yesterday I fckd a girl whom I really vibe and like. I did enjoy having sex with her. But i what mean is that I like even more is the connection, emotion, fun and mindstuff. Or just kissing and doing foreplay. Im not fanatical about sex and I believe that has to do because im extremely intellectual stimulated (reading and thinking gives me pleasure and fullfilment) and naturally spiritually oriented.