Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. Ive been using weed and discovered that my true relative authentic self personality is completely different even opposite as of who I am/appear right now in my normal conditioned persona. Everytime I get high I can see these faces over and over that Ive never seen before. I thought I was imagining/seeing wrong, but it was my ego from blocking me seeing this. Which surprises me how much low frequency beliefs/concepts from society can transform you into something else. Feels like its another person living inside of me. Im still processing how to accept the other face is the real me. The more real the face, the more lucid/expanded your experience? Your true face is experienced as beautiful as in contrast to your false face which is ugly? For this, the correct way to live/be is to be in a constant letting go, never grasping on to objects or still sometimes you can/should? Which is better? So they have it in reverse. When they say that when drugged you transform yourself into another person is bad, no. That person you transform into is the real you/aligned!
  2. This week has been paranormal for me. The other day still has me curious. It was around 12 at night and as I was about to prepare my self to sleep, then I hear 2 knocks on my bedroom door. Every body was sleeping long by that time. I did not open the door just in case. Yesterday too, as I was in my grandmother's kitchen were she was doing dinner. The glass were the food was placed in the oven, broke by itself in front of us. And the other day as I was trying to make my self sleep, I felt energy raining over me. Also, like someone was pulling out negative beliefs from my psyche. Can someone explain the meaning of these events?
  3. @Tyler Robinson You cant control the other person's feelings. Its the ego who gets attached after investing its emotions for a couple of days, but they will pass quick. Either de-escalate to freeze his emotions or just ghost completely so his ego cant even react fully as it will lack evidence of why you dissapeared. Block and eliminate from all medias. Do you know what are your kind of guys?
  4. @Tyler Robinson Its on the way you do it. If you do it fair and nice theres no problem because you dont owe anything. They have to see this clearly. Try slowly descalating by less presence and then kindly answering their last text, plus telling them you prefer someone more of your kind. I thought texting and dating different girls at the same time was hard only for men. Dating in general, specially these days with the mindsets and how social media has changed the game, sucks. I remember my self burning out of dating. You can get badly traumatized in dating too. How can you deal with texting so much new people at the same time? After that burnout I decided I will date when I simply see someone that captivates me. The rest is mostly a waste of time until it tells you its a waste of time and finally stops being a waste of time.
  5. @Leo Gura @Hojo Please explain this further. Can you share your experience with this? What do you mean you cant get out of it even after death of the body? Dude. The outside world is a mess and now I discover more stuff about Truth and the inner world that just makes it more stressful than it had to be.
  6. @Leo Gura But arent all these spiritual masters, sadhguru, ralston, tolle already in that same space of so called insanity?
  7. @Yarco They were 2 clear knocks. Yes, there has been lot going on in my life lately. To be clear, always. My life has been like a race. But, im confused in trying to know if its positive or negative. Since I also got healing in the past from another possible entity and im always seeing 33 everywhere. Maybe there are 2, a positive and a negative one. If negative, I suspect this one as a spell or maybe a demon that is attracted to me. Or if positive, is warning me. I also believe with the same degree as if it were negative one, that it just wanna warn me against something. Maybe someone or maybe even alot of things. If its positive, cant it find any other way of telling me the message? So yeah, I dont really fear it, like i accept the fact that he is real but Meh I cant even see you, why would I bother trying to figure you out when I have so much crap to deal with already lol. I will just forget and go to sleep. But still, its important to be aware of. Spirits have been visiting me for a while, its just now that they started to make themselves more obvious in my presence by sounds. I met Jesus in a weed trip lol, he is my non physical mentor. I got a priest just in case too. Men I swear I dont really know what was I thinking when I decided to incarnate back here, probably got tricked. So much negativity, now even negative spirits hating on me lmao. Some questions, Do you know if psychedelics can attract negative entities? Can you have sex with spiritual entities? Spirits, demons, gods, aliens in dreams, astral beings? What is that attract spirits to certain people? Negative ones specially. Aside from they seeing you in the spiritual path meditating. The spiritual cops.
  8. Yesterday, as I was in the kitchen, home alone, I heard 2 knocks again on the door next to were I was. This is the sign that calls my attention the most and its kinda getting spooky. I would appreaciate if anyone has idea what the heck the Spirit wants, to chat, have fun (bored), warn me, tell me something special or just annoy (maybe witchcraft spell by somebody?). Let me know what should I do with it. Try to contact it or get it out? (assuming its negative).
  9. What is trust? How to trust yourself, how to trust life. The mechanics of trust. And ofcourse, how to trust others and know when someone is trustworthy.
  10. @StarStruck Agree with the fact that spirituality can do more harm than good if not educated and prepared. I would say being consciously selfish is the way to go. Orange-Green. After you get your shit together, you can decide if you want to go that deep. Focused, with mild spirituality/psychedelics. Its a good balance since if you dont remember the truth from time to time, you will get lost in negative selfishness.
  11. The only way to deal with this fear is to get in a state of courage. Just think of all the anger you have because of your limitations based on fear and the things you want, who you could really be if it wasnt because of fear. Ofcourse, be conscious and rational, but literally get in a bravery state. Osho's book on courage helps me get in this state, plus deep contemplation of my highest potential. By this I dont mean getting into a high dose, just dealing with the fear at the dose you feel you can handle.
  12. @sleep Silence the mind and take the lsd. Thats all. Try it just waking up, in that hypnotic groggy state too. Techno music helps me because it takes me to a completely different frame of mind. It opens my mind while dancing to it, I move all of my energies. Thats a sure samadhi. But do it in nature as someone said here. That way you can forget all ego matrix. https://open.spotify.com/track/7hBRrsmphT58jpanwQx9Ph?si=VSihb8ewRQCoTGZCGLanrw&utm_source=copy-link
  13. @spiritual memes They only felt like you were going to manifest them because in order to Detach from those fears, you have to go through them and experience them fully in order for their illusory reality to dissolve. In my case, I did not dissolve my deepest fears, not because I fear them, but because that would entail a dissolution identity process im not willing to manage right now in my life. Our deepest fears are mostly irrational. My answer in this thread might help you go through any challenges.
  14. Min 6:00 I went through something similar, meaning spiritual madness after I opened my third eye and crown chakra accidentally. I needed to close it vastly again because I would go crazy without proper preparation. Effects lasted 3 weeks. I would recommend you based on what helped me. First thing is to stop all spiritual practices. Dont read any shit until you get grounded again. Dont come to the forum much either. Dont contemplate. And dont stress much reading about Kundalini problems. Eat at least 3 times a day. Get lazy and junky. I would recommend KFC with coca cola. You need to feel as physical as possible. Distract yourself as much as possible with TV and series. Try to be surrounded by people as much as you can too. If you are having trouble sleeping, ask someone in your house to sleep with you and buy some melatonin to lower the higher frequencies. And keep a lamp on so you dont go tripping while dreaming. Also, some light walking can help. If possible try if worrying a lil bit about chores and stuff you need to do works, since this will lower your frequency. Basically, you need a little negativity. Anger could help if you know how to manage it properly. Go to the therapist as I did. Never get into hard core spirituality without having a therapist open to spirituality and a guru, at least online. If you need rest and cant work properly, tell your psyquiatrist to make you a stress license so you can rest properly. Also, maybe reiki could help, not sure. Lastly, pray to Jesus, Hanuman and Angels for divine protection, guidance and healing. You have to sincerely do this in recognition of their higher power for it to work, which is what mostly helped me. If you know of people who are hardcore believers, ask them to have you in their prayers for healing aswell. Best of wishes.
  15. Its hella fun. Yet be careful with people (friends) tricking you and playing mind games. I prefer solo. Only do weed with friends.
  16. Yes. I experienced the same thing a month ago by accidentally opening the third eye and crown chakra. Its called spiritual madness. What do you mean when letting go of your fears will make them manifest?
  17. @Razard86 I struggle with this shit. How do you create a shield armor against people's energy crap? Im ultra hypersensitive and my kundalini is not even active. Which is why Im extremely picky with people. I cant move forward in spirituality without this. Its too stressful to live like this.
  18. Be a slut. But keep it private. Be modest and elegant. Balance it out. By being a slut I dont necesarily mean go sleep with everyone. If you want to do that, perfect. But you will realize its risky and a waste of time. What I mean is, be a total slut with specific people in private. And by all means, open up your sexuality and be a total slut to yourself. Carry your sexuality like an aura open to everyone's perception, but nothing more. Wish I could describe this in words. Psychedelics can show you what I mean. Objectively speaking, slut shaming is projection. Deep down everyone wants to be somewhat slutty.
  19. @Tyler Robinson You are confusing its presence with "corrupt egos in High social power". Money is just a tool. The universe is abundantly powerful. Is it evil for that? No, Its infinite love.
  20. I prefer using the eyes. You can hypnotize people if you know how to use them right. You can see any lie just by eye contact. Easier, faster and subtler.
  21. @Tyler Robinson Actually, the lack of it is the root of all Evil.
  22. @Tyler Robinson Good money culture which also equals good enviorment. Basically being surrounded and programmed since childhood about the goods of material riches and success. They dont have to deal with bullshit limiting beliefs of scarcity nor envy since they all think abundantly since kids. Add to this their privileged belief of thinking they are the chosen ones from God. They have a high self esteem for success.
  23. Incarnating on earth
  24. @Tahuti It depends on what type of intelligence one is referring to. Nootropics might give you more concrete mental intelligence. Kundalini awakening, which is a completely different type of awakening, will increase your spiritual and Psychic intelligence.