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  1. Holy s***. Pick up is so tough
    Holy s***. Pick up is so tough
    I just have to say, those of you who have done pick up more than just " a few times" I have all of my respect and awe for you.
    I just started doing pick up last week finally (did 4 so far) and OMG this stuff is cool but also terryfing.
    Before doing this 4 approaches, I spent like the previous whole month just "going for it" taking a walk in crowded places with the intention of picking up and then ALWAYS GO BACK HOME with an excuse. Also my mind would make an excuse to "why I am here and I am not approaching" LOL
    This went on for more than a month!
    Then last week I finally bite the bullet, and just when I thought I was having momentum and I wanted to do it again today because I saw a beautiful girl, my mind fucking said something and I actually didn't approach.
    This pick up stuff is not difficult because of girls, seduction, or socializing, actually it has surprised me how is *relatively easy (I did a few more pick up years ago but quit because I found a girl) it's because your mind is a beast. Actually the only way to pick up it seems to just walk your body towards the girl not listening to the mind at all even if it's telling you 100signs in form of subtle racing thoughts and emotions who only say "don't fucking do it, dude".
    This is no different than strong determination sitting Lmao. It's a battle against your mind. Any other tricks to "force yourself" to approach ? Like maybe breathing techniques or something like that to do exactly in the moment you feel that fear in the body but you know you shouldn't listen to that fear?

  2. Am I meditating correctly?
    Am I meditating correctly?
    I've had a meditation practice for about six months. In which time I've moved up from 10 minutes to 40 minutes everyday with maybe a five to 10% failure rate as in I miss days.
    I tried meditation for a short time before this relatively solid practice block. I noticed most of the thoughts that pop up now are administrative just like when I started months ago...
    Are you doing it right? You're not doing it right. It's supposed to be like this. All these thoughts are flying past and you are observing past thoughts instead of current thoughts. Now, you're not even observing , you're trying to stop thoughts completely.
    It gets to the point where I feel like my entire meditation session is just me trying to meditate. Is full of course correcting and oh you forgot about this because it's supposed to feel like that I think and on and on. Even when I try the do nothing method, I keep asking myself hey, am I doing this right? Am I doing nothing correctly LOL. How do I know if I'm doing it right? How is it any different from any other time I let my mind run free?
    So, my question is is all of this supposed to happen or am I bringing my own neuroses into the process?

  3. kriya yoga - where to start?
    kriya yoga - where to start?
    The logical place to start the Kriya path is taking the SRF Lessons. I'm not initiated into SRF, but I've still taken the lessons, and always recommend people start there, even if they do not stick with SRF specifically. The preliminary techniques like Hong Sau and AUM are as good of a place to start as any. There's also a plethora of wonderful info into the metaphysical aspects of both Kriya specifically and Yoga in general to a depth that I have not seen publicly available anywhere else here in the West.
    This video here on HRV breathing is another great place to start. Learning how to breath properly is the most important thing in Kriya. It is the breathing itself that leads you deep into a state of Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses, or the no body state). This breathing style is the foundation that first Kriya is built upon. If you can follow this technique and get good at getting into deep Pratyahara consistently, then it will make learning first Kriya super easy. Most beginners mistakes are in not breathing properly. HTH: 

  4. datjng
    Spending $3000 on a Pick-Up Boot Camp - Good Idea?
    Check out this guy called Mike Mehlman, he’s a hardcore day gamer. He’s virtually unknown but basically the best resource I have ever comes across. He preaches 100% “deregulation” of your behaviour and his core philosophy is that rejections are what improve confidence. 
    Given he’s pretty unknown he’s quite easy to contact/skype

  5. med
    i feel like im doing meditation wrong
    10 mins is short even for beginners. Read The Mind Illuminated for a more detailed and structured practice method. Also consider not being in postures that facilitate anxiety and discomfort so much (like 90 degrees upright full lotus etc.)

  6. Yet another newbie question - "social proof"
    Yet another newbie question - "social proof"
    They don't care how much sex you have, nor will they ever know.
    But what they do care about is that you have some value as a man. To a woman, value in a man is his survival value to her. A valuable man usually acts confident, witty, easy-going, leader in his pack of friends, outgoing, charismatic, takes initiative, knows what he wants, passionate about his life, has a clear sense of direction in life, has a decent job, a results-maker, the boss, etc. The girl needs to feel that YOU are the prize. If you feel that she is the prize, she's basically out of your league and she knows it and so she won't get attracted to you.
    Guys who are surrounded by lots of friends, who are the hub of their social network, have high value to a girl. She will find such a guy much more attractive than a loner because girls are social creatures and love to leech off social networks. That's a big part of their survival strategy.
    To get the hottest girls you need to build a lot of social value. It's a full-time job. Having lots of friends who are girls are a great way to get girls interested in you. That's like the epitome of social proof. The more hot girls are around, the more will flock to you. Just like earning money. Winner takes all, loser ends up getting scraps.
    Being famous is the best way to have social value. Which is why rockstars, DJ's, and celebrities get laid the most. Girls love a guy who has some solid social status which everyone recognizes.
    With all that said, you don't need any social value to get a girl. It's mostly only necessary if you want to land the hottest girls, the top 5%. Ordinary girls will settle for much less. To attract an ordinary girl all you need is some confidence, humor, and decent conversation skills. All of which can be trained up.

  7. Leo, did you see this coming?
    Leo, did you see this coming?
    Not in the slightest.
    But I did have a powerful vision for my life, I was very ambitious, and I was following my heart. Which is really all that matters.
    You are young. You've got many years to put all of those things in place. Obviously don't waste time sitting around on your ass, but don't panic either.
    Right now what you're missing is hope and faith in your vision.
    Vision is useless if you don't have rock-solid faith in it. You need to train yourself to believe in it. Visualize it every day with a hopeful vibe. Do not visualize it pessimistically, negatively, full of fear. That is terrible. That is counter-productive.
    Holding a big vision is not easy. It is scary. Your mind will not believe it is possible. I used all sorts of mind programming techniques to reinforce my vision and overcome various doubts. But the most important thing is HEART! You must have HEART! That is what carries you through everything. Your life purpose must be non-negotiable. You are doing it no matter what. There should be no option for failure because you already know there is nothing else you'd rather do.
    There will hundreds of doubts in this journey. You have to really cultivate hope. Not in luck, but in your hard work. Your vision will get actualized through honest labor.
    And remember, a big vision requires lots of patience. You don't need to be Buddha by next month. Recalibrate your exceptions and split your vision up into smaller chunks, so you are not evaluating your progress based on whether you are like Ralston or Buddha. That may not happen for 40 years. And that's okay, you don't need that to enjoy your life.