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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Mezanti Just need to get from the thinking ( “knowing” and therefore forgetting) to Being (no thinking, so no “forgetting” = Knowing) No self, “no me” realization is still dual, and not Self realization. No self can be communicated to an a-priori ‘other’ by referring to all that is (neti neti), through the a priori “ I “ , referencing everything or anything, and then stating I am not that / I am not that, creating the duality of Self and not that... “no me” (all that is self too, in appearance). Still, Self, is Being, no self experience. When nonduality is a state, equated with a state through contrast with other “more normal states” the Self is what is nondual, not the expereince, nor the state, nor the perception, nor the experience of the state - the Self is all of those, because it’s none of those. So the Self is prior to the thought or perspective, even if the perspective is nonduality, hence the confusion in No self / Self. In silent samadhi, Self. The noteworthy factor is before / after the absolute madness of identity / no identity, vs no before & after, and therefore, no “states”. Or rather, just skip all that, and Be, yourself. Look at what is denied specifically when implying no self, or ask, which “part of self” am I seeing as “not self”? It’s body related: food, self reliance, addiction, abuse, neglect, intimidation, self esteem, and this is precisely why it is missed with thinking, leaving realization at the thinking level. No self is still “outward”, fragmentation, but unknown. I’d loosy say no self is maximum conceptual, but not yet actual realization. If that is word salad, good, it should be really, do this... Sit down and take deep slow breaths, let every muscle go, sink into relaxation. Hold the thought, of the closest person to you dying, today, unexpectedly. Now, In thought ask the question, “do people die”? Intensify this thought by repeating it over and over, imagine it is your reality, today, right now - and you have no choice but to accept it and deal, until you know the truth of this matter. Now, free the question, by relaxing entirely, and allow the question to float up & out through the head, let that thought go, free forever. Gone. But don’t allow awareness to go up, into the thinking. Let the question float up & out.... But send awareness down, into the body, then deeper into the inner body. Now FEEL the answer / sensation, deeply feel it. No fear, accept it deeply, directly. Take note of that sensation. Now hold the thought / question of the next person closest to you dying today, unexpectedly. Focus on the thinking / question ‘in the head’. Now let the thought / question float out through the head, - but direct awareness downward, into the body, then into the inner body. Feel the sensation fully. Now do this again with the next closest person to you. Feel the inner, inner, sensation deeply. Again, Take note of that sensation deep inside of the body. Now think about the person closest to you again, and realize they are not dying today. Intensely focus on how much love you have for them, and focus on the question “what am I”, do not go “up” from the eyes into thinking, focus on the question in thought, then release it, let that thought float up and out of the head, go “down” from the eyes, direct awareness downward, into the inner body, be attentive to the physical sensation of the BOND of love, the actuality of the inner body sensation. Now think of the next closest person to you, and think about how they are not dying today, think about how much love you have for them, and think the question “what am I”, focus intensely on that question in thought, then release that thought, allow it to float up and out, and direct awareness downward into the body, then into the inner body. Take note of that inner sensation. Recall the inner sensation of the death contemplation. See the similarity in the inner body sensation. They are THE SAME. The appearing difference, is only ‘there’, in thought, not in sensation. In the sensation there is no difference between what you are, death, and love. This is a peek into direct experience of the difference between no-self (conceptual w or w/o sensation realization), and Self / Being (no longer conceptual, only sensation/actuality - Being - without fragmentation, or unaccepted facets of self, other, and or circumstances - all Self) Thought no longer “tricks” Being, it is laughable, I hope you experience the shocking humor that arises. It is funny, how you convinced yourself of death, is it not? You never “went” anywhere, or “became” anything. You been right here the whole time. .
  2. @Emanyalpsid I already am the truth, and I appreciate the sentiment. Much love to you man. Very rare to come accross someone to have such conversation’s with. Can’t express how much I appreciate you, really, so I will just use the classic, over played, yet still enduring, emoji heart. ❤️ Lol.
  3. @Pilgrim If you are interested, & willing to take a leap of faith, consider that maybe there is no such thing as a “serious” person, just kids, older, then I think you got your answer already.
  4. @Martin123 Thanks for askin man. I’ve been outta the wounds work for a while now. I’m transitioning my life these days, and learning as I do. It’s not easy, and I like it.
  5. Excellent work right there man. Love the courage in sharing ??. What a paradox indeed.
  6. @Charlotte Sweet, good luck! All is well regardless, lot of great advice here. Like @SgtPepper said, no calling 911, the come up might be uncomfortable, but it’s completely worth it imo - and don’t take too much too soon - and above all else, trust the universe / let go - same thing.
  7. Nice! See what answers come. Write em down so you are positioned in bird’s eye view - zoomed way out - clarity. Take a look, then walk around the block and just observe nature, let the whole ‘issue’ go. Then when you get back, take a fresh look. Do this a few times maybe. Also consider contemplating, what am I in control of really, right now? There’s a trillion little processes occurring, beating my heart, breathing life into me - and I’m gonna claim like, 2 or 3 things “I’m” doing...that I’m in control of? Maybe everything really is fine, and I just got caught up thinkin, worrying. How’d that happen again? (It’s ok if the seriousness which called for the inquiry and contemplation turns to ridiculousness and laughter) Maybe this “other” 99.999999% of you, the you beating the heart, etc, is funny like this. ”Do’in the work girl”! Really awesome. ❤️
  8. “In your head” there’s potential for more confusion. On paper, things become clear, plain - easily seen and more easily understood....a means of releasing it. Seeing the steps, of how they created fear in their life, and how you did in kind, can be revealing, and releasing. Through understanding you create the fear, now, and disappears. What happened in their lives, which emotionally, was not faced, - was suppressed / avoided. And an “ I “ created in the process. What is it they would say “This happened to Me” . The chirping of birds did not happen to you. The passing of clouds did not happen to you. Oh but this.....this happened “to me”. What is their this? What is your this? And what is the difference between now without thinking about it. and now, with thinking about it. Is the identifying with that of the past, a lens of fear on the now? What keeps it in now? Also, you can baby step it with the shrooms. Take .5g. No biggie. Just a peak to get comfy. (Make tea! Don’t eat em. They’re toxic, causing a nauseous stomach, which skews thoughts and the whole experience).
  9. @Charlotte Research, write down, understand, where and when they ignored their sensations, suppressed...created the fear. And when you adopted it with regards to them. Not in the head. On the paper.
  10. Yes, totally understandable. This is all a story. Awakening came from roughly 20 years of meditation, studying self, sciences, qm’s, religions, epistemology, philosophy, then psychedelics, then “I heard of” Leo / actualized. The order you put the events is your version, your interpretation/assumption/projection. The bottom line is, only you can realize the paradigm of science and materialism, there is much more, and it will only serve you in the development of your website, and ultimately, helping others to awaken. We are together in that, no doubt❤️??. If you don’t value my opinion, stop inquiring into it. No worries here. I wish you only the best. Any direct answers in brevity... What are my “beliefs” you speak of, the ones “defended”, the “cornered” situation? What is it you think “I” am afraid / scared of? How do you see I am disconnected from reality? (Please be specific, brevity) I read your website, before the first comment. Why do you keep referring to it? Just say what you want to say. Also, what do you mean when you say “the nonduality experience is real”? And why do you keeping wanting evidence, when you are already it ?
  11. @Charlotte Your mom and your uncle. Grab a piece of paper & a pen. You are The Unraveler. Kids will be talking about your super power of un-knotting for decades to come.
  12. And what’s it feel like? Not what’s it think like. what’s it feel like? Are there ‘levels’ of real? Are there ‘levels’ of delusion? what’s the feeling tell you?
  13. “Welcome to the real world”, she said to me, condescendingly, “take a seat, take your life, plot it out in Black & white....they love to tell you, stay inside the lines - that something’s better, on the other side”. ”I just found out there’s no such thing as the real world, just a lie we got to rise above”. J Mayor
  14. Suffering is the norm, so people don’t realize the average diet, average weight, average degree of overthinking, the average stress level, average # of pills taken, the average level of fitness, the average level of dreaming - etc - etc. Suffering has so deeply become the norm. Suffering is a-maze-ing oneself. Liberating one’s self from it, is connective; amazing.
  15. @Ingit The difference is the impression the ‘perceiver’ is other than what is perceived, that you are a little thing in a great big thing, in awareness of the illusory nature of this, is realization, you are the “great big thing”, there are no little things, or things at all.
  16. @Emanyalpsid Grandiose assumptions via projection of fear. Completely backwards, and self sustaining of falsity. None of what you said is true, you just think it is so from lack of direct experience in the very matters you speak of. You’re at the right place, why dismiss it? Look into yourself. You will be glad you did. Read through your post, and separate between what came from thinking & beliefs; accusations, assumptions, & projections...and what you know from direct experience. This is a very eye opening and difficult thing to do, it’s the begining of liberation. Who cares about “breaking your statement to not write again”, or what anybody thinks about you, or science, or dogmas, etc. Find the truth, about you.
  17. @kev014 Awesome. It’s a facinating balance, the dream is. Real enough to be convincing, exciting, adventurous & not so real we overthink, missing the liberation and love. Sounds like it’s not lost on you. ??❤️
  18. @cetus56 nice! Never heard that one. How but this nugget of lyrical wisdom via J Mayor...always gets me in the feels... “Why is it not the time? What is there more to learn? I shed this skin I been trippin in, And I never quite returned.”