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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. To change the way you’re thinking & thus feeling, is to change your vibration, and thus, what you’re attracting. Same old story rings of same old vibration, thus same old attracted if you will. New story, new vibration, new attracted. What’s desired is already attracted. The difference is in receiving it, which is understanding emotion / receiving the guidance. This is not continuing to believe how you feel & what is experienced, is because of ‘how I am’, or because of someone else.
  2. The question is how can I not know, and the answer is daily meditation & cessation. Truth is self-evident, the veil is believing thoughts.
  3. @Inliytened1 The enlightened one actually turns out not to be a belief. Can’t be thunk.
  4. Solipsism is a belief, the activity of thought. Rather than project the discord, let the discordant belief go and feel the alignment in doing so. If reality is a dream, so are definitions. Openmindedly consider you are asleep and have no contact with a world.
  5. Life on earth is a belief. Difference is a belief. Dream up is a belief. God is a belief. Believer is also a belief, and that there are beliefs is a belief. Cessation is of thought, and thus beliefs, and as the Buddha said, is the end of suffering. No one can take care not to believe what appears to be said here.
  6. @softlyblossoming It’s just a guy talking about animals.
  7. @Leilani I hear that. I have 3. (Imo) When & if any discordant thoughts about solipsism come to mind, I’d swiftly let em go and feel the real which you mentioned. If someone would have told you about that love, that unconditional bond, before having a kid, at your end it also would have just been thoughts / beliefs, and not the real thing so to speak. (Imo) Self-realization is similar to ‘whole heart in a way I haven’t experienced before’, and is infinite & unconditional, and is you… and also is very similar in that thoughts about it aren’t it. Imagine telling someone without kids what that bond is like and expecting them to ‘get it’ from you ‘teaching it to them’. You’d probably agree it’s more like, you won’t know unless you have kids. Thoughts about that bond are just thoughts. When we let discordant thoughts go to feel better, we don’t actually lose anything at all. We just, feel better.
  8. Do ya love em just sorta, kinda, meh-ishly?
  9. @PepperBlossoms What’s meant by Pandora’s box?
  10. @Federico del pueblo Might be good, never know. Probably tastes like chicken.
  11. @softlyblossoming The tiger isn’t experiencing monkey mind. Realistically, the tiger would just cuddle up to me and we would sit peacefully in cessation. But inevitably I would eat it.
  12. @mivafofa ‘Brutal survival’ is conceptual, and is aversion. All conjecture and dogma empties in meditation. ‘Stage red shadow work’ is a misnomer.
  13. It does, but only until attention is shifted to perception & feeling. Yes. Banana is a thought. But you aren’t tasting one while reading this. Value is a tasteless belief. There is no actual experience of their thoughts. Unless of course siddhi’s are also prevalent in experience.
  14. @TheAvatarState It’s just advice bruh. ??
  15. @softlyblossoming It’s (imo) a prod to elicit an admission of inauthenticity & common fear. The tiger would just eat me, but the monkey wouldn’t. Be the tiger.
  16. @softlyblossoming More so… first thing in the morning, do something you love. Even if only 15 minutes… so to speak, ‘connect’ first. You can sit in a car, push pedals & turn the wheel, but if there’s no gas in the tank the scenery ain’t gonna change.
  17. @Federico del pueblo That’s just thoughts my man. Direct experience is king. There’s no ‘doer’, but there is thought attachment. ???
  18. The key is nipping the discord in the bud, vs spending time / attention on it, with respect to momentum. Try listening. Unreality & fake-show are conceptual projections. The laughter might be a nervous response to the discord of believing in solipsism.
  19. Not doing anything wrong at all. Depression isn’t feeling or an emotion, it’s discordant conceptualization (with momentum). That’s not to say or imply anyone’s experience isn’t valid, just that the story one repeats about oneself is just thought attachment. There is meditation for that. It works by not working or fixing anything at all. Just letting thought activity settle. No. Life is inherently the purpose, and grounding is for grounding, not ‘for it to work’, because there isn’t anything wrong with you already… just a believing of thoughts that there is. You can’t ‘source out’. Listen to source, aka emotional guidance. Care less about judgement (good & bad) and more about how you feel. Nothing’s going to come along and change everything for you. Relax & let go more. Notice when you’re focused on thoughts about yourself, and use the scale instead. Imagine the empty sky wanting to be the empty sky, and then instead allowing clouds to freely come & go. Make a dreamboard.
  20. @Everything If a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  21. There’s no actuality to ‘meta-perspective’ or ‘absolute perspective’ or ‘ego backlash’. Those are conceptualizations, or the other-than-shadow-work. That’s the same as saying ‘having a unicorn will make it nigh impossible to relate to anyone’. These are beliefs, and yes, it’s experientially isolating, and also entirely unnecessary. Discord and or conflicting unresolved thoughts are the ‘show ruiner’, but only as clouds could seem to ruin the clear sky. The key is nipping the discord in the bud, vs spending time / attention on it, with respect to momentum. Aside, I ask for advice and feedback and implement it across the board, nearly every single day. Consciously creating, it’s noticed the angels very much seemed like “people”.
  22. An oldie but a goodie… ?