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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Be empty, formless, shapeless, let life live through you, surrender your vessel to source. You find all by losing and letting go of all.
  2. 1764. The truth about human food. (Processed by Martin W., David B.) 2003. Place: Area of Brno and Žatec. ??? ????? ????? ????? ???? The major purpose of this article is to shed a little light and truth on the issue of human food being full of lies, falsities and myths. The proof of this fact is that out of total number of people of planet Earth, as low as 2% are completely healthy. However, it is up to every human and his (or her) free choice whether or not he associates himself with what is being stated here. ?? ?? ????????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? ???????????, ???? ???? ??? ????? ???????????, ?? ???’? ?????. ??? ?????????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? The main difference is ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??????, which also corresponds to the physical body. If we, for example, detach the leaf of a plant, which, apparently, is immobile (it cannot move itself by itself), we don’t kill it. This is because the ???? of that ????? ?? ????????, ????????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????????? ???? ?? ??? ????. (This can clearly be seen on a Christmas tree, for example. After the tree, or a part of the tree, was cut and brought into a warm room, its needles wouldn’t fall off at once. The spirit of that tree is still present in there. The needles begin to fall off gradually after some time. That is, the spirit begins to gradually leave the tree.) This is proved also by Kyrlian’s photographs. If we ingest the leaf, then the ???? ?? ???? ?????, ???, ?????? ??? ????, or more precisely, ??? ?????? ????, ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? - ?????????? ????? ????? to the benefit of both the plant and the human. On the other hand, when ??????? are killed, the ????? ??????????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? (they are violently cast out of their bodies), and what people consume is just a piece of dead spoiled mass. In addition, people introduce into their bodies the energies of stress and fear experienced by the animal at the time of its violent death, and so one creates and bears a bigger and bigger karmic burden, for one has grossly violated the spiritual - Cosmic laws by shortening the life of e.g. a cow, which could graze down many plants in its life and so help them promote their spiritual level. (Source: George Adamski, book “?????? ??? ??????????”, chapter “?????, ??? ????? ??????”, ??? ?????? ?????????? It is clear from the above-stated that human is a being living on plant food. But because many people do mistakenly assume that human is an omnivore by nature, an illustration pointing to the physiological differences among herbivores, omnivores and carnivores is in place here. ????????????? ?????????? ?? ?????-, ????- ??? ?????????? ❗????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ????❗ It is obvious from the above-stated table that human body ????? predispositions for meat ingestion. Food science, being under control of the negative state, argues that humans, children in particular, will miss important elements and substances needed for their health and growth. One of these arguments, for example, is proteins. ??? ???????-???? Scientists dealing with food are in the matter of human need for proteins as highly disunited and inconsistent as possible. So-called experts recommend from 30 grams a day up to 100 grams a day. But all this is just theoretical considerations, while nature provides us with a simple demonstration of need for daily proteins. Considering human lifetime, babies have the highest need for proteins. In the course of first six months of life, one doubles one’s weight, and this does not repeat any more. It is no doubt that human milk is an optimum food for infants. Human milk contains 2% of proteins. Given that these 2% of proteins are an optimum quantity for infants, then a human needs less than 2% of proteins for the rest of his/her life. No other adult mammal needs more proteins than is contained in the breast milk of their kind. Man-apes, elephants, etc., in adulthood feed exclusively on plant food (which contains 1-2% of proteins) and, nevertheless, they are healthy. Yet, humans are recommended to eat meat, which contains 20-22% of proteins. The same applies to other substances like amino acids, vitamins, iron and other elements. But none of these are lacked by the above-mentioned and other mammals. ???? Cow’s milk should not be consumed by infants at all. It was designed for baby cows, inasmuch as it contains casein protein which is quite different from globulin protein contained in human breast milk, hence it is something alien for infants. It must be freed from poisons by the immune system, which poses a significant load for infant’s defense forces. A low content of lactose in cow’s milk leads to an insufficient creation of myelin in infant’s brain cells. In comparison, baby cows’ brain grows much less than human brain. ???? ?? ? ???????? ?? ???????? Concerning the calcium in cow’s milk, its content in cow’s milk is much higher compared to human milk. Unfortunately, considerable amount of phosphates in cow’s milk (5 times higher than in human milk) as well as the alkalization of digestive organs cause that the absorption of more than two thirds of calcium is blocked. In addition, a high content of proteins in cow’s milk causes that the body excretes a lot of calcium, even more calcium than the body receives, through the urine. This is because milk proteins contain circa 3 times more amino acids with sulfur than vegetable proteins. In the case of regular consummation of milk, the high content of amino acids containing sulfur would lead to the overacidity of blood if the body were not to protect itself. The protection consists in the continual release of alkaline phosphate of calcium from the bones. The final product of this process – the calcium hydrogen phosphate – is being excreted through the urine. This is how the cow’s milk takes valuable calcium away from the bones. ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????????, that is, minimize cooking as well, for, in this process, some 70% of vitamins get lost, enzymes get destroyed, and so the overall supply of these important nutrients is reduced to a minimum. The spirit is expelled from cooked vegetables. In other words, ?????? ???? = ???? ????. ??? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????, ?.?., ??????, ??????????, ???????, ????? ?? ??? ?????, ?????? ???? ?????, ??????, ???? ??????? ????????? ??? ??? ?????. Raw food is the only ideal healing food even for serious diseases! ??? ???? ?????????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? – ????????? – ????????? ???? ?? ??? ???????, ????? ????? ??????????, ?????? ??? ??????????, ???????? ?? ???%. ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ????-???????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ??????, ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ????????? ????. ?? ?????? ?????? ????, ??? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???????? ? ???? ????????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ????????. ?? ??????, ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????????? ???? ???????; ??’? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????????? ?????????? ?? ????? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????????. ???? ???????????? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????. ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????????, ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ????????. ?? ????????, ??????? ????, ??? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??? ????????! Furthermore, the food should be eaten slowly; not hastily and in stress. One should enjoy it. One should eat adequate amount of food to fill, but not overeat, oneself. Important is the variety and diversity – many kinds of vegetable and fruit, and frequent variation of food composition. People on the spiritual path with higher vibrations are enough to have smaller portions of food and less frequently during the day. (Some have two meals a day, some one meal only; this is due to better flow of energies in one’s bodies.) Everything, however, is a personal matter of every individual. Every one determines his/her ??????? ?? ????, i.e. ?????? ????????? as well. (Processed by Martin W., David B.) 2003. Place: Area of Brno and Žatec.
  3. @Arcangelo I am simply at a state and have been for many years now where i no longer reside in a realm of beliefs. I either know or i don't. I am simply an open vessel, source speaks through me and the more relaxed i am, the clearer the message.
  4. Sadhguru is more a speaker for the general masses. Some have deeper missions than the general masses. Some of us are modern shamans to master all realms so we can guide others into the light. What he speaks is correct but at the same time does not apply for everyone. There are those who are much more enlightened than sadhguru and use psychedelics time to time to amplify and finalize their work because they work on higher/deeper cosmic/universal levels and a greater task at hand. Sadhuguru is more for society and a modern-level teacher/guide. Earthly-bound concepts. He is exactly where he is needed to be because the general masses will not understand a thing if Babaji, Lao Tzu or Rumi were in his place. They are more in-tune with heavenly/godly rather than earthly and most of the world will not grasp. Sadhguru is more of the middle way, like cannabis, a middle-way psychedelic, where higher masters are more like Mushrooms, DMT ect.. Use your imagination, its not too complicated. The general society can get completely blinded and deluded from psychedelics but not a shaman or a master. They are wise enough to use the tools to benefit all creation and because they truly know thyself, they can never lose thyself. Hope this clears things up
  5. You are not the 'me', that is ego, that is projection, temporary illusion of self. The real you is the 'I Am Presence'. That does not and cannot experience fear. That is beyond, this and that. ect.. Watch this video, this will help you rediscover your natural state, your true self.
  6. There are no shortcuts to Truth. You can be high all the time but once it wears off or a situation where you do not have supply of your tool you will have to deal with the rebound effect, so to speak. The key is to realize the lesson in-between the states, when you are high, if you observe deeply, you are generating that state naturally, the substance is simply the door-opening/wayshower(so to speak), without you, the substance does not work. This is especially more noticeable in stronger psychedelics like mushrooms, they ease things out and accelerate your consciousness temporarily buit to get to the peaceful blissed out state, you do it yourself, you are the one who walks through the door and does the work, they simply show you that there is a door you can walk through. The plant teachers are here to show us that what we experience on a substance is simply a portal to the truth within ourselves, once we get the message and learn to generate the state naturally, the substance is of no longer a need. But if you keep going back to the substance to generate the state for you after you have already received the message, it only becomes a crutch, an addiction, a loop in itself. The natural high is being on psychedelics all the time without the intensity and extreme amplification of sensory and hallucinogenic experience rather you remain in the same higher-awareness as when on the psychedelic but you are crystal clear in thought/sight. Once you get a taste of the natural high, your natural state, embodiment of the true self, substance will feel slightly false. They are great tools and reminders but cannot and will not replace the eternal natural state that is beyond all substance. This is what Mooji, Sadhguru, Osho and other modern teachers try to explain to us. The goal is to generate the sustained state naturally and stabilize awakenings thus Enlightenment. If you are still experiencing ups and downs in states of being, you are not embodied in the true enlightened self. Ultimately, you only need one ego-death experience but due to our lifestyles we tend to resist some change thus fall back into old programming. The less you resist the truth you realize on the psychedelic and integrate/live it to your fullest, the less it wears off. Resistance to the natural, true self. That's all it is but when you truly Know Thyself, how can the realization wear off? Do the work, then take psychedelic to finalize and integrate all the work you have done.
  7. There is no such thing as "seriously awoke" I have never seen one inch of seriousness in an Enlightened being
  8. Indeed it is. These things can come naturally as you reach higher states of consciousness/awareness. If you don't have the knowing/understanding of deeper universal truths, you will fail and suffer because you are trying to copy others and pretending to be spiritually high when you don't even know who and what you truly are yet. Thinking and Belief are not enough to embody a master's job. A masters job requires knowing/understanding. You must be able to 'see' and 'know' it crystal clearly for it to work, if doubts arise, you are not ready. A master does not need to second guess. He is directly in tune with universal consciousness. As for general fasting, you can last quite long without food and a week or two without water but to live this way requires a higher conscious understanding and fundamental basics of the quantum nature of creation and activation of more DNA strands. These things are usually only understood truly from intensive inner-work and cannot be grasped from external means. You will find, the higher you vibrate, the less need for physical things, food, sleep, rest or any sort of physical indulgement to energize yourself. I actually fasted last weekend on a trip in the mountains with some of the tribe. I slept 2 hours each day and had more energy than the people there who ate 2 - 3 times a day and slept 4 - 6 hours. I noticed their energy slightly plunged after they would have their meals, even though they were wholesome. The two people out of the group that kept up closer to my energy were only consuming fruits, yet still required more sleep and regeneration of energy because i was using the purer form of energy. Non-physical. This will be common knowledge in the next 25 - 100 years because this is nothing new, we are just remembering and realigning with the Golden-age(Lemuria/Atlantis) when we lived one with nature and creation. Many masters who live in solitude have lived this way for thousands of years. We don't know about them yet because we are not ready. Namaste
  9. There's a difference between those who think and those who know. If you don't know, of course you will fail. You must know you can fly to be able to. Universe has its ways.
  10. Food is our strongest physical attachment/addiction, once we master attachment to food we master everything else in physicality. Hence why it creates so much chaos and resistance when presented with truth beyond our programming. Triggers are a healthy sign. We can go a little deeper and explain how when Adam and Eve ate the Apple we disconnected from Immortality but that would cause even more trigger points You have to ask yourself, Why an Apple? In the beginning we did not eat at all, we were immortal in nature and universally more ethereal than physical, when we chose to merge more and more with physicality, we started limiting ourselves from heavenly to earthly and further away from supreme/divine consciousness which resulted in DE-activation of DNA. From 48 Strand DNA Matrix to an extremely low 2 and gradually returning to 12 as we speak. This information is available to all those who are open to source. The more dense in physical food/substance/energy-use we use and indulge in, the lower our vibration and levels of consciousness awareness, this is not philosophy this is simple physics. There's a reason why most raw foodists or people who do extended fasting's and hermits, monks, yogis who live on very little locally sourced herbs/berries/fruits are able to access and can grasp higher consciousness intelligence and live significantly longer lives compared to those who consume more dense foods and denser lifestyle choices struggle to efficiently tap into source and flow higher intelligence energies efficiently. The less you indulge in physicality, the more source energy you are embodied and are able to flow with. Its not that hard to see, the denial of truth simply blinds man. Don't eat for a month and just live on fresh, clean water and notice the drastic shift in consciousness/awareness. I'll let you explore the rest for yourself. I could leave this realm at will when i stopped consuming food and water.
  11. That i do not know Curious, Do you find great joy in Not-Knowing?
  12. I did not write this, i just copy and pasted because for the most part i understand the mechanism and laws at play when it comes to this subject. Most of this info is correct even though it is written in its own personified way, learn to see through the illusion and feel with depth of truth. It may take some time for others to catch up, its the usual case with some of the postings, nevertheless, trigger points are usually fertile seedlings. Was a fun read though Namaste
  13. Alternative medicine? You mean Original and Natural Medicine that's been curing people for thousands of years? They are the only cures. Modern Medicine is profit-based, treatments, long-term suppressant. They will never cure you, only kill you very slowly. Its pathetic its actually classed medicine. Its pure poison and unintelligent.
  14. Buddhists shave to remove all earthly attachments and physical connections and stay completely mindful on spirit. I believe at the deepest level, if you know you are god in human form, you can do absolutely anything and nothing will change your state of consciousness/awareness.
  15. Many times a doctor has said something to someone they will die this/that time and because people are programmed to take what the doctor says 100% seriously there have been many cases where people have died in the exact date/time as the doctor said. The belief is what killed them, they gave their power away and solidified the belief into a knowing thus a reality thus well welcome to the universe and the law of attraction. That is just one small example. Stop giving your power away.
  16. I feel Qi Gong and similar 'flow-like' dynamic practices, quite superior to Yoga and more stretch-based/static position practices.
  17. What has transpired here lol What a trigger point
  18. I am actually finding lately that no supplements are making me feel more sharp and pure than my natural state when i am fasting and only drinking water and consuming very light foods, fruits ect.. more so for pleasure rather than hunger. Especially when i am out in nature, i noticed substances actually make me feel less clarity, more heavy and messy vibration but when i am meditating in the forest, i am crystal clear, substances or supplements only dull my true eternal state that is perfect in itself. Mushrooms feel quite natural to me though, other things seem like a false-enlightened state. Who knows, just some observations lately.
  19. You don't need to talk, the best teachers are the quiet ones who live simply and give, love, help others living life simply one step at a time, feed the pigeons, treat and take care of all living things as they were his/her own children, just observing a being of such can give you more wisdom and truth than a guru speaking 10000 words to you. There are deeper layers of communication that occur, verbal is a very very small aspect of true communication. I remembered more from telempathically communicating with the waves, the wind, the trees, the elements in 1 hour on mushrooms than a whole year going back and forth with conscious people and listening to gurus talk. You are your greatest teacher, in the silence and stillness the highest truth resides.
  20. Isolate yourself in a dark room, disconnect all electronic devices, throw your phone away, remain in the room for as long as possible, do not eat, just have few liters of water and use the bathroom, maybe do some yoga or gi gong or whatever works for you, no music, no sounds, silence, darkness, solitude and meditation. Don't interact with anyone or anything, possible can play a musical instrument but the less you actually do and just sit there or lay there and do nothing, the fastest the ego is forced to turn inward and face the truth and eventually transcend all illusory layers like peeling an onion. This will give you the fastest results but you must not under any circumstance be tricked by the ego/mind and its urges to use or do any activity or food that interferes with the process because soon as you stimulate your nervous system in any way, your back to level 1. If you can do a week or two, you will forget about psychedelics, spirituality, ect.. Truth is all you will know and embody. Meditate until you forget this reality exists, focus and turn all energy inwards. This is the best and i believe fastest way to release DMT endogenously and reunite with the true self. If you can do it in nature in a cave, this would be optimal and more profound/effective. This is one of the most challenging things in life you can do but also most rewarding. You asked for it.
  21. If you see god in trump, you're definitely enlightened af