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Everything posted by pluto

  1. When it comes to what it "feels" like. You could watch all the videos in the universe and it still wouldn't help you. What you may "see" on the other hand can be replicated via the current technology we have to some degree but still lacks significant depth. Why don't you stop with the playing around and go for it and see for yourself? The more you try to learn everything about it before you try the harder the slap in the face your ego will get when it does embark on a journey. The best experiences people have had on psychedelics is when they know close to nothing about it and are in a peaceful atmosphere. My friend did this with DMT watching every single video he can find which only create false thought loops into his mind and he had one of the most challenging trips because of the clash between what he thought was true to what actually was. He did eventually come through but he said it was extremely challenging and terrifying because he's mind was way too busy and he was instructed by whatever higher beings he came into contact with to stop with all the videos and technology and spend time in meditation or nature where the mind and body settles down and becomes calm and eventually still. He was also told to clean his body by fasting and detoxing and stop with all the junk food which was further stimulating the mind of false thoughts. Then come back for the most purifying and life changing experience.
  2. Ego self-defence mechanisms. That's the parasites talking. Do a fast, purify the body, starve the ego.
  3. I have yet to experience this phenomenon Although sometimes when words are useless i use telepathy or the silent treatment
  4. I am not giving you the answer because you are pretending to be stupid and not know it
  5. Indeed. In higher dimensional frequencies we communicate via energy, geometry, patterns, fractals ect.. Light emits vibration in which creates sound, creates geometry, creates matter ect... The key is to tune in and yes silence, inner-stillness is key to higher awareness. I get more knowledge from a pattern like below than i do from reading 100 books. This is why i post these every now and then, most people may not be able to read it but their higher mind/self can and will and that sinks into the subconscious and eventually you are seeded with truth which will eventually sprout leading to realization of true self. Namaste <3
  6. Yes you can, if you are aware enough to notice it, you have already passed level 1 You are already growing past it by becoming aware of it Most people are not even aware of it so they are stuck in an endless loop of suffering, you now have option to end suffering or reduce it significantly. Hope this helps
  7. @flume That's great love, you do what works for you. All i was saying was allow yourself to be more biodiverse in your life and you don't have to consume soy everyday, you can switch it up and mix things around and or take days off/breaks every now and then, its good for your body and immune system. Also if you are consuming soy daily make sure to get adequate iodine to compensate soy's potential effects. This is why Japanese, Korean always eat seaweeds, kelp, sushi, Algae and or other sea vegetables often with Soy because these are very nutrient rich and contain high amounts of Iodine, more so than regular foods and also tend to be bio-enhancers and bio-stimulants which go hand in hand in excess soy intake. Hope this helps
  8. Realization of your eternal nature is always available to you, but most of the time, you are not willing to let go completely on all levels. It all comes down to how much resistance you are creating to your natural state.
  9. Its nature, the eternal can only be known, and never be told. In the end, silence is the only pure language of god. and in the silence there is stillness and in the stillness there is eternal bliss.
  10. Memory relies on vibrational frequency. When you have awakenings or enlightenment experiences your frequency is shifted several times higher (for most people) and you cannot remember something you are not the vibration match with. Until you raise your own vibe closer to that frequency, you will never be able to remember or notice because its vibrating too fast for you to catch, so unless you speed up, you won't notice or have the awareness of your eternal nature. After these experiences, it all comes down to how well you integrate what has transpired and surrender to the blooming process with minimal resistance to the natural state, the true self. Namaste <3
  11. By deciding to, with every layer of your being, the more you immerse yourself and completely surrender to truth, the more apparent the truth becomes. Absolute trust is needed for total annihilation of the false self, are you ready to forget your identity? You are your own limitation, at the end of the day.
  12. I Love You, Absolutely, Eternally <3 I am so proud of you all. Just because
  13. @DrewNows Of course, think of it as nourishment Embrace its beauty, its perfection and see the reflection <3
  14. Thank you for sharing <3 Light is most noticeable in the Darkness.
  15. Kindness is one of the natural expressions of spirit. So in a sense, kindness is spirituality put into practice <3
  16. Look outside the window, immerse yourself in the diversity of nature, don't judge, label or categorize what you see, just look, just be present within the moment and eventually you may notice something Mindfulness is very powerful when done right.
  17. I honor the place in you in which the entire universe resides. I honor the love, light, beauty and wisdom within you as it is also within me. In this prayer we are united as one, we are the same, we are One. Namaste <3 You have My Unconditional Love! ? ❤️
  18. Find what you are most passionate about and lifts your spirit, brings love, joy and happiness when you partake in that activity. Pursue that. Creation sorts out the rest, its that simple. By following your truest/highest calling you are simply being yourself, your true nature thus you are creating minimal resistance within existence thus everything naturally flows in accomplishment. You don't have to complicate it further. Trust and follow your heart!
  19. You know what they say... The Mirror, Will Never Smile First