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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. By our own house artist a.k.a. @abrakamowse Love your Leo comic!
  2. @jes Raw nuts - walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, brazil nuts Raw seeds - pumpkin, sunflower Raw fruit/ berries - apple, pear, grapefruit, plum, peach, mango, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, banana (put berries and cut-up fruit in container) Raw veggies - celery, carrot, baby spinach, avocado Sometimes I'd make my own trail mix with different nuts, raisins, dry cranberries, coconut shaves, dry fruit pieces, etc. Also, bake kale chips, they're yummy too c(:
  3. @ProblemSolving Eckhart Tolle answers your question, "Don't expect consciousness where there is unconsciousness". Very insightful.
  4. @carlo The right decisions are often the most difficult ones, because as you grow and build yourself up (self-actualize), you have to gradually peel off the old conditioning/ programming (by family, society, school, friends, media etc) and become the authentic self aligned with your values. You'll be in touch with reality, neuroses diminishes, less and less dependent on the opinions of others, won't need external validation, your life flows from the core of your Being, you lose fear of death, you become untouchable. The reality is that you're already perfect and whole as it is. The conditioned mind may tell you otherwise, but as you start to practice meditation, mindfulness and your awareness expands, you'll get more in tune with yours true self and the world around you. The girl you'll be drawn to, will be someone who will share your values and enhance your life , not take away from it. How about making your picture your screen avatar? Be proud of who you are. Hugs
  5. Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 per cent Of everything you think, And of everything you do, Is for yourself -- And there isn't one. -Wei Wu Wei
  6. @Heart of Space Can men be monogamous? Steve Santagati says 'yes' and 'no'
  7. @abrakamowse Adding to the list: Lisa Cairns: Tony Parsons:
  8. @Ajax Sorry to hear about your Dad. He is eternally self-realized and at peace now.
  9. I periodically rewatch this piece to remind myself not to get frustrated with people around me. The funny thing is that family is the people who get to me most, my mom especially who still tries to parent and compete with me. So I have to keep things in perspective in order to maintain relationship with her. Like Ram Dass said, If you want to see how enlightened you are, go spend a week with your family. 2-3 days at a time usually works for me
  10. There is no devil. Leo has a good video explaining how religions originated and what the words they use ('devil', 'sin', 'god', 'afterlife', etc) really mean. And it's not what people conventionally think:
  11. @Susa Fat cells store toxins, so until you do a whole body detox and flush all those toxins out of your body, you'll keep gaining weight even after the lipo. Our body is a holistic organism, the only food our body recognizes as beneficial and nourishing is the clean wholesome food from the earth. That means no processed, canned, refined, or altered in any way food. Also, interval exercise routines burn the most calories in short periods of time. Dry saunas will sweat you buckets flushing toxic overload out. And of course, at least half of your weight in ounces of clean alkaline water each day. Do all these and won't need a laser, or even a doctor to fix your weight problem. Quick fixes never work long term.
  12. @Susa,-says-clinical-negligence-specialist/
  13. @jes Tolle once said not to expect consciousness where there is unconsciousness. Here's his teaching on Dealing With Unconscious People, very insightful:
  14. @dboyle Get a stable girlfriend who is a virgin herself, so you guys can explore sex together. If she's a kind, mature person, she won't judge.
  15. @dboyle You want to share this gift with someone you love and who loves you. Escort girls would only love your money.
  16. @carlo You are not ugly, you are perfect just the way you are. By whose standards are you judging yourself as such? Labeling and judging are all 'monkey mind' games. No truth in that at all. You are a kind individual who is being pushed around and taken advantage of. You deserve someone who will value and appreciate you and who wants to keep your intimate connection sacred. You're still young, take the time to grow, strengthen, and build yourself up first and then you'll be able to attract same kind of girl. Why settle?
  17. @abrakamowse That's awesome you guys! How often do you go to Zendo, every week?
  18. That's true. I watch and sometimes re-watch Leo's Sunday videos and others' material, so my son sees me do that and also indirectly picks up information from just being around. He also observes how I'm changing as a person and a parent due to self-actualization. There is mutual respect and trust, and no reasons to rebel. Children learn what they live.
  19. @Mal I don't use any conventional facials at all, they're filled with all sorts of chemicals. I do sauna at my gym 2ce a week (opens up pores and pulls toxins out), and then follow up with argan oil as moisturizer. Sometimes I'd do clay, but not too often. Also, 15 mins a day facial exercises/ toning up facial muscles, and never have to worry about wrinkles or sag. Plus of course, healthy diet, plenty of fluids, exercise, anti-stress, and sleep. That's my whole beauty routine, least expensive and most effective.
  20. @Key Elements I purchased Leo's course and my son (17) and I watch it twice a week one video at a time. He understands that those certain words Leo uses with the purpose of emphasis and to keep a listener's attention. The Course is highly motivational and packed with great practical material. Blake figured out what his career will be less than a quarter into the Course. It's in-depth kind of learning, golden nuggets in each and every video.
  21. I don't make it too strong - juice from half lemon to a glass of water. It's great for balancing body PH too.
  22. @Mal I use bentonite clay for my home facials, but never actually ate it before. Will have to try it now, thanks for the tip.
  23. I use alkaline ionized water. Its 6-side molecule makes it more absorbable and it's cleaner than other sources. I also add a bit of apple cider vinegar (2 tablesp of ACV to 56 oz of water) and sip through the day. ACV adds minerals and vitamins that plain water lacks.